These Mercenaries can be good options to level up first unless you have access to some of the most powerful Legendary Mercenaries. I prefer to stay out of the fields if at all possible. They will be indifferent to you to start. Crafting Mercenaries costs 100 Coins (Rare), 300 Coins (Epic), or 500 Coins (Legendary). It was something I have wanted to do for a while but never had the time to do. The sarnak forts have three named's and sometimes the Ancient Denmother that is spawned for the Honed Wurmslayer quest wanders by if someone spawns her and doesnt kill her, especially around the southern fort. While I didnt test this strategy in The Bloodfields, I think that zone also has a fast respawn rate of 10 minutes and 40 seconds, so this strategy should also work there if you can find a similar camp. Chat Combat Corpse/Looting General Graphics Group Guild Pet Raid Sound Spell Task Track References What commands do you wish you knew a long time ago? This repop time is significantly faster than Doomfire, the Burning Lands (Plane of Fire) which is 36 minutes. If you aren't saving for something in particular, consider taking these. I recommend you donate to him for his grinding guides as well. All leveling guides post SoD have a different format and are written for players leveling with Mercenaries. Second I want to point out that while boxing isn't a must, and subbing isn't a must, it makes this game exponentially easier. i.e. everquest afk mercenary leveling guide. at 17 or if you came out here from CR at 18ish, a little south of the rats/snakes and kill gnolls. . Welcome to our Everquest 2 Leveling Guide! These things are amazing exp up to 62, at which point you need to go to the back and drop down into the froglok slave tunnels. It's also a MONSTER of a run as Jungle and Trak's Teeth are enormous zones. The easiest armor sets to get will probably be the sets from Hardcore Heritage. After about 12 though, you can speed things up immensely if you're fighting with your tank merc and he can hold aggro way better after 10. ALTERNATIVE: Crypt of Decay (60-65)(PoK>PoTranquility>Ruins of Lxanvom aka Crypt of Decay) - If you are a paladin or have a cleric, go straight up to the Knights and Magus. When you come back Re-summon him and he will be your level again. Also see the alphabetical command list or emotes . If you are an Everquest Free to Play player then you will be unable to select a Journeyman Mercenary. The number of mobs for straight grinding is also really impressive. HEROIC ADVENTURES BEGIN AKA THE MOST REPETITIVE THING TO DO IN A GAME THAT IS ALREADY REPETITIVE ENOUGH(75-110)(BOX/GROUP REQUIRED): You can begin doing HAs at 75 IF YOU BOX OR HAVE A GROUP (Yes some classes can solo them, but thats the exception rather than the rule and requires a lot of know how). The key to AFK grinding is to not die rather than maximize exp per hour. These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! #1 I was wondering if anyone knew of any AFK XP guides using 3 mercs besides this one: Some of the spots seemed to be too volatile/too risky in terms of number of mobs for my liking. It'll give an Undead oriented hunting guide. There are some high level mobs there for the Berserker epic 2.0. You cannot shroud to level 10 and keep a level 50 mercenary however. Ah yes. The burynai camp to the south of the bottom sarnak fort is also really good as the Orechomper drops a good shoulder and the group level tank face item, Mask of Dust. At 20, open your map and begin trekking out toward the Stone Hive zone line. 46-67 Veksar (PoK>Firiona Vie>Lake of Ill Omen>Veksar) - If you're a paladin, you really should consider living here through these levels, as most everything is undead. Make sure you clear both the left and right sides of the first courtyard. You can start around lvl 65 or before when the mobs are dark blue if your toons are well geared and have max CS and CA. Where it says "Type" select Journeyman (Paying players only) and then select Tier I of which ever you want Healer or Tank. The difficulty comes in finding a safe spot to set up camp, thanks to terrible pathing and wandering mobs. They have low HP, but can hit hard with spells and melee. At level 5 it gets its second ability, with third obtained at level 15. It's called No Heroism Without Fear and begins at Investigator Drolmer. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. It is packed full of Erudites, undead, and gelatinous cubes. The lower level ones spawn outside their cave, with higher level ones as you move back. Look at my map in comparison to your map to see the location. Right click anywhere on this box and select "Puller" as your Main Roll. There are also a ton of really good twink weapons to be had here, which can sell for tons of plat depending on what server you're on. Any of the weapon and armor loot from nameds will sell for 300-400 plat. The mobs are glass cannons. Prince Nightclub Minneapolis, Most Hat Tricks By Nhl Defenseman, Breaux Bridge Baseball, Panettone Trifle Recipe Jamie Oliver, Affirmed Housing San Jose, Horoscope Balance Surlendemain, Is Shoresy Wayne In Letterkenny, How To Get Bright Dust Vermintide 2, everquest afk mercenary leveling guide everquest afk mercenary leveling guide Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii everquest afk mercenary leveling guide. Slaughter everything you get your hands on that isn't a friendly dragorn. There is another soldier camp down here in the dead center south of the zone, by the Sarith zoneline. The other room is basically in the exact same spot except on the left side of the map. Coming from The Mines, start killing gnolls until 12. 85% of the zone is undead. Kor-Sha Laboratory (105-110) - Only really worked 2 camps in this zone. Grouping is still one of the best ways to get experience, but the mercs help you when you can't find a group. Click it. From PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's Harbor, Board the ship Stormwave or talk to the teleporter guy if it's all broken>Dead Hills. A: No. You are using an out of date browser. Here are some suggestions as to how to use these areas to hit max level. Currently, most returning players are forced to molo (solo with a merc) from level 1 to 80+. When people return to EverQuest from an extended absence, they always ask wheres the best place to level and grind AAs. Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. Best thing though are the nameds. The westside is still gangster though, so you can kill most of the stuff there. Q: So wait a mercenary is allowed into an LDoN? That is how GMs check. For that space in between, look up how to acquire Tier 1 group armor from House of Thule. We have updated our Privacy Policy. This is a picture of the merc window. Pretty much all the critters assist each other though. 48-55 kill the mutant floaty guys, shades and crazy humans. A: When you shroud the mercenary is suspended, when you have enough money to pay for the mercenary you may unsuspend him. Select the first HA he gives you, Into the Hills. You get to experience every bit of content across 110 levels, hundreds of zones, and 24 expansions. They do not have much in the way of HP, but can hit hard. Ah yes I always forget about this. The estimated downtime is expected to be approximately 5 hours for the website and services, and 10 hours for servers. Katta Castrum: The Deluge (Guild Hall, TP using Drowned Katta Castrum Powerstone) - The elementals that are found in this zone now are pretty easy to kill. Q: How does shrouding effect my mercenary? This is a picture of the window you'll see when first purchasing a Mercenary. Passive: Your merc will not attack anything. EQNext (EverQuest Next or EQN) has been officially announced! And no, fire pet is not the best dps pet in classic, it's water (and no, it's nuke is not stronger than the water pet's one . There are four types of Mercs to choose from: Healing, Tanking, Rogue or a Wizard mercs. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. Watch out for the clerics if you don't have a solid interrupt. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. There are some guides if you wanted to bot it but in general this community does not promote AFK anything. Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. This place isn't bad for everyone else in general and is much easier to get to than Ashengate, so it might be a good alternative. Burn (On Some): Your merc will focus primarily on damage, always assisting the main assist. Begin murdering worgs, turning the quest in every 20 worgs. You need the three accounts, so you can create a sustainable merc team. For an AFK camp, 100 AA a day isnt too bad. Depending on your classes ability to swarm pull, these zones gain a lot of extra life for swarm pulls for SKs and the like. Lots of good loot and the spider camp and kobold village are pretty easy. 1. Black Reaver included. Also his armor and weapons will get better as he levels up. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. The Foundation is one of them and might be worth heading to. You may finish them and have 30-45 minutes to wait. I will edit that stuff in. The idea to help in grinding to where the other players are (level-wise) is to add two additional accounts and create a 3 box team. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. They are pretty well all headshotable by 63. Making it doubly worth it. You can get a little more life out of the zone by acquiring one of the temporary keys that let you teleport up to Grieg's spawn point. Once you have some level 30 Mercenaries, you will want to level your future Mercenaries while grinding through tasks. You do have to be careful if Hardcore Heritage is going on cause this zone could be boosted up into the 70s-80s range if the event is ongoing. Should be an easy time though. They tank for you, heal for you, or dps for you. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. They are undead and you will reap them with Slay Undead/Ward Undead line spells. NB Loot is rubbish but you don't have to buy any armor until 65. A: You must be carrying the plat on you in order to pay your merc. This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. I believe the camp is called Library Camp commonly. I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. Just keep in mind that kills here will feel pretty slow since the giants have enormous HP pools and half the mobs have some form of healing ability. 1; 2; Next. BEST IF SOLO AND 58-62: 48-62 - Grieg's End(PoK>Nexus>Netherbian Lair>Dawnshroud Peaks>Grieg's) - This zone is a pretty long haul out, and has a couple of pretty rough pulls to get into the zone if you're here at the lower end of the range. One or two nameds are easily accessed from here. The optimal quest guide lists Old School RuneScape quests in an order that allows new Members to progress in an order that minimises the amount of skill training. NOTE: IF THE FABLED CREATURES ARE UP, DO NOT ATTACK THE BLACK REAVER. Fourth, never underestimate buffs. The Droga area is super nice for rangers as the goblins are headshotable. Set Active: Set the current stance you have selected, Set Owner: Set your current target to your Mercs new owner, Info: Gives you the information about your merc. You can stay here until you reach level 77. You should easily average about 25% of an AA for each of the light blue mobs while at the South or North Camp. More of the same, except a larger portion of the zone is friendly. The left center side of the zone has a lot of undead frogloks (who hit very very hard), zombies, and specters to kill. Two paid accounts gives you a tank and healer you don't every really have to pay attention to. Note: This guide is based primarily on the Hot Zone Wall of Slaughter. This access to at least 2 nameds that I am aware of. Roughly 80% of the mobs are rootable and headshottable so this is a really nice zone for AAing with a ranger. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It's by far the fastest and is almost as easy as the Gribble missions. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. The mobs here are level 67. They are however allowed into LDoN's. The adds are just too intense. Stay close to the friendly dragorn and watch out for nameds until 85. When you get a new mercenary, it starts at Level 1 with only a single ability. At around 66 if you're clearing those areas efficiently, head over to the Muramite Proving Grounds zone line. Multiple mercs with heals, buffs, and DPS and you can soar through here. Riftseeker's Sanctum(69-78)(Guild Hall>Buy Chipped Shard of Slaughter>TP to Wall of Slaughter>Muramite Proving Grounds>Riftseeker's) - The mobs here hit hard, have lots of HP, heal, and resist spells, but the experience is awesome. The old school Journeyman Rank 5 mercenary questline takes place here if you want to do it. This place is almost nothing but undead. Stay near the zone lines until 85, then push out. Also keep in mind almost everything here summons. This means that you'll have to pay the re-hire charge to get your merc back. There are numerous groups in Empires of Kunark, but lets say you're not feeling up to that yet. BEST: 38-48 City of Mist(PoK>Field of Bones>Emerald Jungle>City) - This is will very likely be some of the fastest leveling you will do. So there is a level 75 vendor, 80, 85, 90 and so on. You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing. DO NOT USE FOLLOW HERE. That said, I have seen plenty of people level characters solo and F2P. D damination Level 2 Joined Apr 12, 2015 RedCents 313 Aug 17, 2018 #2 In the event Trakkanon is up, he will probably eat your face, so stay out of his room if he is until that friendly farmer shows up to farm him. The boost they provide isn't significant but it is really nice and certainly speeds up the lower levels. So if a named is in a room with a bunch of other mobs, pull the other mobs and don't worry about the named unless you proximity aggro it. They don't hit excessively hard and are very good exp from 68-74. The area is populated by honored citizens, exalted citizens, respected morticians, and dutiful cleaners. I've separated all of them by expansion pack that way people playing on any TLP can easily access a leveling guide relevant to their expansion at any time! There is a stupid questline that autostarts the first time you go into the zone. There are better places to go. They are a must going forward. IF YOU'RE NOT BRAND NEW AND KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING/NEW PLAYERS AFTER YOU FINISH MINES: 1-(14-18) Crescent Reach (You zone out of Mines and are automatically transported here. These will take you to 67-70ish, though only paladins should really try and go to 70 here via swarming. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions. Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. Then drop down via the waterways near the entrance to get to the tunnels and kill there until about 56. As soon as you hit 85, do this questline. Leveling up in Everquest 2 is very quick these days compared to before, but . The orcs hit a little harder and stun more and as you push back, there are higher level drakkin. This makes this one of the best places to grind for paladins trying to wrap up leveling or grind AAs. At 77 take the quest Reducing the Threat - Wereorcs and head a little northwest toward the Hills of Shade zoneline. Stay away from the air giants though. In addition, they are packed together. Start in the tunnels and then work your way through the area around the ghoul assassin. Once that's done, go through the doors and head to the second level. Fifth, Daybreak gives you an option to accept some 25% experience potions instead of your monthly 500 Cash. The final reward is Journeyman Rank 5 mercenaries. Lots of undead for your friendly neighborhood paladins as well. Wall of Slaughter has repop time of 10 minutes and 40 seconds. I may try again with this guide. It will pick up quite a bit around level 25, and you will get to 30 very very quickly. They are essential to following this guide. It gives you access to Journeyman mercs and probably over 10k AAs at this point in Auto-Granted AAs. Blightfire Moors is also a hotzone sometimes, so this could go even faster if you're lucky. Read More! But the real advantage is when you want to grind out AAs while also leveling from 65 to 80. They are designed for extra support or extra muscle in PvE encounters. Without further ado. Kill bears, wolves, and snakes near the zone line to Blightfire. Tank Mercs can kill a red con in about 2-3 minutes (If its REALLY red to you). The South Camp is the starting point. It covers a lot of the basics you need to know. You're Not Done at . If you still need to eat up more time, head back to ETWK via the black portal and go to the camp where you buy gear. They complete heal and can do it 7 or 8 times in a row. ALTERNATIVES: Arcstone(67-75)(Guild Hall, talk to portal crystal vendor and buy Arcstone Spirit Sapphire) - I really recommend this place to people with Undead control or slaying abilities. End of Underfoot (Volska's/Convorteum)(88-92) - You can level here if you feel like pulling your toenails out, but I don't recommend it. Never a good idea to go fully afk. The reason you select Journeyman is because the Journeyman mercenaries are better, stronger, faster and more advanced (Literally). I updated that page so that it has a link to almost every single EQ guide I have written; laid out for you by expansion & easily navigateable with Ctrl + F. It'll provide a better alternative to people who just want information about a specific zone rather than a leveling guide. Everything is all sparkly and golden. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. per mob. The cities are a cake walk, though the wandering mobs on the walls in the second city can really mess up your day if you don't pay attention. While you're on that sidebar, read the Returning/New Player FAQ. Also, the first AA you should grind on your player toons are to max Combat Stability and then max Combat Agility. It's the only level range I feel that you should be here to the exclusion of anywhere else. There is a big open courtyard almost as soon as you zone in. Your Mercenary can come in two skill levels Skill Levels Apprentice - on par with single group geared players, on spells and abilities that have a rank, it will have rank 1. Sarith, City of the Tides (94-98) Sarith is probably the best place to farm nameds ever. A: No mercs are not allowed in raid zones or most raid encounters. Some of the Shissar are undead, but most aren't and they have high HP and hit hard to boot. I played a cleric for 9 years until I finally left. 1 of 2 Go to page. They have low HP and don't hit very hard. unsure if they removed it or not). Undead mobs for your paladins to slay and lots of Dark Elves to murder. A second thing to do would be to spend 10 dollars on Daybreak Cash. All rights reserved. Up to about level 35 a red con gave me 10%-25% XP. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. Rengar is an aggressive early jungler, with really good skirmish potential during early game, so you want to get as many opportunities to take over the game in the first 10 minutes of the game. You can push to 86-87 here by going into the west corridors, but the exp falls off a cliff at 83. !1111, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. I also ding to 57 at this camp in the video including the sweet ding noise and a cringey. Then go and start slaughtering crows, scarecrows, and doombugs. Do her missions as well. Lots of mobs to kill here. Worth about half a level in that range. Made a handful of edits as of 1/13/2017. Entire house is pretty much open at 26. When actively playing, your group should be able to easily clear all three rooms plus the solo pulls nearby. If you dont want to deal with killing them, run down until you see the trees and start killing mosstrooper treants. Once you reach the wasps that are over there, start killing the wasps. Playing live has a few benefits. Go left from the giant hole in the ground after zone in until you get to a pond. Pathings. PirateKilt 1 yr. ago After 75, you get much stronger gear so you can quickly kill the minotaurs at the minotaur fort. Just get access to the second of his HAs, Artifacts of Great Importance. Also during cooldowns they will use agro reducing abilities. ALTERNATIVE: 8-20 Kurn's Tower (Crescent Reach>Blightfire Moors>Plane of Knowledge>Field of Bone>Kurns) - I really like leveling here with paladins, clerics, necros, and SKs. The north camp is the three rooms near Muramite Proving Grounds. When you rez your mercenary you will immediately be charged the Upkeep cost on him. WHY PLAY LIVE? Everquest, Everquest Leveling Guides Since leveling speed in Everquest is determined by Hotzones, which changes every now and then it's hard to find a leveling guide for Everquest. ). There is also the named Ancient Dracolich who drops a nice bag if you don't have a bunch of those and a named zombie. So I will continue making changes as I see what works best and for who. Not much changes between 'minor' expansions in each leveling guide and you'll notice that the biggest change between leveling guides is Seeds of Destruction. The mob density is incredible and you can clear the first three levels of the tower at a breakneck speed. To begin with, you will want to get yourself attuned to Dead Hills, which is the zone with the easiest HAs. In the event that the bee's are camped, the bixies that ARE NOT IN THE FIELDS are a good secondary camp. Head through the city in the mountain area toward Blightfire Moors. With a group of three actual players though, you can steamroll this place for GOBS of experience. Q: Do I have to have the plat on me to pay the merc? I can't think of many places where the time taken to get there and get setup to afk xp wouldn't have been better spent just killing or questing for regular xp then logging out. I will provide some quick ideas if that's not the direction you wanna go. Based on the information provided my first thought was that the begging skillup RNG was better on higher level NPCs than lower level. Most of those pulls will be a pair of light blue conscript mobs. Your toon classes are irrelevant. There are two main camps that you'll use. If you took my advice and are at least two boxing, go inside the cave. The undead lake is good for paladins and there are a couple of drolvargs mixed in. Spend 48-52 in the area around where you zone in and the northern areas of the zone. It's accessible at level 75, so you can have J5 mercs 10 levels early. I recently did another playthrough and used this zone and realized I had forgotten entirely about the bottom half of the zone with the fungus men and golems. EQ Test Server: Play for Free as a Gold Member, A Site Dedicated to EverQuest (EQ) and the upcoming EverQuest Next (EQN), Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin @, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3Boxing, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker @, Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG Expansion: OOW . At 12, all start killing gnolls or skeletal ogres. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. Stay near the entrance until 49-50 then move toward the "disco" areas until about 52. Welcome to EverQuest! I will lay out a few spots to hit in this range. Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries. They are very social though and you may need some crowd control. There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. It's still pretty decent at the 80-82 range, though there are better places. The other major reason is Alternate Advancement Auto-Grant. Pretty good for running if you botch pulls. Those are raid mobs and will have mechanics you won't be able to deal with even if you could fight them. There is a little city area as well on the far side of the canyon that is a good place to set up as well. They are kinda tough to pull single, but normally are no more than 2-3 at a time. Recently, the daily adventures have been moved to Plane of Knowledge and are received from Clayton Teek. They come in 2 flavors: Apprentice and Journeyman, each with 5 ranks. 38-44 especially will come in a matter of hours. By the time you reach 110 you should be able to clear all of those with a good group by the time the first one is available. Posts: 1,338. Press J to jump to the feed. Pathing will get you killed. Although inadvertently getting trained is a risk youre going to take if youre afk; regardless of what xp zone youre in. IF YOU'RE BRAND NEW OR VERY CASUAL: 1-10 Mines of Gloomingdeep (You start the game here) - This is the tutorial area. Finally the yeti caves are a decent camp as well, offering two named yeti and if no one is doing the cockatrice then those two nameds as well. Classes with undead slaying/controlling spells can crush this place even harder and faster and thanks to that can really increase this zones effectiveness. It is easy to get overwhelmed at lower levels, especially with the ratmen who frequent the middle of the zone. Don't know how popular that still is, but it's still not hard to get anything done. At around 91, head to the southern portion of the zone and start killing critters and ghosts. you will only be able to select an Apprentice Mercenary. Friends of mine swear by them though, the Gyrospires especially. So much so that I don't even include information on gear until then. That area is considered Tier 1 for the expansion. The good news is money is now weightless! SOME DISCLAIMERS: First I want to point out that Almar's Guides are pretty good and he lays out a pretty fantastic path to getting to max level and getting geared along with plenty of other advice. As an alternative around 73, you can kill the pixies around the guild hall port in. Talk to Ruppoc Rockjumper and get the quest Thinning Out Their Numbers: Rotdogs and Snakes. Mercenaries are the answer to Everquests "grind" and Must-Group to level. Don't fight the ones in the fields as the majority of them are cleric mobs with big heals and a resistance to stuns. A zone you are having a lot of trouble with can be made WAYYY easier if you get a full set of buffs. The key is the respawn time for the zone. When you suspend a merc you must wait 5 minutes to bring him back into the world. Very simple. Make sure that the Tank Merc has been assigned the role of Main Tank. I don't know personally, just putting it here on their recommendation. When you suspend your mercenary the button will change to Unsuspend. 1 High-Level Character Outside Group 1.1 50% Killing 2 Damage Shield Power Levelling 2.1 AE Damage 2.2 Damage Shields 2.3 Executing the Strategy 2.4 Levelling Path 2.5 Other Tips 3 Swarming 3.1 Swarming Path 3.2 Ghetto-Swarming 4 Headshot 5 Twinking 5.1 Weapons 5.2 Haste 5.3 Hitpoint Regeneration 5.4 AC and Hitpoints 5.5 Potions You will need invisibility, levitation, or balls of steel. A NOTE ON GEAR: If you do not go through the Mines and get your tutorial set, I recommend spending any money you can get your hands on for some Simple or Rough Defiant gear. It doesnt matter if you have no interest in playing the new characters when they reach the high end game. Velkator's Laboratory (45-55)(PoK>Great Divide>Velk's) - This place has grown on me a lot. It's still confusing, you slipslide everywhere, mobs are invisible, pathing is terrible, and you get vertical aggro. It works for some people and if you get in a good rhythm you can knock out quests really quick. The first vendor is level 75, and each vendor after that is available every 5 levels. As of the Terror of Luclin expansion, the best mercenary equipment is "Vigilant", which is obtained in The Burning Lands zones. if you are wanting to go fully afk do it in instances it is much safer imo, hmmm.. there was hatching a plan or something like that, only decent one i can think of right now.
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