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A Sperm Whale would surely make a meal for a Megalodon. More to the point, since no sharks exist below 12,000 feet, and no large prey items, it seems highly unlikely that Megalodon would have evolved to live at such depth. Firstly, the trench is too deep for the animal to survive in. When a species dives really deep into the ocean there is small amounts of oxygen now this might sound a little strange but the closer to the surface they are the more they will eat because oxygen levels are higher than that of deeper depths. In conclusion, until you can map the entirety of the ocean simultaneously and with detail, we cannot KNOW anything. a camera cant see in that kind of darkness. But its a only small Would you ever venture into the ocean if you knew this creature could be lurking beneath you? If megalodon was running the risk of extinction and only a select population of them took to some location stable enough to survive it, is it not reasonable to assume that they simply eat their own dead and dying as a viable, sustainable food source? Like you have said in another article , only 5% of our oceans have been explored, so what about the other 95% that is left untouched? Layers of blubber and a heating system similar to that of a great white. i really think that the megladon is real i am doing a presentation. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. The timing is everything. Megalodon would probably be a slow and not very dangerous predator down there. I cannot wait for the day when there is scientific proof there is a HUGE shark out there! Like digging a hole into the Mariana Trench. In fact, if it were still alive in the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench, we would know about it at this point. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The giant creature, not surprisingly, choked to death and was later appropriately named the megamouth shark. However, that wont stop certain types of people to believe that the megalodon never went extinct, and its still alive. A giant shark caught on camera scouring the bottom of the Mariana Trench has sparked debate about if megalodons still exist. Unlikely. But I don't think it lives in the marina trench the pressure is too much!!! So if our megalodon was close to its pre-historic size, it would probably be a few thousand years old. Answer: Megalodon was the largest shark that ever lived, but it probably wasnt bigger than a blue whale. Many sharks can go through around 40,000 teeth during their lives. As they ventured from ocean to ocean, the researchers think the great whites might have infringed on the megalodon's territory, outcompeting the younger ones for food. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Many believe this startling image proves the megalodon survived extinction, The massive killer was three times longer and 60 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark, This image reportedly captured on Google Earth has set tongues wagging, It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, If the 60-foot prehistoric shark Megalodon is still out there, this is what the super Jaws could look like, This photo - later proven to be faked - was said to have been seized after the Second World War, The tooth of a megalodon next to that of a 5m great white shark, Jason Statham takes on a gigantic shark in official trailer for The Meg, Some believe megalodon's may be hiding out in the depths of our deepest oceans, The horror film The Meg will hit cinema screen across Britain on Friday, Wildlife experts say there is no evidence the giants are still talking our waters, The megalodon used its powerful teeth to devour its prey - which included whales, Jason Statham joined by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for blue carpet premiere of prehistoric shark drama The Meg in LA, 100-ton prehistoric shark featured in new movie The Meg is believed to still lurk in the ocean say conspiracy theorists, Inside sinister rise of pink cocaine sweeping UK nightclubs as warring cartels battle to control 'Coca Cola of drugs', We live on Britain's WORST street - it's rife with drug addicts, crime & prostitutes we're terrified for our lives, Man 'naked and covered in blood' arrested before mum found 'murdered' at home as neighbours reveal hearing screams, Leicester 'explosion': Listen to massive 'sonic' boom that shook homes and rattled windows. So, there seems to be nothing preventing a Megalodon from living in the dark of the ocean, should it have reason to do so. Bad Brad*9 wrote: "Our oceans are huge and there are vast areas that are still unexplored. Its twice the size of a T. rex, its jaws are big enough to crush Our lungs might be fine in that short a time frame, but the rest of the planet? Megalodon teeth give us a surprising amount of information about this shark, including what it ate and what it looked like. One unique thing about sharks is that they continue producing teeth throughout their lives. The Mariana Trench. Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago. At its worst, the pressure is 1,000 times stronger than at sea level. Megalodon Still Exists to Some Extent, Scientists Say. The odds of Earth being the only planet in the whole universe are abysmal. Scientists believe that the megalodon's oldest ancestor was the Otodus Obliquus, which lived in the deep ocean more than 55 million years ago. Studies reconstructing the shark's bite force suggest it may have been one of the most powerful predators ever to have lived. What if there is an unknown massive superpredator that evolved to live in deep waters that can support the population of Megalodons? Just because our naked eye perceives the Earth flat, does not mean it is. How long have Keir Starmer and Sue Gray been secretly cooking up their plot? Galloway, N.J. - Fossilized teeth and vertebrae are all that remain from the extinct Megalodon, the largest shark to have ever hunted our oceans But that was just enough for a team of paleontologists to reconstruct pieces of the prehistoric predator's life history. Nothing is impossible. Deep-sea creatures like the Lanternfish are likely way too small to sustain a Megalodon Shark. It is very unlikely that Megalodon still exists. As for why we can not find them the ocean is a big place, plus we have not found all the animals on earth. But flash forward just two million years later, and these predators had successfully spread themselves across the entire globe. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animalstart_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalstart_com-banner-1-0'); Its still unknown the exact reason megalodon went extinct, however, several theories are plausible. One possibility is that a small population of Megalodon Sharks had already evolved to live at those depths before the larger population of Megalodon went extinct. Scientists have not captured concrete evidence of Mega, yet. Exact date yellow weather warning for snow and ice forecast to hit UK - will you be affected? I know I wouldnt. Researchers are aware of some interesting Mariana trench animals, but the megalodon is not one of them. Without it, life on Earth would be over very quickly. An expandable stomach could help it store food. ' No, not at all. Why not.they said the coelacanth was extinct but they found that they still exist Then there's the photo of the german u boats in south africa in the 1940's that big dorsal fin sticking up near one of the boats while the boats capitan looking on Then there's the google maps picture of a big shark fisherman have seen it so i think it's very possible .the ocean is vast just because we don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. And how would the Mariana Trench make this apex predator more docile?Transcript and sources: The Apex Predator01:04 We Know More About Mars Than our Oceans02:42 How would the megalodon shark get its food?04:21 What are piezolytes?Questions or concerns? i think the meg lives in the ocens but maby not the mirina trench, It could have reproduced and they all stayed down there and ate the squids. 3838 Camino Del Rio N #102 San Diego, CA 92108. People who believe that the megalodon is still alive think that it may exist in the deep, unexplored parts of the world's oceans - such as the Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific. Plus, why wouldn't they just migrate to where whales and large food items live? I don't rule out the possibility that Megalodon is still with us, but if the sightings of huge sharks are to be believed it's not beyond the realm of possibility that it is a species of shark thus far undescribed by science. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.comContact us at #Megalodon #ApexPredator #MarianaTrench #ChallengerDeep "We propose that this short overlap (3.6-4 million years ago) was sufficient time for great white sharks to spread worldwide and outcompeteO. megalodonthroughout its range, driving it to extinction-rather than radiation from outer space,"saysBoessenecker. this is my favorite prehistoric creature and i will keep doing research. I believe that it had innate intelligence to avoid man. What is the mystery of Mariana Trench? At one time many parts of the world thought the world was flat so you can see that now we look back and laugh. 3. Stories of massive sharks have circulated in the region for decades, and some believe the Megalodon Shark still lurks in the depths. What If You Fell Into a Pool of Molten Metal. She has also said the megalodon would not be able to survive in the cold climate of the deep oceans, the only place it could go unnoticed. Megalodon sharks preferred warmer waters, and if they were still alive, we could definitely see them. That sounds like plenty of parking space for a megalodon or two. Contact us at our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: this channel to get access to perks: out our other shows:How to Survive: Body on: Creatures: more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: Cosmos: Body: and merch: an episode: If elsewhere: Instagram: If in Spanish: If in Mandarin: If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The only part of the megalodon fossils that remain is the teeth. It is believed to have died around three million years ago, though there are plenty who still believe it is alive today. You have to take size into consideration. I think that the Megalodon would have evolved to avoid life. Take a self-e. On 4 October 2016, the Facebook page Buzz Channel published a video purportedly showing a 50-foot megaladon (a gigantic species of shark that has been extinct for millions of years) at the bottom of the MarianaTrench, the deepest part of Pacific Ocean: Absolutely Terrifying #Breaking #50ftShark. Our ships could have great radars to track, and weapons to keep at a distance the megalodon. Humans have only traveled to the bottom of Challenger Deep twice. Obviously, if such a creature still existed it would be visible and well-known. You could submerge Mount Everest into it and still have 2 km (1.3 mi) to spare. But in reality, these animals were a little shorter than the 23-metre-long fictional monster it depicted. We know primarily about Megalodon's existence through fossilized teeth. That measurement is estimated using the length of the cage, which is 10 feet across. Evidence suggests this is an incorrect reconstruction. Located in the Western Pacific, it runs for over 1,500 miles but averages only a bit more than 40 miles across. When baby fish are little and young they feed off of the shallows while the larger fish are in the deepest parts of the river way down. And it could have the Portuguese dogfish and the Greenland shark on the menu. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. What If Oxygen Doubled in Earths Atmosphere? I still think that it's maybe be true. Since the average depth of the ocean is around 14,000 feet, that means the Megalodon Shark, even if it has evolved to live in very deep water, could, in theory, exist in numerous places around the world. Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago. Could the Megalodon Still Be Alive in the Mariana Trench? It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, easily big enough to swallow two adults side-by-side. if they needed at least one whale a day to survive without starving then if they went into the trench then there oxygen levels drop causing them to have to eat a lot less allowing them to eat small amounts of food and surviving. The Portuguese Dogfish is a species of Sleeper Shark known to survive at depths of up to 12,000 feet. Megalodon diving is very popular around these parts, and you'll often find divers going into the dark depths to try and score a megalodon tooth. The terrifying predator, believed to have died out around 3m years ago, was once THE true king of the prehistoric ocean. The Mariana Trench is about as remote as it gets, and even a massive shark would be very hard to find. 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it. Nature selected the megalodon for extinction, and it should stay like that. Experts believe that a third of the world's large marine creatures went extinct when the world's temperatures plummeted, including sea birds and turtles. And experts say there has been no reports of any whales which have been attacked by a predator large enough to be a megalodon. This made megalodon around the same size as the biggest whales of its day, but much smaller than a modern blue whale, which can reach 100 feet. The competition between both species could have been one reason why the megalodon went extinct. He has said that unusually large and unidentified sharks are still being reported. If the megalodon never went extinct, oceans would be very unsafe places. Why do you think whales and giant squid dive so deep and they aren't even the size of the megalodon. Copyright 2023 Underknown, Backyard Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Creatures down there are almost in sleep all year so they dont have to eat so much. Another image is said to show a giant shark which has apparently been captured on Google Earth. The megalodon, undoubtedly one of the most popular sharks ever, has been the king of the ocean for millions of years. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to . These massive sharks would be leaving telltale bite marks on large marine animals, of which no reports have been made. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles. She added the megalodon would not be able to survive in the cold waters of the deep, where it would stand a better chance of going unnoticed. There is no mistaking the 15 cm (6 in) teeth of the largest apex predator, the megalodon. Does the Megalodon Shark still live, deep in the Mariana Trench? Suddenly, your sub experiences an earthquake. In fact, the term "megalodon" actually means "large tooth.". What If the World Lost Oxygen for Five Seconds? I think the megaladon is still alive but we are very unsafe if it is, I believe the Megalodon is still out there but I dont know for sure because after that meteor hit earth the dinosaurs Went extinct and the Megalodon live in the Marian trench thats super deep But I dont know if it Lived or not. After all, could the Megalodons have been the dolphins/apes of ancient times? One shocking report from 1918, tells of a 35-metre long "monster" shark stalking the waters off the port of St Stephens. However, for the sake of the argument, lets imagine how life would look like if the megalodon never went extinct. "If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it.". Extra gills to cope with the lack of oxygen. Very intelligently written and well organized. With a bit of luck, our hungry megalodon could even catch some juicy giant squid. Keep up the pages, they are awesome and very well written! Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of It would make much more sense if it lived closer to the surface. I love reading on Megalodon, your pages are very well written and raise some very interesting questions. Past research suggests that the megalodon (Otodus megalodon) went missing 2.6 million years ago alongside a wave of marine extinction, potentially caused by a supernovathat triggered severe climate and biodiversity changes during this time. I think it s possible that this creature is still a live at least 99% in the bottom of the Mariana trench with all stuff i have read that is where the last Megalodon shark really is. A living Megalodon deep in the Mariana Trench is a hopeful idea, but modern science tells us that the Megalodon Shark went extinct thousands of years ago. Divisions in the Debate Over the Existence of a Megalodon in the Ocean Trench. How did megalodon go extinct? What could this apex predator be hunting in the deep? What If is presented by Underknown, a production company creating a variety of short-doc series that search for the underlying truth of how our world operates and how it came to be. i think the Megalodon is alive and if it did live in the trench the metabolism from the lack of oxygen. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. 8 miles) below the ocean's surface. However, there are also scientists who say the lineage of this apex predator stretches back even further. The megalodon had a cosmopolitan distribution, it preferred warmer waters, and its main prey were whales, sea turtles, and seals. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to an incredible seven inches in length. A GIANT 100-ton prehistoric shark which ate everything it its path is still lurking in the Earth's deepest oceans - say internet conspiracy theorists. The hadal snailfish, the deepest dwelling fish we know, has flexible cartilage instead of bones. You put out some pretty convincing arguments about it being possible Megalodon still exists. What If Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct? I believe that it is folly to follow the belief that humans are the only intelligent life on this planet and in this universe. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animalstart_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalstart_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animalstart_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',118,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalstart_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-118{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. For Megalodon to live in the Marina Trench it would require an abundant food supply. The Otodus megalodon had a rostrum (nose) that was much shorter compared to the great white shark. This was especially true for the megalodon, who depended on tropical and sub-tropical waters for life. Yes. Theyre metabolism are slow. 4. those who participate in a revolt or open rebellion; polly noonan albany It's somewhat rare but not unheard for species to eat their own kind given the proper circumstances. No hard feeling. There's no food for it down there, and no other shark species are known to thrive that deep. Human bones and bones of other large marine animals are typically made of mineral calcium phosphate, which hardens and is fossilized much easier. It's a juicy bit of ancient history that has inspired a host of books, documentaries and blockbuster films, some of which like to imagine that this bloody thirsty monster is still alive today, lurking somewhere out there in the mysterious deep. CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on May 20, 2014: Interesting hub cryptid. Megalodon fossil evidence from around 20 million years ago provides us with the answer. No, this isnt the result of All over the world, people are treating bodies of water like they are giant garbage dumps. The drop in temperatures affected these sharks in many ways. Based on fossil records, it was thought to be extinct but was later found alive and consequently dubbed a living fossil. Question: Is Megalodon bigger than a blue whale? the only way to know is to go down there and live. And to navigate in total darkness, it would have to either become bioluminescent or grow massive eyes like the giant squid. I wouldn't be surprised if there are megs outs there., Get the news you want straight to your inbox. However, Emma Bernard, curator of the National History Museums fossil fish collection, says megalodons can not be around today. Enhanced super sensitive sensory organs. As for where ol' Meg lives perhaps he just roams the seas like a great white. I believe the stories of these fishermen are not fabricated and they are seeing a very, very large shark of some sort! Again, to put this into perspective, the average human bite force is around 1,317 Newtons, while the average bite force of great white sharks is 18,200 Newtons. This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. Even a tooth lodged in a whale or something would prove Megalodon is still around, but until we see such a thing the alleged sightings are nothing but compelling stories. An expert on ancient sharks told National Geographic that he is not convinced that just one species can cause such a decline. But there are a few enormous teeth that are over 7.- The Mariana Trench is 6.83 miles deep and measures more than 1,500 miles long and 43 miles wide. These creatures can reach up to seven metres in length and can survive at least 2,000 metres below the surface. Fossil records of that extinct shark species suggest that it reached a size of nearly 60 feet in length. I appreciate your thoughtful comments! However, this also tells us that Megalodon doesn't need the depths of the Mariana Trench to stay hidden. The Pacific Sleeper Shark and Greenland Shark are huge animals reaching over 20 feet in length and can live at depths of up to 9,000 feet. the megalodon shark can still live in the depths. it has the possibility to have eat'n small fish and survived and if so it would be smaller compared to its normal size because of pressure and it would be very sensitive to light. italian athletics championships; 2nd biggest wetherspoons in uk. That said, I think a lot of the reports of Megalodon are really just that - the people saw them. While that may be disheartening to Megalodon believers, in a way it's also encouraging. Recent studies, however, have shown that the megalodon sharks went extinct way before the climate shift and the great white shark was the reason. Around 3.5 million years ago, Megalodon was gone. Something went wrong, please try again later. And no photosynthesis means not much food. The Mariana Trench is a massive canyon in the Earth's crust and the deepest part of the ocean. Then return to the deep during the day. This giant shark is well-known for starring in the 2018 megalodon movie, The Meg. Is it really possible that small populations of Megalodon Sharks evolved to feed on prey in very deep water, and because of this managed to avoid extinction? I don't know how people think the megalodon lives in the trench why would an gigantic shark wanna live in the trench away from all the whales and large food sources and I don't even think it could have adapted to the conditions there as well and sadly it probably died out. View our online Press Pack. Images surfaced in 2016 which appeared to show what looked like a 60-foot shark illuminated in the darkness of Japan's Suruga Bay. The deeps holds many secrets of our planet. Scientists believe that a large part of its extinction was due to its loss of habitat. When the Earth cooled, the megalodon was forced out of its comfortable tropical and sub-tropical regions and into cooler waters where it could not continue surviving. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. But the Mariana Trench is a mysterious, cold and unforgiving world steeped in total darkness. Its skin could evolve to enable more tactile ways of feeling its way around. Are megalodon still alive in the Mariana Trench? For example, megalodon vertebrae have been found, which are about as large as your average food plate. Both shark species coexisted during the Pliocene Epoch, about 2.6 to 5.3 million years ago, and may have hunted some of the same prey. As they were dependent on tropical waters, the drop in ocean temperatures is likely to have resulted in a significant loss of habitat. However, the giant megalodon was still around three times longer compared to the world's largest great white sharks. cryptid (author) from USA on May 20, 2014: I agree that is true.