We have a commercial where the announcer asks, How do you like your coffee? Naturally, we like our coffee crisp. http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/6521/what-are-the-important-differences-between-canadian-and-american-usa-english, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/discover/section-13.asp, http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/canadian-slang-by-region.html, http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/michelle-butterfield/canadian-prairies-words-slangs_b_4166204.html, http://www.strategiesinlanguagelearning.com/movies_to_learn_language/. Ok, I could do an entire post on how Tim Hortons has shaped our coffee drinking as a nation. Do you have any favourite Letterkenny Wayne quotes you feel should not miss on our list? Now you can use it to deke out of a meeting or deke around traffic through shortcuts. endobj They are changing to convenience stores, but in small town Alberta you will still see a Confectionary store. For example, how Canadians use "keener" is defined by the dictionary as, "A person, especially a student, who is extremely or excessively eager, zealous, or enthusiastic.". Often used for multi-day trips or short hikes. Canada has two official languages, English and French, and a third unofficial one: Canadian slang. My younger life, mostly from Hamilton and Toronto. Buddy/ Bud On the east coast predominantly (but also heard nationwide), buddy is a way to talk about a person without using a name. Some have a French Canadian influence. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field. , I think in some ways, Alaska and Canada are very similar and quite different in others. If youre concerned about that expanding gut of yours, many restaurants offer a healthier, vegetarian gravy substitute. What about sorry? BC has a lot of slang to refer to certain cities, often in a derogatory way. As a general rule, though, Toronto Maple Leafs insults can fly pretty much anywhere across the country, even in Toronto where fans mostly have a sense of humour. In the winter, Canadians break out their toboggans or sleds to go tobogganing down snowy hills. . I dont know if its uniquely Canadian but Ive heard clicks used quite a bit instead of kilometres. References. Two-four was a big one for me back in the day. If you order your coffee this way, youll get one with two creams and two sugars. Although the term we use most often is sorry, Im not sorry for the changes I made. Originally refers to the losers of a hockey game, who, in pre-Zamboni times, would have to hose the rink down once the game was done. Yes Renting a car is a necessity in most of Canada! Cheers! Rink rat is a term for someone who spends a lot of time at hockey arenas. Using an American product is very Canadian. Finally they said Why do you say clicks we replied I dont know. Theyre most common in the Prairies, though Saskatchewan and Alberta debate the i vs. o. Meaning, Americans dont say whipper snipper. One chance. In Ontario we say ( use guys) meaning (you guys). Can often replace 'Pardon' or 'Excuse Me'. Is there anywhere else in Canada that also says this?? Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake helped get this horrible fashion choice into the mainstream, but it continues to be a thing in Canada. I didnt know that there was an American Smarties. He was a town blacksmith, along with his father William, in Van Kleek Hill, and continued the trade here in Manlius, when they emigrated in the 40s. I explained that once she gets there, shell have to learn Canadian and she could then say that shes bilingual. Quebec Anglophones have freely adopted French words, such as autoroute for highway and dpanneur for corner store, as well as French constructions, such as take a decision and shut a light. When the fields are plowed, especially the cornfields, it looks like stubble. You can always identify a Canadian by the way they use the word University. no. See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable. Australian Swear Words Even though Australia is an English-speaking country, there are many differences when it comes to slang and cuss words. Usually, its not used to refer to a physical fight, but that varies. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Wed use it asheading to the vendors, want anything? Our Mini Trips are small and mighty - they squeeze all the excitement and authenticity of our longer Epic Trips into a manageable 3-5 day window. Theres a lto of word also that i hear all the time here, and not just in the US or elsewhere. A (bad) hockey player who spends all her time on the bench, gathering dust. It has a picture of a Loon on it. Ingredient Disclosure List ( SOR /88-64) Regulations are current to 2022-09-22 and last amended on 2015-02-11. Chesterfield, that is a good one, I forgot about that one. Love it! Or when in university, a 1st year or 2nd year student. Tell us some words unique to your country, we want to hear them. In high school, people carried around a Micky of vodka or Canadian Club Rye Whiskey. By now most of the world knows the Canadian tuxedo: wearing an all-denim outfit. Its true what they say about accents: everyone has one and you cant always hear your own, but this whole business about Canadians saying a-boot instead of about is just confusing. I also just recently realize that they call it a toilet around most of the rest of the world, including Australia. The American pronunciation ismore like a-bow-t. (as in take a bow). Police arrest 16 suspects for committing electoral offences during 2023 presiden Trouble for INEC staff who violated Electoral Act during presidential polls as chairman announces punishment, Police arrest 16 suspects for committing electoral offences during 2023 presidential poll in south south state, Labour Party denies political alliance with PDP ahead of 2023 governorship election in top state, Gunmen kidnap top North Central monarch's 2 wives, son as police begin search operation, 200 cool and famous dragon names, their meanings and origin. It is, after all, a . Any potential backpackers heading to Canada need to know a few of these sayings. I always say Zed Zed Top & La-Zed-Boy just so people realise how silly it is to make zee rhyme with vee in the alphabet!! I also remember that the term sled was not a toboggan, but a ski-do. Its name comes from the Loon (a bird) on the Tails side of the coin. If youre looking for a corner store, youre looking for the dep. Canadians have a reputation for being the politest people on the planet that is until someone butts in line at Tims. To fit in while youre in Canada, be sure to say please and thank you to anyone who serves or assists you in any way. Fly means something is over the top or extravagant. %PDF-1.5 Awesome! Mainly refers to youngsters who commit petty crimes. This is what we Canadians call our Backpack or Rucksack. The term university is limited to schools which offer four-year, degree programs. There you have it. 2023 Nina Out and About - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP - Privacy Policy, Wrap Up: Canadian Slang and Sayings You Need to Know. I know our American friends rhyme the alphabet and sing x, y, zee, but we say Zed. Thanks for the information Zach. They change from province to province and city to city without much notice. These are Canadas most unique restaurants. I am thinking that perhaps it is a uniform? But you are right, either way is the proper spelling. Read on to find out if yours made it to the list of the best 35 quotes from the show below. Im guessing that was a one off. Living around Canada, especially in the Maritimes, I learned even more fascinating Canadian terms that I wish were more widely known. Smarties were introduced by Rowntree of York in 1882. (CC and Coke) to drink at parties. As in, that car got up to 100 clicks.. Ive always loved them because it lets me sample a bunch of doughnut flavours when Im too indecisive to pick one. Habs fans are everywhere and theres nothing funny about the most storied team in NHL history. Its not the same as whole milk, so we came up with a short form. (My Mom pronounced it VAN Klee-kill) Are these phrases familiar to anyone? The other ones arent ringing a bell though, Im afraid. I shared an office with a Canadian and my husband did consulting for a Canadian-owned mobile phone company. One fellow was described as a Canadian Baby, maybe a typical personal crack, not the photography company which apparently started in 1965. However, older generations sometimes call U.S. residents Yankees.. Parkette = Park , In French! That is until you see the coin. We sometimes shorten it to uni. Over the years, people have started using the term to refer to Big Foot as well, but hes supposed to be his own thing. The original name of Ottawa and now a common nickname. F**k, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day, I dont give a sh*t about your kids. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at GoNift.com). Amazing Tombstone quotes from an underrated movie classic. Hahaha, theres also several ways you can use it. Its basically two loonies, so we came up with toonie. Canadian English military slang. Kitty-corner refers to something diagonally across the street from you. Refers to the island itself and not Labrador. Everyone in Canada knows this, which is why its so frustrating when people around the world dont seem to realize that our home isnt simply the 51st state of the U.S. Their confusion is somewhat understandable: Canada and the U.S. are such strong allies and many Canadian celebrities hop the border to find success in Hollywood. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Its most used in Calgary, where we have our largest rodeo. Eh This is our most popular Canadian saying that we receive the most flack about from the rest of the world. Klick is slang for kilometre. Pencil crayons are pencils that feature coloured graphite. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. How a Soft Drink Became Quebec's Homegrown Insult. Dave and I would say things like the next town is about 50 clicks away. Are the washrooms comfortable in the Philippines? I dont think that I have ever heard the term washroom anywhere else except for Canada. Why cant you just go f**k yourself? "Cuzo". , Does your grandmother call lunch dinner and dinner supper?. Welcome back to my channel! Another one would be, When Im done this show or when Im done this product., etc. the other thing small difference im canadian living in the US and people make fun of me for saying Im having a shower or Im gonna have a nap they only use taking for showers and naps. I remember chesterfield from my early childhood in the 70s. For example, you can use it when something is incredulous. Initially, this referred to Vancouver. This was a term I hoped died when I left high school, but unfortunately, its stuck around. Similarly, you can order a single single or a triple triple (although that sounds like a lot of dairy and sugar). Note: this is not to be confused with May two-four (24) weekend, which is a holiday in Canada. Im going out in the yard to talk to Ellen but well only bat the fat for a few minutes. Parkette (i.e., small park) is a Canadian word. This will help you sound more Canadian. Everyone in Kansas calls it pop. A popular sugar-coated chocolate confectionery available in Europe and the Commonwealth of Nations but not the USA. I was surprised to see the word Toilet used so much. Two four. Hi. 2 0 obj Long story short, Pop is not just a Canadian phenomena. A derogatory term that has nothing to do with our meat production and everything to do with how the rest of the country felt about us hyping ourselves up. We love Keiths it is one of our favourite beers. I agree, soda is weird to my ears. Stereotypical softdrink of choice (considered quite insulting). A sourdough is a permanent resident of the Yukon who has lived there for all four seasons. Commonly shortened to hali. We catch ourselves saying it all the time. Or shot glasses at Spencers that have the phrase legalize eating *ss printed on them but Spencers has always been a rude, greasy-looking store, anyway. Among the many booze-related slang terms in Canada, this phrase - particularly popular in Ontario - refers to a package of 24 bottles of beer. Canadians do pronounce the R in Pork. Someone who tries just a little too hard, sucking up to an authority figure and showing off how much they know. You should also study words for uniquely Canadian items, such as loonie, for a Canadian one-dollar coin that has a loon on it. I really miss my knapsack days. They didnt have Gortex then. It is needed because Alberta can be extremely cold in the winter. Here are a few of the staple Canadian slang words used daily. Canadians have come up with a variety of nicknames for the provinces, cities, and towns we live in. Cant figure out what it is in the South, but how would you pick up snow anyways without a back-hoe? Im Canadain and shes merican. And I believe my grandparents in kansas also used to call them that. A very typical Canadian chocolate bar is a coffee crisp. Ive used it for years, but cant find it in any dictionary, so it must be ours. I learned a lot from you. In fact, drop any of these common Canadian slang terms while visiting our neighbours to the south, and you may just be greeted with a blank stare or two. Ive tested it with friends and everyone agrees it is pronounced JAGD not JAG ed as in the adjective. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Although it is a manufactured made up word, it is Canada in a nutshell. Again, its mostly seen on American television. That package is going to be smaller than the one youre sportin now. We get a lot of flack due to the fact that were drinking Miller in the photograph:), and idk of candians pronouce it the same way but in northern us. They also like pumpkin pie.thats 2 for Canada!). Thats when I realized that Canadians are strange. In Canadian slang, a double-double is a type of coffee. I have lived in Ontario, BC and presently Alberta and I never hear people say where is the toilet, its usually washroom or bathroom. In the US, these are called Adirondack chairs. Technically this isnt slang since its a translation, but it means thank you. How do you pronounce by? Think Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, only Canadian. Its similar to a very Malaysian word lah which we add to everything we say. Either way, you probably will hear someone say it in passing while youre in Canada. Its not the original any longer. In exploring where the expression can came from, it stemmed back from people from the 70s era that would have to pee while at a drive in. If you want to develop a Canadian accent, try to say the lines along with the actors on the third or fourth viewing. I didnt realize that we are the only people in the world that call their electricity Hydro. Dwight Schrute: Most hilarious quotes and memes from your favourite character. Its just what we call km. I forgot about Toffee Crisps. They mock us by using "eh" in the most ridiculous phrases and they never get it right. However, its very commonly referred to, even by Canadians, as being Canadian slang. I would correct your comment regarding where Canadians buy their beer. Keener. The lexicography team for the Canadian Oxford Dictionary tell me the . Just a note on pronunciation. I have some friends from Newfoundland, so I think that I can hear the accent as I am thinking about how to say it:) Nice! A Newfoundland insult meaning someone whos too lazy to go fishing. Im going to use a few of these phrases for my school international fair! In addition to regional slang variations, there are some Canadian slang words universally understood throughout the country. We call them Smarties and we like to eat the red ones last. Edmonton. Well its true what they say, Canadians are the kindest people in the world. A double double is a coffee order from Tim Hortons. This year has been a bit warmIve seen it down to -35 F here in the banks and up to +35 F just within the past couple days (its 2022-02-27 today) a heatwave. My favourite Canadian slang term that I use all the time even though I dont often wear them! Not because it is the Queens birthday. A ski cap? However, Canada is a large country that houses a variety of cultures. I can think of some additional foods and expressions that are distinctly Canadian that visitors might not know: Butter Tart Tortire Poutine Nanaimo Bar Bags of milk Pop instead of soda Ketchup Chips Clicks (distance) Kerfuffle (commotion) For sure Homo milk Brown bread Chesterfield Supper Girl Guides Muskoka Chair Track pants Postal code Elastic Smarties Crispy Crunch Caramilk Shreddies 5-pin bowling Mountie, Ive called it pop ever since i could remember. Why people think we say aboot is beyond me. Your living area is above the first floor. Ah, that explains it. But if you ever want to deliver one of the worst Canadian insults, ask them if they voted for Trump or Biden, or why we drink milk out of bags. Colorful Biker Slang. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Hi Virey, I am not sure what that means, Id have to see more of the poem in context. We dont have a lot of free WIFI in Canada, so youll need your phone for maps. and Quebec is the only place in North America where Pepsi has traditionally outsold Coke. We have Chinook winds in here in Alaska, though not so much here in Fairbanks. Toilet is everywhere in Japan, but its more than just the signage, people say it out loud at the restaurant with no regards for any apropos feeling. Good to know that we have similar tastes when it comes to our toilet chat:). If I hear one more person say Oh your Canadian, do you go oot and aboot? Im going to sock it to em in the nose. Out and about is the cliche thing that every American I meet always gets me to say in my Canadian accent. No waywe ended up calling it a Toonie, because Toonie rhymes with Loonie, and we Canadians like things that rhyme. Anyways . Learn more Canadians are proud of their cultural heritage and linguistic diversity, and there are a number of uniquely Canadian slang words that express this heritage. Ok, I am kidding, it doesnt make sense at all. , How about: I am sorry The original Canadian phrase we use all the time (trust me I have been to places where people will slam into you and walk away like you were a pilon. This guide to over 100 Canadian slang words initially started out as 20 words, but I kept remembering other terms from my friends and travels around the country. Canadians would also pronounce the past tense of shine (shone) to rhyme with dawn versus the American bone. I think its fascinating how terms develop and change over time and across borders. vs den or family room, Oh yes, its a living room. We would pronounce leisure to rhyme with seizure (Americans would rhyme it with measure). Means go for it or help yourself, especially when referring to food. [1] It might seem a bit weird, but tah-bar-nac (the box where the Eucharist is kept) is a common swear word uttered in a fit of agitation. Even though all of our population is gathered towards the south of the country, theres still a lot of country there. Someone from New Brunswick. 99% of Canadians will use washroom or bathroom, but very rarely will they use toilet. And yes, after you answer natures call, you do go there to wash, hopefully. . I dont know what I was thinking of hahah. You may just pick a few to use whenever you hang out with your close buddies as long they are open-minded. Ill respectfully disagree. Good one! It might be a Britishism but its also Canadian. A few days ago a friend and me spotted a guy going for a jog in some short shorts, rocking an Ipod & a very athletic Gut. I didnt think of that one. Otherwise, you can just say "please.". Check out my Comprehensive Guide to Canadian Cuisine, Plan a Winter Weekend in Toronto with my itinerary, Head to cottage country to Discover Muskoka, Learn what its really like to live her with my 10 Pros and Cons to Living in Canada, Stuff yourself with my guide on Where to Eat in Toronto for All Budgets, Find out my 51 Favourite Things to do in Halifax, Think you know all there is to know about Canada? Im definitely one to say, dont know me from Adam And I love the Beer Store. Incidentally, anyone wanting a primer is Scots, I recommend watching Rab C Nesbitt on Youtube. x\n9}7Gi[7eg"ag[+[YI~d_I+"o,Nob6.OO("3i2.OO%{<=xzrNdp7*rR\x{~`/;(/BG?lo'PNOYxi}l Qx?TCAOZ/umOd0= ~>NdgGL+zt})bZz,3YSEr 3/n*=MiZlr^)$z1}2h3],S4n&(1@6/s%$d.6^j.y^K9"sVKjb Naniamo Bar (obviously) basically a chocolate sandwich with some kind of wierd cream in the middle (it is so good). Fun fact: KD is our most consumed product in Canada, even beating out maple syrup! You know? As for oot and aboot, it may not be Canadian but it is pure Scottish. Canada has free healthcare but its only for citizens! They are discussed in a separate chapter because they have their own usage and inflection. Just be sure you dont put any stink on the word; as annoyed as you might be, its important to say sorry without sounding like youre trying to start something. I dont know which came first: Americas obsession with it or our general use. Toronto has started trying to co-opt it, but Vancouverites still hold on to the term. I was staying in Alberta earlier this year and never once heard can used, but washroom was used not only exclusively, but actually written above public toilet entrances and on directional signs too. Some expressions dont carry over from province to province. Rado, so true. We called our washrooms therecomfort room! On the West Coast, a few words mixed in from Indigenous trade languages chuck for the ocean, Skookum for pretty big, pretty neat. Although we have many islands, this term is meant for people from Prince Edward Island in the Maritimes. A term for an anglophone in Quebec. Now it's a synonym for "loser" but with a particularly Canadian flavour. The origins of the word are uncertain. My friend asked me Whats that? No Canadian party is complete without it. Also works as youre an idiot, but use a different tone. Is there a way to write it phonetically? Perhaps you could offer cross-cultural courses around the world for Canadian companies . When in the states, I was needing some elastics and we had quite a time trying to explain what an elastic is. This is a Commonwealth trait that we have leftover from Britain, as its just as rampant in New Zealand. 12th grade is hard, said the American. The thing about zed and zee is it makes more sense to pronounce it zee when singing the alphabet song, otherwise it sounds ridiculous. What about the old Zed and Zee. If you tripped, you biffed it. I do love my Tim Hortons Doughnuts! Pepsi: French Canadians: Empty from the neck up. , Whats up with your body hair, you big shoots? Ah, but youre wrong on one count we also call it a washroom in the U.S., at least where I grew up in the Midwest. So no, all Canadians dont use hoser as classic slang. Mickie-I think we are the only ones that call the small bottle of booze a mickie..good one. Youve given me some homework. All examples can be found pretty much anywhere in America. There are many online services that are dedicated to helping language learners find native speakers to talk with. Starlight, star bright, why the f**k you got earrings on? You have probably heard the following phrases if you are a regular. The word pop to refer to what we know as soft drinks is traceable back to Faygo, a Detroit, Michigan company. It is commonly heard at Canada's favorite coffee chain- Tim Horton's. Recent years have also seen the term be (somewhat) used in America. Test your knowledge with my Canada Day Quiz, Fly to Canada for less with Skyscanner [ad]. Pencil crayons are what Americans call colored pencils and the British call colouring pencils. 15 Colorful Canadian Slang Terms. The above Letterkenny quotes capture the nature of this very popular Canadian show. But Canadians use it differently. Canada has its own version of M&M. Maybe Some American companies work in Canada, but many will not. BTWI use the term washroom all the time, Really enjoyed your blog about the slang of Canada. In fact I hear that more often than washroom. My grandma also calls her sofa a Davenport. And I like the way we say about.Canadians should start embracing the way we say about. lol. Ive got a few more for you guys. So Im Canadian as well, Ontario raised. Check out the insults below. Here, a recent Canadian immigrant shares what he wishes hed known before moving to Canada. I thought that the US called it a bathroom and a restroom. Americans say About like it is A-Baow-T with a more open ah sound. I recommend a Brita Water Bottle for long hikes and backcountry camping to stay safe and hydrated. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. A toque is a knit winter hat like a beanie. Thanks for the additions. Its lovely. I use the words hassock instead of ottoman, and quiggley hole when the kids dig huge holes in the yard and Im not sure about these ones but i use them too whipper snipper or rumpus room for the basement? They didnt want to miss the movie so they would use (the males) an empty can of soda and pee into it. Haha, yes you do see a lot of the Molson Muscle cutting lawns in the summer time Corbin. I now use the term Backpack more often but I havent been able to say the term Rucksack, it is just odd to me. Hi Candice, Thanks for the Newfoundland words. Even though Canadians officially speak English and French, Canadian slang can be considered a third language everyone understands. Always fun to hear about what is different in each country and area that they live in. Masi - Thank you, from the French word "Merci." Masi! Pop is a Canadian thing and everyone else says soda. To us, a beauty is something that has done well or a great person. When I first started traveling 10 years ago, I said to myself, Well, I better buy a new knapsack to carry everything.. Unless you're actually trying to deliver a Canadian insult, there's only one thing you say when someone bumps into you, and that's "Sorry.". Oddly both terms mean the same thing: to seek a provider of alcohol. I dont know two-six, what is it used for. If you are one of those people who get adult jokes, then this should be a show you purpose to watch, especially because it is relatable and easy to identify with all the characters. For example, you may say that Timmies is kitty-corner to your home if it is diagonally across an intersection. A reference to anyone from the Prairies. That comes from our history fur trading. Im with you, Im having a nap and a shower:). Here are a few of the staple Canadian slang words used daily. Shoresy is one of the most popular characters in the show known for saying hilarious things. 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