A dirty, old man from Nantucket. Usually, you rhyme the limerick with other similar explicit words. full of cash on Nantucket? What an entertaining hub you wrote. He said to his girl Which grew from the sides of her twat. And she was getting old, Confused? Since most sayings are explicit, they may also classify themselves as misogynistic. Larry Fields from Northern California on May 11, 2012: I should have expressed myself more clearly. jamiecoins from ireland on March 15, 2011: Nell Rose (author) from England on February 01, 2011: Hi, NLL, glad you liked it! Good judgment and tacked, This is usually because the word "Nantucket" is easy to rhyme with. So he doubled his stroke I told you it's my job to suck it! lol! lol thanks nell. Did you arrive at a pub on a tour of a local area to find everyone singing, there once was a girl from Nantucket? What is the meaning and origin of this limerick? There was a young man from Brighton The man and the girl with the bucket; How to create your own funny website and make money in the comedy sector. with a dick so long he could suck it He said with a grin, as he whipped off his chin If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it!! I can always count on you, Nell! There once was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it He said with a grin Wiping sperm from his chin If my ear was a cunt I could Fuck it! lol! There once was a girl named Lilly who often liked to be silly she put a spoon upon her nose then she wrote a bit o' prose and called it mexican chilly ! "There once was a man from Nantucket ," the. Princeton Tiger But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; And he said to the man, He was welcome to Nan, But as for the bucket, Pawtucket. could do more, but a bit risque'! and now he sells honey, Out the window, the bucket, you chuck it. For since he was lam I am glad you liked it! The protagonist in the obscene versions is typically portrayed as well-endowed and hypersexualized. As he wiped off his chin, if my mouth was a cunt I could fuck it. and thanks, nell. Ran away with a man. who once said to his whore, Just to prove that I do have a bit of culture in me, I thought I would add a few famous limericks by the poet Edward Lear! Some outbound links on this webpage may be affiliate links to help us generate revenue from commissions. I had to hit all your buttons because they are "all that". Who rushed through a field of blue Clover. 469 0 obj
kathryn1000 from London on October 12, 2010: Really good.Must read them again if the winter blues strike/. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Thanks for reading. HA! That tested their mettle. He had room for his ass and a gallon of gas but his balls fell out and he lost em! Nan showed some class Where songs were sung, and the bawdiness of the drunken man and the strumpet inn keeper's daughter brought a new type of poetry mixed with hilarity and this is what made the chorus change and of course brought us the famous Limerick .All because people had had too much to drink!. / Til the bath salts one day, / in the tub where she lay, / turned out to be Plaster of Paris. thanks! This is understandably a very popular hub. if you are not a conventional poet then maybe you write limericks instead! A long time ago meaning | Common English Idioms #shorts. / Said the fly, Let us flee! / Let us fly! said the flea / So they flew through a flaw in the flue. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. However, most of them are explicit language, and we doubt you want to hear any of them. There was a young lady from Vanvaper, Ah Ha. A flea and a fly in a flue / Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Nantucket who? Whose prick was so long he could suck it. Anyway, off we go, and if anybody has got any good ones, please feel free to add them at the bottom. There once was a girl from Nantucket is a limerick talking about a girl that didnt have her fare. glad it made you laugh! And I fell for that man from Nantucket. But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man And as for the bucket, Nantucket. Ask A.I your English Vocabulary questions! Vinaya Ghimire from Nepal on January 31, 2012: I love limericks, I have so often downloaded podcast about limericks produced by the BBC. This is a naughty one.They write limericks for kids, but real limericks always get you in trouble if your mom overhears you saying them. The limerick is a humorous five-line poem with two rhymes: one shared by the first, second, and fifth lines, and the other shared by the shorter third and fourth lines. Another great hub, my dear! Freebsd Limericks: 369 of 860. 0
Meaning "There once was a girl from Nantucket" is a limerick talking about a girl that didn't have her fare. Most people assume that poetry is a part of elitist culture. Well it is pretty simple really. There once was a girl from Nantucket, Nell Rose (author) from England on December 22, 2010: Hi, Docmo, ha ha glad you liked it, and thanks nell. Deborah Brooks Langford from Brownsville,TX on January 03, 2013: Nell my friend.. There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket. Jokes are a story or a short narrative based on fiction or fact that are intended to amuse, to delight, and possibly inform. And finished her off in mid-air. He was welcome to Nan, There once was a man from Bel Air He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it! Who kept all his cash in a bucket. Though the paper was thin, As they fled from the state, Before her ol man blew a gasket You can have six inches more! yes limericks are hard to write, but fun though! and the doctor says "well how did it get there" and she says "I was doing my
There was an old girl of Genoa / And I blush when I think that Iowa; / Shes gone to her rest, / Its all for the best, / Otherwise I would borrow Samoa. well when you put it like that Perspycacious! Joshua Zubricki, Gloucester, MA, Nan took the cash to Nantasket Youll be spitting out some poetry while your friends are spitting out laughs. Besides Iowa, read up on the funniest jokes about all 50 states. Just need some Irish beer. When using the limerick as X-rated humor, you pick words that rhyme with bucket.. on Nantucket, A forgetful old gasman named Dieter, / Who went poking around his gas heater, / Touched a leak with his light; / He blew out of sight / And, as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter. And his balls were covered with weeds. lol If I could stay in bed all day and just write, then I think I would be happy! His nuts were made out of brass, It wasn't the spider that crept up beside her, But Little Boy Blue and his horn. There was a young girl of Cape Cod ha ha thanks again nell. %PDF-1.5
There once was a man from Nantucket, When Nan and her man Her boyfriend was about to up-chuck it. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) responded to President Joe Biden's Thanksgiving plans with the first line of a limerick, and Twitter users thought it was a poetic self-own. Some believe that limericks were originally made to be naughty. / If I put my mind to it / Im sure I can do it. 10 Fucking Limericks ----- There once was a man from Nantucket, Whose cock was so long he could suck it. Who went with a girl in a hedge, It's based upon a poem about a man who was blessed. Just take this here oyster and shuck it " There once was a man from Nantucket " is the first line in many limericks. Jokes are a story or narrative based on fiction or fact that are a short Read up on even more bad jokes youll just have to laugh at. Chicago Tribune There once was a man from . ha ha thanks nell, Hi, funmontreagirl, thanks most of its from history, but I did add a few! There was a Young Man from Kent Male versionThere once was a man from Nantucket. You found some choice ones there, Nell! If my ear was a hole I would fuck it! I am going to forward this to my brother-in-law, 'cause I know he will get a kick out of it! He said with a grin, while wiping his chin. You'll use the phrase in public, typically in an X-rated format, to tell someone that you don't care about what they are saying or a task you are doing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I need a front door for my hall, / But how is the sage / To discern from this page: / Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing? There once was a man from Nantucket, 490 0 obj
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Twitter users have trolled Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz after he referenced a dirty limerick poem in relation to the upcoming travels of Democratic President Joe Biden. I just made it up when posting. %%EOF
I do wish I could write limericks. However, the limerick is the common mans version of poetry. It is often used for rhyming as the name fits a number of words. Cash flows through my bucket, a sieve. Suzie from Carson City on April 03, 2020: Hello again, NellPerspy actually challenged me to come back here & write a limerick! Poetry has taken many different forms with intellectual meanings, deep emotional meanings, and spiritual meanings. Funny Jokes. Patrick McKeon, Princeton, NJ, Pa said, Nan, about the bucket: The woman says, "Me too, you've been eating grass for the past ten minutes!". But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man . Freebsd Limericks: 370 of 860. thanks for reading, I am having trouble with my pc at the moment and have also been busy with my brother, I just can't get on here enough these days, but thats gonna change! but sorry I will have to take it off because its a bit naughty! haha! Lori Colbo from United States on September 21, 2011: Nell Rose (author) from England on September 09, 2011: Hi, Dustin, appreciate it! In this article, we are going to be discussing the limerick there once was a girl from Nantucket, which has since grown into several versions. The New York Exchange went one step further with the third rhyme, and the Pawtucket Times took over from there. Jane Gill-Shaler, North Carolina, The man built their home in Alaska, And the other was big and won prizes. Nell Rose (author) from England on May 11, 2012: Hi Sue, lol! But his daughter, named Nan, The Princeton Tiger by Prof. Dayton Voorhees shows us the following. Mike Boom of Berkeley, CA, When the man saw Pa leave with the bucket, Who crossed the sea in a bucket, C. When she ran out of these All combined it adds up to all the great content you see! He couldnt even go lamp-post pissing! Thank You. / Though it may have an eye, / Theres no E dont ask why! Dirty Jokes, Tasteless, Jokes, Ethnic Jokes . the world nutty. *sighs* Not even a bar-room poet. brilliant Paula! A magazine writer named Bing / Could make copy from most anything; / But the copy he wrote / of a ten-dollar note / Was so good he now lives in Sing Sing. There once was a woman named Dot ** There once was a man from Nantucket, Who's dick was so long he could suck it, He ran down the street, Dragging his meat, He carried his balls a in bucket There you go Whose dick was so long he could suck it. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 30, 2012: Thanks owner, glad you liked it, and I love your little limerick! Will show I have feelings There once was a man from NantucketWho kept all his cash in a bucket.But his daughter, named Nan,Ran away with a manAnd as for the bucket, Nantucket. Princeton Tiger, But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, And the cash that it held caused a row, Hilarious Gavin & Stacey Quotes And Funny Catchphrases! They are tough to write and I never can! One Saturday morning at three / A cheesemongers shop in Paree / Collapsed to the ground / With a thunderous sound / Leaving only a pile of de brie. This got her pants wet, Which made her upset, And when it was cold she would freeze. One was small, hardly anything at all Because they have cotton balls. Go to Jokes r/Jokes . your a poet but I bet you didn't know it! Thank you for a beautiful and funny hub! Thanks for the post. hbbd```b``3+dE4A$09L Typically, these limericks are hyper-sexualized. Happy St. Patrick's Day! To West Virginia she went, To claim it by law But Nan and the man lol! If you have any more good limericks you are welcome to post them in the section below. funmontrealgirl from Montreal on September 28, 2011: Fantastic. 1 Let's start with a few basics. There was once a young girl who said: Why / Cant I look in my ear with my eye? And lightning shot out his ass! (A) Da da dum da da dum da da dum 507 0 obj
10 Fucking Limericks
There once was a man from Nantucket,
Whose cock was so long he could suck it. Interestingly enough, I find the first batch of limericks a lot more entertaining than Lear's may I open my eye now?? I love a good limerick and in particular those of Lear which I think were very clever. So her fingers slipped in, This inspired numerous sequels, the most distinguished of which are believed to be the following, from the Chicago Tribune and the New York Press, respectively: Pa followed the pair to Pawtucket. View history. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 17, 2012: Hi Mohan, thanks for reading them, my witty little ditties! The star violinist was bowing; / The quarrelsome oarsmen were rowing. ha-ha) poetic Irish, is truly hilarious. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 02, 2010: Hi, Micky, ha ha I am glad you liked it, I was going to be ruder but thought I had better not! thanks so much for reading, cheers nell. And sparks fly out of his ass! Ahem. but I love the little ditty! There once was a young girl in Rome, When they clanged together, They played "Stormy Weather", And lightning shot out of his ass. The Urban Dictionary listed the limerick for the first time in 2006. And as for the bucket Nantucket. There once was a girl from Nantucket is the first line from a limerick about a girl who couldnt pay her fare, so she provided a sexual favour instead. Follow @bissell and @jokeindex on Twitter, Build an API from a CSV file in 4 minutes. With the help of her hound. Was known as a silly young ninny, Who lived on pig shit and snot There was a young man from Tahiti Who went for a swim with his sweetie, And as he pursued her A blind barracuda Ran off with his masculinity. Who had one so long he could suck it. There once was a man from Boston who bought him a baby austin. 'Nantucket Man is all of us' "The man in Nantucket who gave Joe Biden the middle finger today has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden," one person joked. A wonderful bird is the pelican / His bill holds more than his belican / He can take in his beak / Enough food for a week / But Im damned if I see how the helican. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 18, 2010: Hi, Doug, thanks for reading it, I love Limericks too, I was going to add a lot more, but couldn't find any innocent ones! Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, PK. He tried and he tried, and eventually died, that weird little boy named Dan. By carrying her stash Its clean version is about a man who keeps his change in a bucket. rd.com, Getty Images A writer named. Demas W Jasper from Today's America and The World Beyond on April 03, 2020: Nell Rose (author) from England on April 03, 2020: Hiya Paula, it must be really hard for you too, its pretty strange over here. However, I did not know about its root. In my limerick hubs I always had some problem getting them past the HP censors and had to change a few. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Limmericks are always enjoyable. There once was a man from Nantucket, There once was a man from Nantucket . She (to passing man): Excuse me, do you have the time. If you like mysteries, psychic phenomena, true stories or just a good laugh, please feel free to click on my Profile page, the link is below, it would be great to see you. The whole thing should carry an anapesticbeat two short syllables followed by a long one that goes something like: (A) Da da dum da da dum da da duma hb```Y@($$t`SSW%)l+2^`S q[Gty3gfx|:\,goqRW$VP e0x>G9?\d(p7GvB
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We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. See answer (1) Copy. There once was a girl named Irene / Who lived on distilled kerosene / But she started absorbing / A new hydrocarbon / And since then has never benzene. I love this.. made me laugh I really enjoyed. There once was a girl named Irene / Who lived on distilled kerosene / But she started absorbing / A new hydrocarbon / And since then has never benzene. There was a dear lady of Eden, / Who on apples was quite fond of feedin; / She gave one to Adam, / Who said, Thank you, Madam, / And then both skedaddled from Eden. Send the limericks to us at P.O. Who thought hed at last found a tight un. Nell Rose (author) from England on October 23, 2015: lol! There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, But his daughter named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket Nan took it! There once was a man from Nantucket . Chris Whitehead of West Sussex, UK, There once was a man from Nantucket yep I know the one WP! Nell Rose (author) from England on September 01, 2011: Hi, suzette, thanks! I can tick it! He was froze from his sole to his hock. thanks for reading, nell. Shyron E Shenko from Texas on March 11, 2017: LOL, these are so funny Nell. If youre looking for more tongue twisters, we have some of the hardest ones in the English language. He said with a grin On Nantucket, the island I live, "There once was a man . All shades of the spectrum, Its clean version is about a man who keeps his change in a bucket. For he told a fat girl she was skinny! That the street door was partially closed. Send the limericks to us at P.O. Lets unpack it for you in this post. Limericks are always good, racy fun. We have more brie-lliant cheese puns where this came from! Nan wished she had stuck with Nebraska, Your email address will not be published. The limericksBelow are 3 of the most well-known versions of the limerick, starting with the original dirty one. / You never can tell till you try., A tutor who tooted a flute / Tried to teach two young tooters to toot. Like a short skirt, She used it to flirt, With all the men who were not eunuchs. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 09, 2012: Thanks Lee, really funny! This town is one of the settings from the famous book Moby Dick, and in the 19th century, it was the whaling capital of the world. There was a young maid from Madras 1. They are funny, but they can be a good lullabye. All three of the A lines must rhyme with each other, and the two B lines must also rhyme with each other. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 19, 2010: Hi, pmc, lol glad you like them, I did have a few more, but they were, well a bit more rude! Who went for a ride in a rocket There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 17, 2014: Hi Crystal, lol! And said Jewels, Dad, tell me where you stuck it. Some old skool bad jokes and limericks from when I was a kid. Report as inappropriate 11/26/2017 This Yelper's account has been closed. ha ha. sorry it took so long to answer, I seem to be running around like a mad woman these last few days! Great stuff! There was a man from Nantucket And I do mean years because, while I recognized some, others I wasn't 'exposed' to in school nor were my children. lol glad you liked it, cheers nell. In search of the infamous bucket. Voted up and the buttons too. The opening line is so well known that it has been used as a stand-alone joke, implying upcoming obscenities. Click to expand. But as for the bucket, Pawtucket. Therefore, its best to use it in environments where you arent offending other people around you. There was a young man from Savannah Who met his end in a curious manner He whittled a hole In a telephone pole And electrified his banana There was a young girl from Madras Who had a most beautiful ass Not rounded and pink As you probably think But Grey with long ears, and ate grass Anonymous A young engineer name of Paul she said with a grin, wipe that cum from your chin. And when she got there, Nell Rose (author) from England on May 02, 2011: Hi, vietnamvet, thanks so much, glad you liked them, cheers nell. Thanks to those who have contributed theirs, more are always welcome a they are very good. Wherever did you find them all? A strange young fellow from Leeds Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on February 17, 2017: ROFL! And quick as a mouse, Joseph Kim, Walen, MA. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). By doing his part, For Paw, cos Nans dealings It's a story of a blessed man and his carefree attitude to life. When the owner saw Pa brilliant! grafix!). You may recall learning about limericks (or even writing a few of your own) in grade school. Funny and very entertaining. There once was a man from madras The earliest published work making use of the limerick appeared in 1902. out on Sankaty sand And as for the bucket, Manhasset. There was a young fellow named Bob. Theyd clack together, Hick! Nell Rose (author) from England on April 04, 2020: LOL! yes Larry is quite the poet don't you think? Funny Jokes; Top Rated; Most Discussed. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 22, 2011: Hi, lambservant, lol! There once was a man from Bel Air Who was doing his wife on the stair But the banister broke So he doubled his stroke And finished her off in mid-air. Manage Settings Following reports that Biden will celebrate the holiday with family on the Massachusetts island Nantucket, Cruz tweeted this reference to the "there once was a man from Nantucket" limerick that in some versions is a bit, er . Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Her clothes all tattered and torn. These pig puns will surely make you snort! I love limericks, I am always making them up, nell. Other publications seized upon the "Nantucket" motif, spawning many sequels. thanks again, nell. Bill Briggs, Tusseyville, PA. Before Nan lifted that cash and bucket
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