Griffin. Names that go with Chloe makes it easy to make cool words out of the initials. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some Samanthas can be described as bewitched. Origin: English. 5. Try out our dog and cat name search facility to find pet name meanings, compare your pet names with others. They are alert and not much gets by them without them knowing about it. Buffy ~ Because it rhymes with "fluffy.". For example, if you have a French bulldog, you may want to call him Paris or Eiffel! Meaning: Bailiff. Email address: DoggoLingo: The Complete (& Cute) Guide to Speaking Fluent Dog, The Red Goldendoodle: 7 Things You May Not Know About Em, how about names for yellow dogs like Sunflower, Canary, or Amarillo, Oh, yes! Our entire family (with Chloe providing the doodle humor and comedic relief) brainstormed a mega list of dog names ending with Y, IE, and other spellings that create the long E sound. Bellatrix. Other spellings include Cloe, Chloey, Chloie, Kloey, ad Kloe. 100 Modern Baby Girl Name Ideas for Twins in 2023 That Go Together Perfectly. If your dog comes from a particular country, you might like to choose a name from that region for him. Most dogs named Sandy are good-natured and caring. Names represent the animal, but also the person who gave it to them. "Cl" names have a nice ring to them, and sometimes taking the time to read a list of the top contenders out loud is the best way to ascertain the correct name for the family's new canine friend. Clodo. No, we've never been accused of being original! And here are Rover's most unique boy dog names. If you're planning on welcoming a female puppy into your household, you'll need a female dog name for her. Gaultier. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. 6. ", Derived from the Latin clrus (bright, clear, famous), English variation; derived from the Latin clrus (bright, clear, famous, Elaboration of Clara, a name derived from the Latin clrus (bright, clear, famous), Feminine form of Clement, which is derived from the Latin clemens (mild, gentle), From the Greek name Kleopatra meaning "glory of the father", Derived from the Greek Khlo (blooming, verdant), From the French "clapier" meaning "hutch", Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret, An abbreviation of Cleopatra meaning "glory of the father", An acronym standing for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, From the Gaelic meaning "from the meadow". From classic dog names like. They can be described as shy. They are loving dogs and like to spend quiet time with their owners. Dogs named Chloe are often larger-breed dogs with very loving and loyal personalities. Heres a small selection of amusing dog names that you might like to consider for your funny furball: Some dogs look just plain tough, even if theyre really great big softies at heart! The night sky is extremely popular with dog names like "Luna," "Nova," "Stella" all high on the list. Another beautiful Arabic puppy name for a female would be Maya. Below is a list of unique middle names with 1 syllable. Origin: Greek. If you're looking to stay original, skip Bella, Lucy, and Daisy. Dogs named Chloe are often larger-breed dogs with very loving and loyal personalities. I LOVE ANIMALS. Chloe's owner, Aunt Viv, leaves her Chihuahua with her irresponsible niece, Rachel, to dog-sit. Marie is common in French and French Canadian double barrel names. Meaning: Sunny. Most Bellas are very loyal to their owners and used to being spoiled. Origin: Greek. Origin: German. Now that you know what makes the best dog name for your pup, here are a thousand cool dog names to choose from for your male dogs and female dogs: READ NEXT:How to Choose a Name for Your Puppy. Chloe is also mentioned in the New Testament as the name . A middle name for Chloe gives the baby a good option in the future. Number. This is a great dog name and often given to dogs with sandy brown coloring. Meaning: Brave and watchful. Of course, Mastiff lovers celebrate the breed's big size and wouldn't have . For the second year in a row Charlie and Luna were the most popular dog names in Boston. Many dogs start out with the nickname Baby, or Puppy. Sometimes these first nicknames end up sticking long-term. Take some advice from experts in the field: Take a little time to get to know your new pet. 1. Why Does My Dog Sleep with His Eyes Open? Rock stars, trendy bands, movie stars, and TV personalities can also have names that would look great on a puppy. Oakie, Oddie, Oliver Twist, Olivia, Ollie, Onyx, Oprah, Oreo, Oscar, Otis, Pacey, Paco, Paddy, Pagan, Pal, Panda, Patch, Patches, Patti, Patty, Pawprint, Paws, Peewee, Pelar, PePeLa Pu, Pepper, Peppermint Patty, Peppy, Penny, Persephone, Pete, Peyton, Phoebe, Phoenix, Pilgrim, Pippi, Piper, Pixie, Polly, Pongo, Poppy, Polvo, Poncho, Pooper, Popper, Poppy, Porsha, Posy, Pouch, Prissy, Prince, Printz, Princess, Psycho, Puddles, Puff, Pugsly, Pumpkin, Pup-Pup, Pups, Putter, Queenie, Queeny, Quigley, Queisha, Quincey, Radar, Raffles, Rainbow, Rajah (Indian for King), Ralphie, Rambo, Ramone, Ranger, Ranni (Indian For Queen), Rapidash (a fast dog), Rascal, Ravindra, Rayo (Spanish for Lighting), Reagan, Reana, Reasoner, Reeba, Rena, Rene, Reese, Reeses, Rex, Rhea, Ricky, Riggs, Riley, Ringo, Rinty, Rita the Red, Robbie, Robbin, Robo, Rocket, Rockie, Rocky, Rolly, Rolly Polly, Roly, Romeo, Rontu, Roscoe, Rosie, Rover, Rudy, Ruler, Runner, Rush, Rusty, Ryder, Sabra, Sable, Sabrina, Sadie, Saffron, Salam, Sam, Sammy, Sampson, Sandie, Sandy, Santana, Sara, Sasha, Sassy, Savvy, Scooby, Scooter, Scott, Scottie, Scruffy, Sebastian, Shadow, Shaggy, Shaleigh, Shania, Shannon, Sharo (means spotty in Croatian), Shasta, Sheila, Shelby, Sherlock, Shredder, Shreddie, Sid, Simba, Simon, Sinatra, Sissy, Skeeter, Skittles, Skoshi, Skye, Skylar, Slowbro, Slowpoke, Sly, Sneakers, Snickers, Snoopy, Snow, Snowflake, Snowy, Snuggles, Sophie, Sorrel, Soya, Spaz, Spencer, Sparkle, Sparkles, Sparky, Spazzy, Spike, Spook, Spooky, Spotty, Spunky, Star, Starbuck, Star-sweeper, Stoney, Stormy, Stripes, Sugar, Sunflash, Sunny, Sunray, Sunshine, Superman, Susie, Sylvie, Synergy, Smokey, Squeak, Sydney, Sylvia, Tabby, Taco, Tadpole, Taffy, Tahoe, Tameeka, Tanner, Tank, Tanzi, Tapanga, Tara, Tasha, Taz, Teakwood, Teddy, Terry, Tess, Thunder, Tiea, Tiger, Thor, Tigger, Tiggy, Timber, Timmy, Tiny, Tippy, Toby, Toffee, Toga, Tonka, Topper, Tori, Tory, Toto, Trapper, Trigger, Trouper, Trooper, Trotter, Tramp, Trixie, Trixy, Trusty, Tucker, Tuesday, Tye, Tyke, Tygar, Tyler, Waldo, Walker, Wally, Wambo, Watson, Warrior, Webster, WeePaws, Weeps, Wes, Wheeler, Whit, White Sox, Whitney, Wiggles, Willie, Winston, Woko, Wolf, Wolly, Wonderwoman, Wrinkles, Y2K-9, Yanni, Yankee, Yapper, Yoda, Yoharn, Yorki, Yoshi, Yuki, Yukon, Zac, Zachary, Zaggy, Zahria, Zander, Zappy, Zara, Zeena, Zelda, Zephyr, Zero, Zeus, Ziggles, Ziggy, Zinnia, Zip, Zippy, Zippers, Zoe, Zoey, Zora, Zosh, Zuri. Love Your Dog is a trademark of Cover Story Media, Inc. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Chloe Bliss - Of English origin meaning "perfect joy". Sam the landscaper's male Chihuahua, Papi, notices Chloe and immediately develops a crush on her, though she . The largest dogs in the world can top 150 pounds, so go for something equally awesome with a super-sized pick. Chloe Ash - An alternative to Ashley. Products and services reviewed are provided by third parties; we are not responsible in any way for them, nor do Sincere and sweet are two words often used to describe Sophies. Download and print this vaccination schedule to help keep your puppy on track for its first year of life! A dogs moniker also represents an emotion for its owner. Chloe and Iris. Do you want to adopt a fierce dog that captures the hearts Dog deafness is a common issue that affects dogs of all ages and breeds. Abraham: Father of multitudes, father of nations. However, choosing a name for your pup also carries lots of responsibility too. Chanel. They often have a girl next door appearance to strangers. All 250+ names include the long E sound, of course, and then they are organized into sub-lists according to these groupings: We hope there is a dog name on one of the lists below that is perfect for your puppy. Searching for an adorable first name for the middle name Chloe? Chloe or Khloe, was added to her name during the summer season and harvest. A lot of careful thought goes into choosing a name. In addition to choosing cute dog names that end in Y (or the long E sound), weve created sub-categories to help you easily scan the mega list of names. 4. Dogs are not as attached to things as we are, and they will pick up on a new name if needed. The litter had a country music theme, so she was named for Faith Hill. 100+ Unique Dog Names for Every Kind of Pup, The Top Dog Breeds the Year You Were Born, The 20 Best Dog Breeds for Families and Kids, The 25 Cutest Dog Breeds You'll Wish You Could Cuddle All Day Long, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. There are lots of ways to pick a cute girl name for your dog. I should have checked the lists first lol. Daisy and Lola. Pin. Weve included some exotic, unusual, and hipster names, as well as the more commonly-seen monikers. Meaning: Royal Daughter. It is a popular princessy dog name in this part of the world. lol. For example, Jay would be a great name for a dog, but it also sounds a lot like, Stay! Now, thats going to be frustrating when you call your pup in the dog park and he remains sitting obediently on the spot! Whether you are looking for a name. Jackman. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. it is likely that any Amelia, Sophia, Isabella or Jessica (and Ava) will be one of many in their class they'd have to be a bit unlucky to be one of many- my dd has one of these names and there is one other child in the year group of 100 with it, spelled differently. Research showed that Chloe and Lily are top female cat names and Max and Oliver are top male cat names. Trending Girl Dog Names In 2022 2022 has seen a few different female dog names that have been trending over the past 12 months. Top 10 Royal, Regal Names for Female Dogs. Bonnie. Chloe has become a wildly popular name for human babies all over the English-speaking world. Meaning: My Fathers Delight. After all, you only want one of your pets to come to you when you call him, not the whole tribe! 0. Origin: Hebrew. Popular culture is always a trending theme for female dog names. Sasha. Meaning: A listener, female variation on Samuel. They are generally sweet and loving, but can be shy to strangers. I love these, but most likely cannot use them: [name_f]Tessa[/name_f] [name_f]Sadie . We have compiled a list of the 50 most popular names over the last decade, along with their origins and meanings. It's an exciting time in the life of any family. Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, and Brittany Spaniels are commonly named Ginger. They can be quiet and thoughtful, but able to read your mind and know what you are thinking. Sage. Chloe ranks #10 with users of Owners should remember that a pets name matters more to an owner than to a dog. Make the name you choose something unusual and not a run-of-the-mill tag that lots of other dogs will have. It can take two weeks or a little longer for dogs to learn their names, especially young puppies. You have over 95 at your disposal, including Buddy, Dozer, Foxxy Cleopatra, Finn, Jinxy, Meatloaf, and Thurman Murman. After all, the choice that you make has to stick with your dog for the entirety of his life. For instance, choose the middle names you want for Chloe from the So is there a way to name your dog more effectively? Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on April 06, 2020: Hi Lulu: I named a puppy Faith. Dont pick a name that could be easily confused with one of the training commands youre planning on using for your puppy. Meaning: Princess. Meaning: Lady of Sorrows, a name believed to be taken from a title for the Virgin Mary. Here's 500 of the most popular dog names to help get you started. Your new pup is a cutie pie, and so they deserve the most adorable name ever. When youre picking a name for your puppy, always go for something short and not too complex. However, remember that your dog could live until well into his teens, and someone thats currently hot news might be long forgotten in a few years time. For even more names, please check out our other naming lists: If these nature-inspired dog names are some of your favorite, be sure to check out my complete list of nature dog names for outdoor enthusiasts! They aim to please and can be quite care-free. Origin: Greek. A name is a tool to control, train, and manage a dog, as well as represent who they are. DYNAMIC DUOS NAMES FOR YOUR DOG This is a GREAT list of fun names! Giving them a softer, more feminine sound . There you have it- 100 Middle names for Chloe, different ways to spell Chloe, sibling names for Chloe, Nicknames for Chloe, first and last name for Chloe, etc. Origin: English. First Time Mamma is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to First Time Mamma is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Return from Top 100 Dog Names to the main Puppy Names page, oh! Another beloved canine character whose name has served as an inspiration for dog-loving families is Cloe Vanessible. Remove any name that sounds odd, weird, or hard. Lola is a diminutive of Dolores. They are generally smart dogs and very trustworthy. She also saidthat sibilant sounds will likely result in a much poorer response from canines than dog names with hard consonants and sharp sounds. Max and Spot are a little too tried-and-true if you know what we mean. While releasing the most popular dog names for 2022, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department's Animal Care and Control Division wants to reminds dog owners that the annual deadline for licensing their pets is March 31. 5 Health Benefits and 4 Risks, Review: ValueBull Dog Chews Collagen Sticks & Yak Chews, Giveaway: Walkee Paws Dog Boots ($65+ Value), Hydrocortisone Cream for Dogs: What Is It and How to Use It Safely, Maryland Pet Stores, Dog Parks, Grooming, And More, Happy Tail Syndrome Can Be Painful for Dogs Heres How to Prevent It, Coughing, Gagging and Choking in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments, Pale Gums in Dogs: What It Means and What to Do, Ringworm in Dogs: Prevention and Treatment, Dog Sitting Tips: Beginners Guide For Pet Sitters. These names will make you (and everyone else) smile whenever you call your puppy. Chloe: Bubba: Cinnamon: Buck: Cleo: Buddy: Coco: Buster: Cookie: Butch: Cricket: Buzz: Daisy: Cain: Dakota: Captain: Dana: Carter: Daphne: Cash: . 2. e.g. Names borrowed from luxury brands like Chanel and Gucci are obvious options, along with options like Jewel or Diamond. Chloe and Gemma. If you are a fan of diversity, and are looking for different ways to spell Chloe, here you have them. Photo credit:Alyssa Berns 250 Best Dog Names Ending in Y (or IE) for Your Little Cutie Pie. Origin: Greek. Finally, here are some more dog names, from A through Z. Abbey, Abby, Abagail, Ace, Alamo, Alec, Alen, Alex, Alexis, Ali, Algie, Allie, Althea, Amanda, Amber, Amelia, Amigo, Amos, Anastasia, Andie, Angel, Angelica, Anne, Arcanine, Archer, Arica, Ariel, Arizona, Asha, Ashtan, Aspen, Atlas, Aura, Axel, Ayala, Ayana Ashley, Astro, Baby, Bailey, Balto, Bambi, Bandit, Barklay, Barky, Barney, Basil, Beanie, Bear, Beatrice, Becca, Beckie, Beetle, Bejour, Bell, Bella, Belle, Ben, Benni, Bennie, Benny, Bentley, Bessie, Beta, Billie, Biscuit, B.J., Blackie, Blaster, Blaze, Blinx, Blitz, Blondie, Blooper, Blossom, Blue, Bogie, Boinkers, Bonkers, Bonnie, Bono, Bonzo, Boo, Booboo, Boogie, Boomer, Boots, Bootsie, Bootsy, Boxer, Boy, Brad, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brock, Bruno, Breaker, Brechin, Bree, Brenner, Bridget, Brindle, Brink, Briz, Bronx, Bryce, Brittany, Bubba, Bubbles, Bucky, Bud, Buddy, Buffy, Bullet, Busta, Buster, Butch, Buttercup, Buzz, Caesar, Caitlyn, Calli, Calypso, Camby, Cami, Candi, Candy, Cappuccino, Cargo, Carl, Carly, Carmel, Casey, Cash, Cassie, Cassey, Cassidy, Cat, Caymus, Cedar, Chaos, Chance, Chapanga, Chappy, Charlie, Chase, Chasity, Chaz, Checkers, Cheeky, Cherry, Chelsea, Cher, Chester, Chewy, Chica, Chico, China, Ching, Chintzy, Chiquita, Chloe, Chocolate, Chunky, Cinnamon, Clarice, Cleo, Clifford, Cloe, Cloud, Clover, Cobie, Coby, Cocoa, Cody, Comet, Contessa, Cooper, Copper, Corky, Cornell, Cosmo, Cowboy, Cream, Cruiser, Crumpet, Crystal, Cuddles, Cupcake, Custard, Cutie, Daffy, Dafny, Daisy, Daisy Mae, Dakota, Dallas, Damien, Dancer, Danny, Dante, Darling, David, Dawson, DeDe, Derral, Diamond, Dicer, Digger, DJ, Diane, Dinah, Dinger, Dingo, Dinky, Dino, Dixie, Doby, Dog, Dogberry, Dogzilla, Dolly, Donte, Dossie, Dottie, Dotty, Dozer, Drummond, Dude, Duke, Duncan, Dutchess, Dusty, Dudley, Dogberry, Dude, Dutchess, Echo, Ed, Eevee, Eli, Elmer, Elmo, Emma, Else, Elvis, Elway, Ember, Emily, Erin, Eros, Eternity, Fairy, Fancy, Fanny, Farley, Favian, Feefee, Fido, Fiona, Finnegan, Fletcher, Flint, Fluffy, Flossie, Fonzie, Foster, Foxy, Fran, Franko, Fred, Friday, Frisky, Fritz, Freckles, Furry, Gabbie, Gabby, Galaxy, Gamble, Garth, GeGe, Gena, Geneve, George, Gidget, Gina, Ginger, Ginny, Gizmo, Goldy, Goliath, Gomez, Goofball, Goose, Grace, Gracie, Graveler (a mean dog), Grouch, Grover, Growlithe, Gus, Guy, Gwenivive, Gypsy, Haley, Halley, Hannah, Hans, Harley, Harrie, Harvey, Hazel, Hattie, Harry, Henry, Hercules, Henry, Hero, Hershey, Hogan, Holly, Homer, Homey, Honey, Honey Bear, Hoover, Hot Dog, Hot Shot, Houston, Hunter, Impi, Iris, Ivan, Ivy, Indira, Iona, Isis, Ivory, Izzy, Jack, Jackie, Jackson, Jacqueline, Jade, Jake, James Bond, Jamie, Jammin, Janice, Jar, Jaraspo, Java, Jarrah (Dark Wood), Jasmine, Jasper, Jay, Jazzy, Jazz, Jemmi, Jefferson, Jenny, Jerry, Jersey, Jet, Jethro, Jetta, Jessi, Jester, Jetson, Jibber, Jimmy, Jimny, Juno, Joy, Jumper, Jono, Joe, Joey, JoJo, Jolene, Jolteon, Jonny, Josey, Julie, Juliet, Jumbo Jim, Jumboli, Juno, Kahuna, Karma, Kashanta, Katie, Kayla, Keemo, Kelly, Kenny, Kenya, Koda, Kobe, Kobie, Kona, Kera, Kelsey, Keesha, Keeshu, Kenimo, Kiara, King, Kirby, Kojak, Kramer, Kristen, Krystal, Koko, Lacey, Laddie, Lady, Lady Luck, Laura, Lazy, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leopold (thanks to our visitor who suggested this name), Lexa, Lightning, Lilly, Lindsey Girl, Lira, Lisa, Lizzie, Loki, Loretta, Lori, Lucky, Lucy, Luke, Mabel, Mac, Machoke (a strong dog), Mackensie, Madam, Madeline, Madison, Maggie Mae, Magic, Maha, Mairin, Maggie, Maka, Malibu, Mandy, Maria, Mariah, Matilda, Maverick, Max, Maxie, Maya, McCoy, Meghan, Meggie, Meika, Merlin, Mesha, Mickey, Midget, Midnight, Miko, Mila, Milly, Milo, MiMi, Mindy, Minnie, Misty, Misty Bleu, M&M, Moby, Mocha, Mojoe, Mollsyn, Molly, Mooch, Mobster, MoJo, Monee, Montague, Monty, Mookie, Muffin, Moses, Mocha, Morgan, Mouse, Moxie, Muffin, Muffy, Muscleman, Mutt, Muttley, Myra, Mystic, Nalie, Nalpo, Naya, Nicole, Nikki, Nia, Ninja, Nick, Nala, Napoleon, Nellie, Neptune, Nocko, Nookie, Nanook, Nikko, Ninetails, Nugget. Thanks; now I am looking forward to your hub on the 50 most popular male dog names! Artemis. But we have you covered with this list of 400 dog name ideas. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Mentions Descriptive words Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants. It takes them time to warm up to strangers but once they do, they dont forget them. 2023 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. We love walks, playing fetchand making people smile. Open to options though, even if they break those rules. Chloe and Susannah. Funniest Dog Names. They can be creative and like to play. Girl dog names that begin with C can be as traditional as human names, or inspired by something much more individual. Jolly. RELATED: The 20 Best Dog Breeds for Families and Kids. Annie is a girl next door name given to many dogs with sweet, loving personalities. They can be creative and like to play. Goliath - Samson And Goliath. The information provided through this website should not be used to Avoid rhyming names, such as Pooky and Spooky, as this can be confusing for dogs. list below and write them down. Even More Ideas for Celeb Dog Name Ideas. Lady is a wonderful dog name and often given to Cocker Spaniels due to the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp. That's a whole lot of dog! I can attest to that with the name Chloe. I change the lilt of my voice between the first and second syllables (CHLO-ee). . Meaning: Brash. i love that name. Below are adorable girl names that go with Chloe. e.g. In particular, its best to steer clear of naming your dog after evil historical figures. Wendy. Along their journeys, Clifford sometimes finds himself in hot water, as giant dogs often do! They prefer to be with their owners instead of on their own. Read on for the top dog middle names from's Top Dog Names. Old-timey girl names that start with "V" - "Z". Then you may also love my mega list of cookie names for dogs. Harry. When a girl dog hears her name, its a signal that whatever is coming next is meant for her. And dont think these popular dog names were pulled from thin air. Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on June 22, 2017: That is a beautiful name Estella. Here's what you must know about naming a dog and a list of cool dog names you can use for your new pet. Disclaimer & Privacy Policy . Your dog needs surgery, and your heart is focused on the immediate needs of your pet. last name. You might have a best friend or favorite family member that youd like to name your puppy after. Disclaimer: Dogs and Dog Advice is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, They are thoughtful, loving, and very loyal, but may be suspicious of strangers and slow to warm up to new people. Cute Dog Names. Food- and drink-themed names are also a favorite, with female puppy names like . While this works for some owners, it is certainly not expected, nor is something wrong if it takes a while to pick a perfect name. Daisy and Fiona. One of the most exciting things about welcoming a new puppy into your home is that you get to choose your new furry friends name! Visit our comprehensive dog names list to explore famous dog names, celebrity dog names, unique dog names and more. Avoid dog names that sound like commands. TOP #32: Is Homemade Dog Food As Healthy As We Think It Is? Published: 05/31/2018, edited: 01/30/2020. Origin. Most Lucys are smart dogs and good problem solvers. Meaning: Defending men, helpmate. We have hundreds more names in store for you. Iris & Ivy 57. Chloe Blaire - Of Scottish origin meaning "battlefield or plain". This site is owned and operated by First Time Mamma. But with a dog, the stakes are lower. Daisy and Mabel. Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on June 20, 2014: Hi Dr. Mark - I have a penchant for unusual dog names too, like my boy Cave. Go through the list and choose the best name for your baby. As you choose a name for your pup, it is important to pick a name that matches your dogs personality and follows some basic naming rules. Get the latest Happy-Go-Doodle stories delivered to your email inbox. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) [ edit] Vivian Ashe ( Jamie Lee Curtis) leaves her pet chihuahua Chloe, ( Drew Barrymore) with her irresponsible niece Rachel ( Piper Perabo ). Latin origin meaning "lame"; alternatively a variations of the names Claude or Claudius. Are certain dog names associated with certain traits? And they cant be wrong, right? Copyright 2023 Happy-Go-Doodle | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, 101 Sweet & Old-Fashioned Names for Girl Puppy Cuteness, 101 Old-Fashioned Names for Boy Puppy Perfection. Meaning: Faithful. Meaning: Days Eye, also associated with the flower, which has a yellow center and white petals. As long as a pets name is not offensive, or wildly inappropriate, then owners should not feel too much pressure from others.