Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Facegen export requires CK no way around that, but only export it for the npc's you're having proiblems with (use CK Fixes) and if you have any sense you'll put them in matching BSA's as their loading/override will be automatic and avoid loose facegen files like the plague because they always override regardless. I have selected the NPC in the Creation Kit and pressed Ctrl+F4 to generate her facegen data. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. !These two mods are a fix for the Mannimarco black face bug that can happen in VR, or in general!! So then, patch making time. Edited by Belegost, 13 November 2020 - 11:24 am. I can think of 2 way to solve this, first is I keep the FaceGen files of the ladies and delete the ones of the men. Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders. These "missing facegen data" issues are rather rare and very special cases. - The new CK auto-saves facegeom data in a folder named after your plugin when you save the plugin. Put the one you want to win the conflict last. I ended up having to revert to release version and opt out of beta patches, in order to be able to use CK again. Any ideas why? There's still one thing you could check: Get Nifskope (if you haven't already) and open the head mesh with it. Other than that we can only hope that someone more expreienced than me has a clue. I have selected the NPC in the Creation Kit and pressed Ctrl+F4 to generate her facegen data. Unfortunately, it's not a case of multiple mods modifying a single npc. Not Required. Sometimes you can open the plugin in CK, and select them Press Ctrl+F4 for generating Facegen data to fix them. A couple of other handy tricks: If you see the NPC in the game and they've got the dreaded "dark face bug" (or you just want info on them) hit the ~ key to bring up the console, then click on the NPC. It will only help if a mod is missing facegen data (or if the facegen data isn't where the game expects it). This mod prevents the game from discarding tint data, so when errors are encountered, it will regenerate faces with correct colors. Launch TES5Edit/SSEdit. It should have been the mod from which the NPC comes. I never before have ran/installed so many mods as I did now (my current build), that's why I have (now) some NPCs with black faces bug. Search Reddit posts and comments - see average sentiment, top terms, activity per day and more So if anyone can help me with my problem of finding out who's FaceGen files belong to who, I would be very thankful. I have also created facegen data for that npc via the CK which can be seen here: all of which exists in the KhajiitRace in the base game. Start from selected file' from the main menu, now you can choose which files or records you want to check, just select them, 'Apply Script' then click button '2. Edited by Belegost, 19 November 2020 - 03:58 pm. if you got two mods making changes to Delphine and you want Bijin Delphine, put the Bijin esp after the other NPC replacer. New: Added some code to detect broken facegen NIF file, New: Can ignore NPC's EDID (suggested by DarthAncalagon), Change: Separate IgnoreLists to another INI file, named DarkFaceIssueReporterIgnore.ini, fixed an issue: can not turn off creating console command batch file, minor changes: removed some unnecessary logs from log file (suggested by Gaznevada), minor changes: added version info to log file (suggested by Gaznevada), Added ui for 'CreateDebugLogFile','CreateConsoleCommandBatchFile','DarkFaceCollectorFilename' options, Added some races(should be ignored) to INI file, minor changes: some logs changed or fixed, added a log to print out headparts in NIF for helping to fix issues, fixed an issue: when close the main menu with 'create DarkFaceCollector option' checked, will still create collector file. Which is a pita. now can check records which is not in master file, by selecting them then choose '2. She still has the black face bug in my game. With this guide, I will take you through the basics of creating a custom FaceGen with two or more Character Appearance mods, such as. Again: Regenerating facegen data won't help most of the time - on the contrary: You will most likely screw up your beautiful NPCs UGH misinformation is the worst. However I could do it would be fine, I just need to have a way to actually do it, since currently my only option would be to test it one at a time deleting a single FaceGen file and checking all the NPCs to see if they were affected. By noe, packing the facegen data under both the Skyrim.esm and the Mod.esp folders doesn't generate any problems provided that you are only using one mod that modifyes the vanilla NPCs faces. If nothing had changed regarding facegen, then we could use NifMerge to simply convert the old game's head nifs into head nifs for the new game, but we can't. Has something to do with it changing the shaders file. NPCs whose heads get regenerated will always be based on their face morph data from your loaded plugins. By the way I wouldn't use a 3rd party tool as a merit for something, especially if it didn't have any updates for more than a year. Let me know if you run into any problems. The gray face bug will now be gone for you. Fixed delphi/pascal stupid 'else' handling. I know it works there with CTRL+F4, but the software is horribly optimized and takes like 10 minutes to load up the main game, update, and DLCs. After the CK has finished, all of your newly exported FaceGen data can be found in the Overwrite folder of your mod list. I have converted Interesting NPCs (3DNPC) to SSE by running the meshes through the optimizer tool, re-saving the .esp in the new Creation Kit, and fixing any water-related data in SSEEdit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! This is a completely new NPC, so there can be no other mods creating conflicts by editing her (no patch mods depending on the .esp). Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I can't seem to get the facegen data to export. You only need to pack the facegen data files under the Skyrim.esm folder and it works fine! All rights reserved. If you want all the NPCs in your load order to use the individualized face textures for each race. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While they're highlighted, press Ctrl + F4. The third-party CommonLibSSE library is licensed under the MIT license. If using MO2 you need to run this and SSEEdit through MO2. I was able to delete all the changes made to the NPCs in the .esp, but in addition to the main .esp there are texture and mesh files in the main mod data directory and I cant figure out how I can get rid of these. It would make sense for them to change it so facegeom data was saved in a folder named after your own plugin, because then you could get rid of the old grey face bug by simply adjusting your load order. Yours is unfortunately a totally different issue. First, you need to export face gen data for each NPC. Open your data folder (or overwrite, in case of MO2 users) Navigate to: meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Cuyima 3DNPC - Redone. - The new CK will work like the old CK when you press , it will put the facegeom data in folders named after the original vanilla or DLC plugin. They will also be affected by appearance mods such as Expressive Facegen Morphs and High Poly Vanilla Hair, which would normally only affect the player unless explicitly regenerated in CK. Then, I opened up that plugin together with the Interesting NPCs plugin in Creation Kit, and used Ctrl+F4 again to generate facegen data for that specific NPC. Multiple mods that do the same thing will cause issues. That site also lets you input the NPC's name and will then give you their code. In the right pane, find and select the NPC (s) with broken faces. but if it's having any effect on the game when I load a save. I sure can't tell. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. And does "fluffy Khajiits" change all Khajiits to something else? Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. The NPC in question (xx04C768) has facegen data provided in the mod in question (in a BSA). For example: Looking at tint layers, it seems pretty clear what the issue is. Valve Corporation. You can use this fix as a runtime equivalent to Creation Kit's 'Ctrl+F4' to generate FaceGen. Cheers. For vanilla followers, the new Creation Kit creates new facegen data under the Skyrim.esm and under the Mod.esp folders every time the esp file is saved (and everytime i select the "Upload file to" option). Complementary tool for all mods that allow character races to have bodies unique to them. You currently have javascript disabled. Some of the affected mods add a LOT of new NPCs. By default for non-beast races there is only one texture used by males and one by females (Argonians and Khajit have unique textures). Most likely a missing (or unreadable) tint mask. It did not. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Choose 'Apply Script.' and run Skyrim - NPC Facegen Patcher. You don't need to include ".txt". - You'll get the black head no matter which way you do it, or if you do both. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Should fix the void face bug, if you get it, Prevent a crash on startup when using broken mods with bad race (RNAM) data; an error will be printed to the SKSE log instead. There are also no conflicts as she is a new NPC added by Palaces & Castles Enhanced. Klick on the small arrow to expand it, then choose "BSLightingShaderProperty", after that "BSShaderTextureSet". Black face bug dont effect the way the game works. Well, that depends on what's causing the blackface bug in your case. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. I tried to see if those numbers showed up under the NPC in xEdit and couldn't find anything, I found which FaceGen file was Storn's due to the .dds preview but the number isn't with him in xEdit, if you know what I'm saying. Possible solution if you get dark face. The mesh and textures were correctly generated and can be found in my data folder (also correct filenames, they correspond to her Editor ID). You can do this by selecting the entry for the NPC in the Creation Kit, and pressing Ctrl + F4. It SHOULD read sth. I've run into this problem too. NPC appearance overhauls that use custom sculpts and custom textures are safe to use with this mod installed, but if you have a conflict in your load order that breaks those mods, this mod will. It doesn`t happen with new NPCs added by mods, as all their facegen data is only under the Mod.esp folder. In this case, all the effected NPCs are those added by mods they don't exist in the base game. If you have multiple NPCs, you can hold down Ctrl and left click each entry so all. His FaceGen file is titled "" but that number appears nowhere under him in xEdit. This tool doesn't do anything by itself. This tool was created to allow you to easily use different meshes/textures per race on Skyrim's playable races. The mods in question are found here and here. First, pick one mod that alters NPC faces and use just that one. This may be an issue having to do with quads verses triangles, but I'm not sure yet. I hope all that helps (took me a while to figure all that out lol). If you want to test multiple NPCs to make sure they look right, download and install the Review Studio mod (and if you don't have it already, SkyUI which includes the mod configuration menu (MCM)). We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. - Or, it's also possible it is supposed to work exactly like the old CK and facegeom data is always supposed to be saved to the original vanilla or DLC plugin folder, meaning the auto-saving to a folder named after your own plugin is the bug. First, pick one mod that alters NPC faces and use just that one. High Poly Head should also take effect if you distribute it with the xEdit script. In my first ever Creation Kit tutorial, I will show you how to export character Face Gen Data for NPCs in order to prevent the 'Grey/Dark Face Bug' and so you can see makeup/warpaint in-game.Here is a Playlist with all of my CK Tutorials: My Websites!Girl Gamers - Site - Mods \u0026 Resources - Skyrim: Creation Kit Tutorial - Export FaceGen Data Zylice Liddell 1.93K subscribers Subscribe 331 Share 32K views 7 years ago In my first ever Creation Kit tutorial, I will show you how to. When the FaceGen files are there yet the faces don't match in game, every male NPC affected by the mod has a dark face, and unless I found a way to figure out which FaceGen file belongs to who and delete them then I'd be stuck with dark faces. There are already mods that create a framework for this: The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. That step is sometimes overlooked by mod authors - which also explains some black faces. TBH, I'm not sure what exactly happens here. So I'm using xEdit to modify an NPC mod for my own use, Pandorable's Dragonborn to be more specific. They also won't allow certain geometries the old game's head nifs would allow. Race. SSE facegen head nifs are a different structure and are made to work with the new shader and lighting system. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. Looking at the screenshot, I'd say it's still a problem of MISSING facegen data. Getting back to Skyrim NPCs: the safe thing is for every facegen mesh to be accompanied by an NPC record edit, and vice versa. Find the entries for the head mesh itself. If it is not there, So what am I missing? 5. No matter what I do I can't get the yellow gross eyes to go away and be replaced with the ones from this mod. This mod is needed to extract all unique heads to allow you customize their textures. (Select multiple NPCs by holding down Shift or Ctrl .) I remembered someone had an in game solution that if you change the weight of an NPC in the console commands it would temporarily restore their facegen data and solve the bug until you left the cell. After the CK has finished, all of your newly exported FaceGen data can be found in the Overwrite folder of your mod list. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Thank Bethesda for the shiesty BS, Soft. 3. Skip the Patching section if you are only wanting to create new FaceGen Data. Any way of fixing this or it is just something we have to learn to live with? I also opened the face mesh in NifSkope, and it looks fine there. That didn't work either, even after regenerating face data again with the patch: You did a lot of work to provide us with information. Other than that currently no idea, sorry Can confirm, totally messed up the NPCs that WERE working. Eliminates the dreaded "dark face" issue that occurs when the game encounters FaceGen errors. Maybe you could still try the "Load order adjustments + bashed patch" method I mentioned above. Find which mod alters NPC faces, and which NPCs it alters, and open it in the Creation Kit. Enter as many NPCs as you want in this format, (but if you're spawning more than 5 or 6, I recommend using multiple files so the NPCs don't get all clustered together), save the file as a .txt, then in Skyrim hit the ~ key to bring up the console and type "bat ". This means it will work for mods such as VHR - Vanilla Hair Replacer. Example: "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data" Usage. I didnt stop to think that it includes load order like literally everything else does, I guess I should have. ! You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without permission from or credit to me, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I opened up my entire current load order at once in SSEEdit to figure out which plugin was the last file to modify that record (note: the Race record, not the Actor record), which in my case was the USSEP plugin. Could be worth a try. Her face is not discolored in my game, but if she is in yours, use this. Are these NPCs supposed to be normal Khajiits? First, Identify what mod you want to turn into an esl check to see if it has facegen data it will be located under "meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom{Whatever the plugin name is}" as loose files or using . Can I do this in xEdit or will I need to use the Creation Kit? 2. EasyNPC is a little bit smarter than this - for example, it knows the difference between plugins that edit NPC faces and plugins that edit other aspects of an NPC - but at the present time, these build checks are not . Uses xEdit script. Just made my first weapon in Blender and want to know how to port over to Skyrim. There is still one NPC (Felena) who has a black face (I have seen others who also ported the mod to SSE for themselves reporting the same). So to get the corresponding facegen files, you need to change the first two numbers to 0. But, it does not auto-save to the folder named after the original (vanilla or DLC) plugin, where the old CK would put them when pressing . Thanks for the tip. Check the last texture entry but one. Forget about the ones under the Mod.esp folder! I then tried also regenerating facegen data with Fluffjiits, MrissisTales, and my patch loaded in the CK which also did not resolve the issue. After exporting facegen textures from the GECK by pressing CTRL+F4 with the NPC records highlighted ( note, you must be in the NPCs category in the Object Viewer, not in the All category, or else CTRL+F4 will not produce output ), the output files from the GECK consist of both DDS and TGA files. Run only for selected files or records' from the main menu, add a option for creating a plugin to collect dark face NPCs. Problems appear when you use more than one mod that modifies the same NPC face. Bijin, Better Bards). If you're still looking for a solution, this is what I do: go to, and enter in the last 5 digits of the 8 digit code (so, for example, if you wanted to know what NPC was 00017935.nif, type in "17935" and boom - it'll tell you "Storn Crag-Strider"). Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Reinstall the conflicting mods. What file exactly did you use to regenerate the facegen data? Repeat Steps 4-6 for any other mods with broken . Artigun The Custom Voiced Half-Dovah Follower, Bikini Dremora - Conjuration Followers SE, Fangs and Eyes Fix for A Vampire Appearance Mod, Lorien - A High Poly Head Standalone Follower, LOTR Epic battles Armies Mod (Lord of The Rings) WIP Special Edition Port, M'rissi's Tails of Troubles - KS Hairdo Patch, Needed Just In Case of Facegen Data Issues. If you have multiple NPCs, you can hold down Ctrl and left click each entry so all of them can be selected. Skyrim Special Edition Mod Troubleshooting, Fangs and Eyes - A Vampire Appearance Mod. Now, all modders releasing mods modifying vanilla NPCs need to follow this to avoid problems. Several mods making changes to one and the same NPC can result in a black face. facegen data is definitely being output to the data directory. Sorry No worries. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Several functions may not work. Look for the "BSDynamicTriShape" named "FemaleHead" (or something similar). - The black head seems to happen no matter what. E.g. I think nothing has changed regarding facegen.