The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. But while the initial referral appeared to relate to her comments in Queensland, the Guardian understands the VLSB may also be inquiring into the class actions she has raised money for throughout the pandemic. Queensland premier urges PM to halve international arrivals as state records one new Covid case, Airlines say planes were stuck on tarmac waiting for Scott Morrison Covid press conferences, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Update on Serene Teffaha , principal Lawyer of Advocate Me who had a win in the Vic Supreme Court on Thursday. Serene is currently under attack by the Victorian Legal Services Board, for her legal practitioner license. The de jure still exists, but it has been overlaid by the de facto, and the people have been induced to abandon the de jure and use the de facto. Instead of releasing this person to seek medical attention, she was thrown against a wall by one of the police officers. The actor on the video talked about a video she watched on YouTube about whether Donald Trump was a light worker. 04 Mar 2023 02:38:15 This remains an ambush and now Lander and Rogers are lying on the record that they are doing this to protect my clients who have complained to the Ombudsman and Hall & Wilcox and now to the Courts! The VLSB has also ordered the Commonwealth Bank to seize her accounts and a trust account for clients involved in class actions against the Victorian government. Location Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Work Principal Lawyer @ Advocate Me Nutritionist at Serene Nature House @ Serene Nature House Senior Technical Officer @ Australian Taxation Office Serene Teffaha, who has filed a lawsuit against Victorias Covid lockdown, says the states Legal Services Board has threatened to cancel her. Multi-level marketing has proven a haven for conspiracy theorists in the wellness sphere. Serene Teffaha, the founder and Principal of AdvocateMe, has been operating a legal practice and Advocacy service since 2016. Reply. The problem with these [] Here are the names of people who have moved into my current shared house for the express purpose of harassing me since 2018: > [Name Withheld] March, 2018 to July, 2018 Current age mid-30s, > [Name Withheld] July, 2018 to the present Current age mid-40s, > [Name Withheld] September, 2018 to March, 2019 Current age mid-20s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] October, 2018 to October, 2019 Current age mid-30s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] (real name unknown at this time) October, 2019 to March, 2020 Current age mid-30s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] (last name unknown at this time) December, 2019 to present Current age mid-20s, > [Name Withheld] April, 2020 to July, 2020 Current age mid-40s. Teffaha has not been accused of any crime or faced any complaint from clients.Teffaha appears to have upset the Victorian establishment because she launched class actions against the imposition of the destructive, deceptive and unlawful so-called pandemic response measures driven in her state by the power-crazed Labor Party lunatic named Daniel Andrews, who is missing in action from his Premiers job under highly suspicious circumstances and has been issuing faked up, Photoshopped pictures allegedly showing him in recovery. As the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, I demand that you release to me in hard-copy writing the full details of any action ASIO has taken against me since the middle of 2018 in particular and at any time in my life earlier. As wellness became more fashionable, it devolved into what she called a green-smoothie elitism which replaced those legitimate questions about the power of various industries with a more wishy-washy, truth-lite which put individuals above the common good. Solicitor Serene Teffaha has been fighting against the government's removal of civil liberties under the guise of COVID for some time, recently filing a class action lawsuit against Melbourne's controversial public housing lockdown in an effort to stand up for the rights of more than 3,000 tenants. But the Guardian has confirmed Teffaha is the subject of an investigation by the Victorian Legal Services Board, the body charged with regulating the legal profession in the state. This may include No Win, No Fee or Fixed Fee . This is unheard of. Deputy Chief Magistrate of the Queensland Magistrates Court Anthony Gett referred Ms Teffaha to the Legal Services Commission in Queensland during a hearing in open court. very actions are the perfect example of what constitutes undermining the public confidence in the administration of law. ABN 30 735 541 158. Serene Teffaha - Law relating to Bio-security act and forced medical measures & procedures. In the US, for example, the adoption of the QAnon conspiracy theory by a more mainstream audience has been accelerated by its widespread infiltration of the wellness industry. Fernandezs journey from self-help guru and entrepreneur to a conspiracist who believes, for example, the Covid-19 pandemic was planned in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to make money from vaccine production, is not unique. Since any human being who as such is a legal entity, a human being is of form as well. This branding is the polar opposite of raw QAnon.. Our single page document - Notice of Claim to Protest. VICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Board's outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. Teffaha was reportedly referred to Queenslands legal services board last month by a magistrate after submissions she made in a case in that state. But there was also an unexpected guest on the call. Yoga teacher Seane Corn has warned that QAnon is recruiting in the wellness community. Wake up before the sun rises to have that advantage over the majority of people, he wrote in one post late in 2019. They have not only cancelled Serenes licence but now recently the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has seized Serenes trust fund a trust fund that the people of Australia have kindly donated so that she can continue her work of taking down this corruption. Mainstream media and the Chief Justice are silent, of course.The Wood-Teffaha cases have unsurprising parallels: The system, i.e. What is legal is of form therefore a legal entity is an entity of form. In Australia, Teffahas Victorian and national class actions are right in the face of that manufactured story that is driving a full-frontal assault on basic rights and freedoms.Wood, one of Americas most prominent defamation lawyers, has managed to fight off efforts by the State Bar of Georgia to have his law license revoked, but Teffaha has already been dealt that blow by the cowards who inhabit the legal, political and banking establishment.In a post on Telegram Tara Garozzo, a Brisbane candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party said this is what happens to anyone who challenges the corruption in our Australian system and what they will do to protect themselves and their high-end thugs. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . I believe that I have been vindictively targeted for harassment by the Liberal Party of Australia for my strident criticism over the past ten years of Liberal Party Prime Ministers and politicians and that this harassment has been carried out by ASIO which has illegally orchestrated a gang stalking campaign against me intensively since the middle of 2018 under the direction of the Minister for Home Affairs, Peter Dutton, on behalf of the Liberal Party of Australia. Lawyer Serene: Teffaha explains the Law that regulates Government in respect of Covid-19. In a bold move, the clients of Advocate Me expressed their desire to take the matter on in collective group proceedings and pursue their class action, irrespective of the corrupt actions of VLSB, Hall and Wilcox and the CBA. and blessed in all good works, Your message couldnt be delivered. Lawyer Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me has lodged papers for an unprecedented class-action on behalf of the 3000 residents confined to the Flemington and North Melbourne high-rises. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. If this e-mail or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information in the e-mail or attachments. On Telegram, for example, where he has now amassed more than 24,000 followers, Evans shares a constant stream of conspiracy theories, including posts linked to QAnon. By Dr. Mike Williams It's 2023 and excess deaths are still high above their normal baselines in many countries. Appalling liars! In Australia, the most prominent example of both the pull of conspiratorial thinking to the wellness community, and their attendant power to push those theories into the mainstream, is Pete Evans. They want the details of all my clients, they want to know what my barristers think of the cases, theyre trying to speak on behalf of all my clients when not a single one of them has made a complaint against me, she told the Guardian. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. I was born in Sydney, Australia on [Day and Month Withheld], 1972. So too was Serene Teffaha, a Melbourne lawyer who became a darling of the anti-lockdown movement after raising at least $500,000 to launch a class-action lawsuit during the city's lockdown,. His lawyer Serene Teffaha was about to address the court when the anti-lockdown protester interrupted. Evans has also been a keen seller of doTERRA, a multi-level marketing company whose enthusiastic wellness advocates spruik (as Evans himself described it in a video last November) the amazing opportunity to empower yourself with more knowledge and create more income by selling essential oils. She is now extremely passionate about social justice and human rights. On 14 April 2021 the Victorian Legal Services Board appointed Jacob Uljans, a Partner of Hall & Wilcox Lawyers, as Manager of the sole practitioner law practice of Serene Teffaha trading as Advocate Me (the Law Practice). An independent Manager, Mr Jacob Uljans, has been appointed to take over professional and operational responsibilities for her law practice Advocate Me. The money was being held in a trust, she said, and she had not yet paid herself for her work. Senior Investigations and Review Officer, Complaints, Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security. In her Advocacy capacity, Serene empowers her clients with the knowledge and understanding of their situation in order to de-escalate their issue and attempt to negotiate a resolution. A lawful man is of substance/essence. Its all tied up in that wellness, Instagram influencer grift; its how they make money.. If you are concerned about your safety and the harassing behaviour of your housemates, I suggest you contact your local police. The creation of a legal person also creates responsibilities and liabilities for this new legal person responsibilities and liabilities due to a nation/country, which is also a legal entity. Sarah Wilson on how the wellness community fell prey to conspiracies, The wellness realm has fallen into conspiritualism I have a sense why | Sarah Wilson, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. But, she says, there is also a more cynical play for attention in an economy that is built around personal branding. For all this His anger is not turned away. However it is important to note that the focus of these agencies is the protection of Australia from threats to Australias security, not on causing harm to families or individuals. Hi Editer Thanks for helping Serene. In Teffaha v Victorian Legal Services Board (Legal Practice) [2021] VCAT 590 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused a sole practitioner's application for a stay of the decision by the Victorian Legal Services Board (the board) to cancel her practising certificate. consecrated to be our Head and Prince, Please feel free to contact me. We will keep calling them all out until theres a revolution on the streets and if we need to shed blood for peace, then so be it, Teffaha said at the protest, which she later clarified was not meant to be taken literally. A lawyer collected more than $650,000 for a proposed class action promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing and face masks. But she has also flirted with the conspiracy-minded elements of the movement. A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. It also appears that the sham media has also backed off Serenes case and a Personal Safety Intervention Order has finally been undertaken by Victoria Police against Lucky Lance, whom has been stalking Serene and making her feel unsafe. My [Withheld] drivers licence number is [Drivers Licence Number Withheld]. It all backfired on Hall and Wilcox and the VLSB, as the clients themselves expressed their repugnance at the CBA, VLSB and Hall and Wilcox for holding their trust monies at ransom without their consent, knowledge or instructions. The class action claims to represent all 3000 people subjected to the compulsory lockdown. Serene is comfortable with these adjournments, pending the escalation of targeted claims in the higher Court against Fiona McLeay of the VLSB, Deputy Chief Magistrate Gett, Chief Justice Alstergren, Jacob Uljans of Hall and Wilcox for misfeasance in public office and breach of statutory duty. For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article: But today she regularly tells her more than 200,000 followers on Instagram about what she believes are the dangers of 5G and censorship. (From Ballentines Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition). It is here that the peoples unalienable rights are superior to current statutory fake law. By VVC Admin "Thank you Gem. That which is lawful is of substance/essence and is a creation of God. As a result of what happened with the VLSB, and the attempted unlawful take-over of the Detention Towers Class Action, the clients of the Detention Towers Class Action have now instructed Clemens Haskin Legal Featured, On radio this week. am enduring the same treatment at the hands of the SA judiciary in Adelaide.since 2011 when i uncovered the corruption within the current NHVR board.they are controlling the fines unit (FERU) run by a corrupt political group called the LIBERAL government run by a corrupt politician steven marshall.bucky 0428896440 i have posted on my website,the latest letters in ongoing objections. The danger posed by the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox unlawfully usurping the client information has in some sense passed. As envisioned; Judge Hampel provided a contradictory judgment, purporting that Serene is a risk to public interest despite not having one client complaint against her. Not only do we have a corrupt political system, on all levels, Local, State and Federal, but we now have a corrupt judicial system. I think in a lot of cases playing to that conspiracy, anti-vaccination crowd, its where the money is at, where the clicks are at, and where the potential followers are, she said. Records may be available through the National Archives of Australia. The recording captured the bemused staffer asking Lawson to leave the pamphlets at the door, before he wandered away. Then the Keeper of the Jewel House shall deliver to the Archbishop the Queens Ring, wherein is set a sapphire and upon it a ruby cross: the Archbishop shall put it on the fourth finger of her Majestys right hand, and say: James 4:12 There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another. The former celebrity chef Pete Evans was there, wondering aloud why the only politician talking about the immune system during Covid-19 was the US president Donald Trump: Hes talked about zinc, hes talked about sunlight, and hes been ridiculed for it.. In what clearly is an even more absurd move, both matters, the one commenced by VLSB in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the one commenced by Serene in VCAT have now both been adjourned by the VLSB (perhaps it has something to do with their inability to obtain representation?). In early February, Matt Lawson, the anti-5G activist who had appeared with the anonymous actor and Evans back in August, filmed himself arriving at an aged care home to deliver a bundle of pamphlets containing vaccine misinformation. On his personal Facebook page, which has almost 10,000 followers, he flits between long screeds about vaccinations and claims that Covid-19 is a hoax to selling products that he claims protect users from electromagnetic fields that conspiracy theorists believe are emitted by 5G towers. By Tony MobilifonitisVICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Boards outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. In a large class action that might not be straightforward.. Sign uphere. It appears that there are very few remaining Barristers or Judges that are prepared to support the corrupt actions of the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox and to assassinate Serene in an open court and face her investigative and legal prowess; at this point in time, two Barristers and 3 Judges have already removed themselves from matters involving Serene. Those conducting the gang stalking have moved into my current shared house in order to gain direct access to me and harass me. There is strong evidence to suggest that some of these people are affiliated with the organisation operating in Australia known as ANTIFA. Our Morning Edition newsletter is a curated guide to the most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. My address is [Address Withheld]. I refer to your complaint to this Office dated 17 April 2021 in which you state that you have been stalked and harassed. I am convinced that as a result of my strident, constructive criticism of the Australian government over the past ten years in emails, on websites that I have published and in posts I have made on various websites under my own name, I have been targeted for harassment by the Australian Security Intelligence Office (ASIO) and that ASIO has co-ordinated the gang stalkers who have been harassing me intensively since the middle of 2018. Meagan Liu. Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. That which is empty cannot be measured or counted. Part 3Constitutional and international law provisions Part 4Principles affecting decisions to exercise certain powers: Chapter 2Managing biosecurity risks: human health: Chapter 3Managing biosecurity risks: goods: Chapter 4Managing biosecurity risks: conveyances: Chapter 5Ballast water and sediment . Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . That was a big boost for Teffahas class action. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. That which is legal has been formed by man. Advocate Me is planning to reduce the read more company news. The urge to cheat can be thwarted by . Serene refuses to give any information against her clients will. Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. Lucas, who lives in Byron Bay, has long been an outspoken environmental activist as well as a spokeswoman for a range of natural beauty products. To: YouGov polling carried out in July and August last year found that 21% of people polled agreed that the truth about the harmful effects of vaccines is being deliberately hidden from the public, and 20% of people polled believed pharmaceutical companies were deliberately delaying or hiding a Covid-19 vaccine in order to drive up the price. The lawsuit, fronted by plaintiff Idris Hassan, alleges the detention of people in the towers was unlawful and beyond the powers conferred under state government legislation to manage the pandemic. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. I have been gang stalked intensively since the middle of 2018 and less intensively since the end of 2014. I know YouTube removes clips that goes against ongoing Narratives Criss are you aware that YouTube clip has been removed? Our lawyer, Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me, will be representing the following: People who have been suspended or terminated from their employment, as well as people who have been threatened because of their refusal- based on all reasons whether religious, no safety studies, being pregnant etc. With the uncertainty around whether Teffaha will be able to represent them, the residents are left without an active class action and the prospect they may not be compensated. The towers lawsuit lodged in the supreme court last week alleges the more than 3,000 residents in nine public housing towers subject to a five-day lockdown in July last year suffered degrading and oppressive conditions that breached their human rights. Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. Serenes campaigns have been very powerful; and as a result of her resolute representation of the people of Australia that have suffered human rights breaches and crimes against humanity; the Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB); have cancelled Serenes Legal Practitioner Licence. The very charge . Lawyer Serene Teffaha, Australian lawyer based in Victoria from the law firm named 'Advocate Me'.