But knowing this community I'm pretty sure that someone will absolutely disagree and think that it's absolutely nonsense, illogical, and absurd. You can get5-10 spawns + 4-8 from the stab bonus every now and then while reducing the chance for your lich to spawn, while giving yourself a 1/4 chance of your lich spawning. If you are running with a friend, taking turns on who pilots let's you avoid that situation somewhat (person 1 has no data, person 2 tests a few codes, then back to person 1 while person two locks in code 3, etc), and is I find far more efficient overall. Each one fully depletes one mod ( 1 charge of 3 mods ~=1 full mod), and if you do that or slightly more you will keep ahead of it. I set all of my murmur games to public and each time exactly 1 other player joined halfway in (I was always host): 1. Stabbing the lich blind ( knowing no code data) is not optimum in terms of time, but often your best course. - I use Mesa so I don't have to slow down while clearing thralls out. Now consider that the weapons are also delivered crafted(+ are at least interesting to toy with) and you end up with the most generous system ever released by DE(minus the fact it requires 5 forma to mastery cap xd). But after the mission in the lich profile screen, it was only about 50%filled. the issue people have with the murmur grind was 2 things .Metro Area: Toccoa. Checking this, it now seems to be 20-34?-70 as opposed to 36-60-84. But I thought it was because I got a team and their Lich spawned, which raised my murmur bar by a LOT when they pulled the wrong combination. Primarily, if your mission nodes are very bad, you can do this early to jump it to another planet. But sure, its just about wanting everything quick and easy. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. I would like to make cases for the two times when it is - actively bad- to stab a lich. Collect murmurs until the first hint is acquired, do not mercy the Lich until then. IIRC with the sisters of Parvos you should be able to launch a RJ mission to fight the lich when all requiems are discovered so this save more time again. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Once depleted, the Lich will be finally defeated for good and prompt one final Mercy. The last weapons I farmed, and it was litterally a year ago, took me always less than 2 hours getting starting from the larving farm and often it was actually less than 1 hour. They also do not do the whole finger point and convert thing. I've noticed most players don't seem to understand this and it can make the murmur farm quite long which is frustrating. I want you to know that this isn't any kind of personal attack, but almost everything in this post is the exact opposite of what you want to do. If you are still collecting mods and climbing the Mastery ladder a level 5-lich can be quite challenging, though it seems to me that part of this is not checking and modding for the lich's strengths and weaknesses (maybe no surprise, but there have been players trying to kill their lich with weapons that the lich is immune to, even in the final mission). Unless it's been changed 15 thralls is the cap for a mission. The lich will level up and the anger meter will drop. I always stab my lich and try to brute force the combination rather than bother farming all 3 murmur rings. From the moment you awakened, all roads have led to this.Coming to all platforms on December 15, 2021, The New War heralds Warframe's biggest cinematic expan. This is also incorrect. Rushing through the mission on pub in a group is a big mistake. Liches will convert anywhere from 5-10 enemies on average, and those converted thralls do not count against the cap for thralls that spawn into the mission normally. Because the supposed murmur required was 36, it seems DE reduced it by around 33%. even if it's only 35% faster, it's still way too annoying! Warframe Farming Resources As a Lich levels up, the type against which it is vulnerable to may become one of those it resists. Equip this new requiem mod into the soonest unknown slot (the third slot, or the first slot if the first two steps were unsuccessful). Exterminate, Capture, Moblile Defense andSabotage are the best, as there is no time limit. You will kill less thrall for each lich. You'll see the difference when I post my lich list at the end. but Do Not be tempted to Stab the Lich at this time. They changed it so you get a big boost for stabbing wrong. Like I said before, by playing in a group you are giving yourself a 1/4 chance of your lich spawning, instead of being guaranteed that your lich will spawn if a lich spawns at all. My clan hunts liches together pretty much as CdG-Zilchy describes above, though everyone just uses whatever warframe & weapon build they like (at the moment). Sisters have a better mechanic, but doing liches is alsoa bit faster now (after the Sisters-related changes), mostly due to the possibility of using the Oull-requiem (intelligently). For example, thrall spy has a chance to reveal the order in which a Requiem mod goes. Any more than say 2 hours is way too long. I can only state my own experiences. Not like you could go in lich missions as soon as you get a couple requiems to try out and get a ton of relics from thralls right ? Some players do not specifically want for the grind to be easier, some playerswant to progress the grind by doing other things at the sane time even if its not as efficient as doing it actively. She can even turn invisible and is an all-around offensive powerhouse, capable of support and . Actually, those relics also drop from the lich's thralls. - I rush the missions I don't hang around waiting around for thralls. Trade for the ones you are short. Instead we want them to stay around as long as possible because they will Convert up to 10 Grineer into Thralls if they get within 20meters of them approx 15secs between Conversions. Continue to collect murmurs. The best Focus farm in Warframe is Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, followed closely by stealth farming in Adaro, Sedna. This meanshunting down most of the thralls on a map, playing around with the lich when it joins (so it produces the max number of thralls) and only stabbing it when testing a new requiem (combo). Though I'd advise stronger still as the goal here is to summon your lich and AVOID them at all costs. Exterminate: In mission, the 2nd murmur bar reached about 25% after the first thrall. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Stretch them out over multiple missions. I do, and never had to really grind requiem mods. So I guessed 2 Requeims outright and that spedme up quite a bit while transfering my progress right from first Requeim. The murmur grind is a slog because it isolates you from the rest of the game. Requiem mods also seems to drop at a decent rate. And make endless missions endless. Further, Warframe Farming is a straightforward process where a player is required to complete a particular quest repeatedly until you get the necessary components. If a mod is guessed incorrectly the entire squad gains 10 Murmurs. Testing a Requiem Mod on a Lich also rewards Requiem Murmurs. I know DE with corpus lichs they are not using thralls they are using the robotic houndswhich DE stated would be rarer but provide more. No offense. This method forces you to use a tanky frame and a completely builtweapon, both that need to easily topple at least stage 2 sortie level. This will consistently spawn Thralls which you can farm. Also I will switch to Operator and use Void Dash to 'push' Grineer into range of the Lich so they convert. My method isn't for everyone, not everyone will enjoy playing this way. The lich showed up, I guessed wrong, and after the mission in the lich profile screen, I see the 1st murmur and about 12% of the 2nd murmur bar. Thanks for clarifying it though. Or you can get5-10 spawns and 5-10 converts consistently, plus the 4-8 stab bonus on top when you know a mod, while keeping the chance of running into your lich high, and guaranteeing that your lich will be the one that spawns. Where a mission such as Rescue or Mobile Defense forces you to pay attention to the objective while trying to juggle thrall kills at the same time. Kuva Larvlings that have the potential to become Liches are infused with the "old blood", and are armed with advanced Kuva weaponry and elite . It could just be a bug with group murmur farms, so enjoy it while it lasts? Otherwise they may find themselves downed four times so quickly that they won't benefit anymore than the casual method of pubbing. And too easy contents are more beneficial to the casual majority, than too hard contents which only entertains smaller niche. The Quell murmur goes into the slot you have left open. To fight a Kuva Lich, the player must draw them out. Unlock the second murmur, and place it into the first or second slot, depending on the previous results. The Lich in the final confrontation only has one large health bar. Also that leaves the chances for DCing and missing out rewards. This makes guessing the second mod placement much easier and sometimes can even net you an easy kill by guessing the third one correctly in a 1/6 chance. So your Lich has to be pre-update. It's definitely faster, because I was doing liches before and after this "change" happened. Only one Lich can be present at any given time. Not only suiciding by the lich without mods does not help you, it actually actively sets you back. A full team allows for more spawns. There's nothing in the game that takes this long in comparison in time spent. I havent touched him in a few days and I started him weeks ago. The player will be given two choices: Vanquish the Kuva Lich or Convert it. Issue I have is that it makes so little sense to unlock a boss battle (at an MR where people cannot even handle a Lich) you need to farm for weeks if you focus on it to be able to start taking potshots at him to solve a riddle so you can kill them. People here fanboy about the most ludicrous stuff. Yo! Lastly, always play with a full squad. I always stab my lich and try to brute force the combination rather than bother farming all 3 murmur rings. Kuva Lich missions have theirown Nightmare and Steel Path version. It is: Once you start actually engaging with the system (instead of preparing to engage with it), it's actually quite OK. And you get nice weapons out of it! The murmur farming was a tedious chore, but getting the unlocked requiem sequences has been noticeably streamlined. Again, this isn't anything personal, I'm just trying to help you and anyone else who'll take a minute to read and think. In particular. If my interpretation is correct, I can see your point. 1st Mission with ~10 thrall spawns gave me around 40% murmur progress instead of 30%on my 1st requiem. Completing quick missions may make you miss out on additional thrall spawns by extracting too soon. Again, you get less converts, and you reduce the chances of your lich spawning. Taking your time is indeed the best way to go about it, however, I mean you need to kill every enemy on the map and explore every section of it. I can understand farming the actual liches solo (I do that too, and it's actually faster than messing around with squads). The event will run until June. When you have the first one revealed, go into a mission, and let the lich convert as many enemies as possible BEFORE you stab them. But since you and me do not play the same I'd say you have no idea what I'm talking about. The original design of Liches left me playing solo for halfa year because people were straight-up quitting the game after seeing how ludicrous the grind would be. In Survival missions, the hunt may continue until the air support reaches to 0 and all enemies are dead. Congratulations. I tried many times to capture or kill Kuva Lich quickly, but it took me at best - 3 days. - Use a rad status weapon when the lich appears and rad proc the thralls to create thralls faster. Stab lich/sister for larger chunk of murmur, shuffle your mods and move on. There are some issues with it though and makes it stressful especially with the wrong frames weapons and or builds. It has quite a steep learning curve though, and you can't really skip any of the systems on top of systems knowhow or you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. That's how you replenish the mod collection anyway as you are farming liches. It works but it requires guessing whenyour lich comes out. This thread got me to start another lich just for the sake of checking out the new murmur speed. Spending 10 minutes in an exterminate can net you 15-25+ murmurs when you do it right. It filled by the 3rd or 4th thrall, even before the lich showed up. To determine which Requiem Mods are needed to defeat the Lich the player will need to gain Requiem Murmurs. Just avoid the debate by saying that I'm condescending, victim mentality is gonna get you far. Yes, give us some tough as nails big bad, but st least give us something to match their grandeur, like having to find a clue that points to the next mission then the next, before running into them and having a first go at downing them. the issue people have with the murmur grind was 2 things 1. So down with after stabbing an enraged lich becomes more beneficial. It really goes down to how much time you can spend on warframe each day, and the weapons that you're using. This will consistently spawn Thralls which you can farm. In short, that kills spawns dead for the mission, so you are at that point wasting time of everyone else. Already know how to do it but want want to. The most irritating part is getting a larvling with the "right" weapon. I see people just not wanting to X their lich because they scare their lich level up , well then run your own private game so you can avoid your own lich. SURVIVAL (5 minutes) 6x murmurs.DEFENCE (5 waves) 6x murmurs. Once the lich spawns they will convert all these enemies you ignored into lich's. You only get 4-8 thralls worth of murmurs on average on a failed stab. Having a full team is not just a great benefit but also acts as a safety net incase you can't handle your lich. The requiem mod part is the most tedious of the entire thing. 5 - Help with liches, you want a chance to spawn yours for a stab attempt. There's a couppe of reasons why and the biggest reason being it saves you time and maximises your uptime for these spawns. you want as many as possible Fast, because there's a 10 Thrall limit per mission; but this limit will reset if your Lich appears. Well there you have it, have fun in the comments picking apart my guide but regardless you are wrong because I've tested and timed this method and it is indeed the fastest. But farming relics then farming mods is just the epitome of tedious. A bunch of guides revised - did not help. but that's just not average. Use 1, then 3 and when its hp bar drops, it will exit the mission. In the long run, you may run out of requiem relic and have to go back doing kuva flood or something. Sure, that makes sense. I don't really care about the time, since I like to spice it up using odd (non-meta) warframes and weapons to try and increase the fun (after "a lot" ofliches the fun part tends to disappear using meta stuff and the "max effective farming"-approach). Not many months. Fass goes in the second slot. They said for the corpus lichs they would be lowering murmur time for all. Here's my list. I always stab my lich and try to brute force the combination rather than bother farming all 3 murmur rings. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. On 2021-07-15 at 8:25 PM, (PSN)iuvenilis said: Matchmaking causes me to go to sister murmur farm on a lich node, General Bug Report Guidelines - Please Read. By If this is successful, and your second slot fails, move the second slot to the third instead. Not saying that this type of Sortie style mission chain should replace the thrall farm, but simply as an alternate option to it. When furious, they'll spawn in the mission and you can attempt to kill them (or fail and level them up.) Just a year and I have 5 of the mods. I don't recall ever reaching stage 3 in a single planet before. Always let your lich convert as many enemies as possible, only kill the converted thralls around them until they stop converting thralls. Far better to announce to the group then ignore it as reasonable. 2. I cant farm my lich murmurs cause its on venus (lich spawned pre-update)and whenever Iqueue a mission it matchmakes me to a sister mission and thus Idont get murmurs for it. Some people thought it was too long, in my opinion the original amount needed was way too much. Easy there. Design flaw. and after her and a few more thralls, the 2nd murmur bar is up to 50%. Using a Stealth frame is great for this, as you can just camp and let the Lich Convert more Thralls. It could even be a special mission that only shows up if I for example rescue some grineer prisoner or defector somewhere else who gives me a lead on some spy vaults that I can crack for info on my Lich. Your method is not bad and provides aconstant fountain of thralls done in private. What is time on grinding out a kuva weapon? Sure I can throw 80 plat at them to get them all, but if something is so tedious that people rather pay for it then it is poor design. I do think DE accidentally released this early and you can see on the lich page that the requiem progress does not match the in mission progress. Just level lich quickly to min. This has been stealthily added since around ~Gara Prime patch. Whichever choice made, all "stolen" drops that they were responsible for will be returned to the player. But shooting yourself in the foot and thenblaming marathon system because you can't run Is just straight up karen. These nodes will give the option to run the standard node mission, the Kuva Lich version, or any other active special version, such as Nightmares or Invasions. Players often collect blueprints for maps and weapons to increase their power to defeat enemies easily. Figured I'd help with murmurs since many people complain about the time it takes them to complete this section of the hunt. 5 - Help with liches, you want a chance to spawn yours for a stab attempt. this is a huge pile of shit in the middle of any lich/sister hunt (or else it means carefully managing the nemesis rage meter in tandem with your murmur farm). meaning it's going to be changed soon, as the. I mainly stab for that (and some bonus progress of course). liches are hell for new players, the amount of times i met noobs who accidentally spawned a lich is too many times. This is what you call aContent IslandTM. We don't want them to leave. If we can say :crack relics there, do it on nightmare mode, do it on Steel Path, it plays out like a regular mission, etc then it wont be a slog and people can tolerate the high grind requirement. I wil investigate later. I just passively get one or two every couple days. So here goes its very simple really, when a lich spawns stop killing and do not attempt to down the lich, run away if you must. Any more than say 2 hours is way too long. Warframe is a free-to-play, action-packed game that at first glance, doesn't look like a free game at all. If sent to mission, wait for more players. Exterminate, Capture, Moblile Defense andSabotage are the best, as there is no time limit. It will start on one planet, clicking it in to view it will show which nodes the cloud is spreading over. First stab done at 90% of first Requiem unlocked. I usually bring a Grendel when forced to do shorter missions and a Ledgermain Mirage Prime for the longer ones to nuke out the entire map. If anything, I'd love to need to go out there a bit more, it was a nice change of pace to grind relics in kuva fortress. Also, stabbing your lich resets their anger meter and means they aren't going to show up as frequently, which means less converted thralls, which cuts your murmur gain rate in half. Or you can get5-10 spawns and 5-10 converts consistently, plus the 4-8 stab bonus on top when you know a mod, while keeping the chance of running into your lich high, and guaranteeing that your lich will be the one that spawns. Equip this new requiem mod into the soonest unknown slot (the first slot if the above step was unsuccessful, otherwise the second slot). I've played a couple of competitive and GaaS in my lifetime. Another issue is the spawning rate. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Kuva Liches can have Influence over nodes under other faction's control, making the thrall mission become similar to Crossfire missions. Defense is probably the worst, as you only get 5 waves. In addition, if you are running with a friend, you can try to get overlap by doing this. If there are multiple squad members, each player's Lich will spawn in one-by-one until all of them are defeated. Imo the murmur progress speed is hardly any faster or not faster at all. with that said, mistake or intentional, i sure hope that at the end of the day, this new change sticks. (NSW)Greybones PC Member 4.1k Posted June 12, 2021 Just now, Godzilla853 said: Choose a high credit, short mission for this, perhaps a solo run of one extractor on Pluto (Hieracon). Demanding that people stab their lich is only costing everyone murmurs, including that player,and increasing the grind. Some people as in people who wanted all thebest kuva weapons quickly and easily? But I'm not sure if its for me. An incredibly tanky frame like Inaros and Rhino with a very accurate hitscan weapon works wonders; simply dodge and roll to avoid getting killed by the crowd of twenty dudes shooting at you, then pick off the thralls the lich converts. If you want to increase or change the element on your Kuva weapons, now might be a good time . So I cannot deny nor confirm if your method is any better than mine or vice versa. Yeh it's more of an issue for lower level or newer players I think. I'm surprised this hasn't become common knowledge given murmur farming is done 24/7 in waframe. 5-10 converts + 5-10 spawned will net you twice the thralls on average. It's not that it is a "better" (or "worse") way, it's simply more fun (for me). Tier 3 Excavations There is a 25% chance that you can get 400 Endo every rotation A of a Tier 3 Excavation. It could be something they put in on purpose to prepare for Sisters of Parvos to optimize lich hunting that isn't fully documented but since it isn't documented, it could also be something they accidentally put in while preparing for Sisters of Parvos. Unlock the second murmur, and place it into the first or second slot, depending on the previous results. Exterminate: In mission, the 2nd murmur bar reached about 25% after the first thrall. This is a wonderful experience, but I'm just wondering if this is just me or if this is a QoL update that slipped through in preparation for Sisters of Parvos. Repeat the above steps for the third hint and slot. That's my gripe with this dumb Lich system. These things I cannot. - I use Mesa so I don't have to slow down while clearing thralls out. I suggested something like that over a year ago. It is not in my best interest to stab my lich if I don't already know 2/3 requiems IMO - it risks leveling him needlessly, and if I get position 1 right I also lock in the known 2nd mod's position (either it's in 2 or 3, and if the stab doesn't give 2/3 that means known #2 is in pos 3, and unknown is pos 2). I do one mission (maybetwo in a row)then mix it up by doing other things, and it works well. I enjoy playing solo. I wish there was a mechanic where you could "force" the larvling to have the kuva weapon you downed it with. Then I went back to solo again and it seemed to be back to what it was. Equip the known requiem mod in the first slot, and the remaining two slots being random. - Get your lich to level 5, it's rage meter seems to refill faster and increase the frequency of appearances. So do I, most of the time. A bunch of guides revised - did not help. Using this method, I typically get my Lich Symbols all unlocked within 2.5 Planets worth of nodes cleared. You can do liches in many ways. Earning the complete item set and the Warframe you want can take upwards of six hours. Lots of people start without the mods and just farm the ones they need for the current lich. So here goes its very simple really, when a lich spawns stop killing and do not attempt to down the lich, run away if you must. In missions that do not require me to perform a genocide I leave the enemies alive, save the spawning thralls. And this is taking by far, by far, the longest of anything I've done in this game. After the mission in the lich profile screen, I see the 2nd murmur bar at around 30%. Liches are vulnerable to Warframe abilities. She was shy suffice to say it is not a newer player friendly method. By Yeh I figured it was something like that, always seems to be a winner to get it to max level fast. Targeted at players newer to the Kuva Lich/Sisters of Parvos system.Additional notes:Valence Fus. Were you playing solo, or in a group? I know what you wrote, and so does everyone else. The Lich will stay Angry, and have a high chance of appearing in the Next mission; where you will repeat the Thrall farming and Conversion camping process. They's gonna patch that. Wksr swap and shop" Keyword Found Websites Listing. Allowing you to farm Steel Essence and Nightmare mods there. Here's an easy guide on capturing your own Sister of Parvos! You can pretty easily hit 1k+ endo a . - Get your lich to level 5, it's rage meter seems to refill faster and increase the frequency of appearances. This is a bad idea. No it's not, i just chose to not do it the easier way. So the first thing to know is that short missions, such as exterminate, sabotage, and rescue, are bad for murmur farming. You can get5-10 spawns + 4-8 from the stab bonus every now and then while reducing the chance for your lich to spawn, while giving yourself a 1/4 chance of your lich spawning. This fact alone increases your time on the loading screen and creates more downtime than needed, so not only do you miss out on thralls for those missions you yourself end up sitting there waiting going back and forth between missions more than necessary. So you see there are plenty of ways of doing this, but if you want to save time and make this easier for yourself you may want to follow these tips. PS wish that the relics would include somewhat of a quiz so that you can shortcut the needed combination but atm it's only guessing and farming, Remember Warframe has no bugs.. only new features. They won't convert enemies when they're knocked on one knee; they have an animation where they point to the grinner they're converting and they need to be able to do that. But might add that sense of This ones bad news? Collect murmurs until the first hint is acquired, do not mercy the Lich until then. Then, if you know what one of the mods you need is, stab them AFTER they've converted as many thralls as possible. Murmur farming is boring af. First and foremost you get a big chunk to your murmurs, about ten thralls. I just wish there was some alternate way to get Murmurs or info on my Lich. But thats more just personal preference. Especially with the recent addition of Oul. Were you playing solo, or in a group? Not being able to do anything else when doing Murmur Grind. I was personally using my perma-invis Loki to play FAST missions: capture, sabotage, extermination.. Lich is defenseless against Loki. lvl3 because then he will cover more planets and you will have more missions to choose from to get murmurs. If the farm is taking you many months - then you are either getting tremendously unlucky or you are doing something very wrong. I do not know how to speed up this process. Privacy Policy. So that's the hill you're gonna die on ? I believe the thrall required for each requiem was halved or something.