Barbara Reeves Allen Payne Mother, Articles L

Thats what insulin is for. My own plan of attack: 1) lay some knowledge on people (see above), 2) talk about our own mothers and that they are real people who faced real struggles, 3) the Plan of Happiness (is that what were calling it now?) I would expect him to give a talk like that because he is so utterly black and white in his thinking and he never heard a strict utterance over the pulpit that he did not love. Im grateful for it. I actually feel it is not so dissimilar on fathers day, particularly since the disparity between them can demean men. The woman described her family as she was growing up. They can eat whatever they want, in fact. It was perhaps the best talk I gave as a bishop. don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. I've done this in past years but always enjoy the new ideas from the participants here As I plan our Mother's Day Sacrament Meeting, what have been your favorite talk topics for Mother's Day? She cares about your eternal safety and happiness. lesson about prayer. Elder Ballard mainly focused on young mothers in this talk from 2008. Not all women can become real mothers. I wish you were speaking in my ward! Yet, we have a tendency to go to extremes, particularly culturally, forgetting that we are worshiping God, and that we are not God nor expected to be God in this, our mortal state. Mothers day will likely be about Gods unconditional love for us and how it pains Him to see us struggle And how even mothers cannot quite reach that level of love, but we understand the concept because most of us love our children in much the same way (but n, Focus your talk on how much we ALL need Jesus (even mothers) because we are all sinners (read the Bible It tells us so). My worst MD talk came in the Fast and Testimony meeting the week before in which my father, who was visiting since he no longer lived in our ward, decided to give some incredibly intimate details about his divorce and why he blamed it on several of his children, but not others. Gospel Q&A: Do We Really Have the Spirit With Us All the Time? Something else for me to kill.. Gospel Q&A: My Children Have Left the Church & I Worry for Their Souls. Sacrament Meeting Program LDS 4+ - App Store Make it a FUN day!!! I am infertile, though I now have three children through adoption. It is not a bad thing and it might be the one day that young mothers will remember and enjoy the most. Doesn't seem strange in a religion that supposedly is so family focused? Integrate how Jesus takes care of his mother's future well being while hanging on the cross with the scripture John 19:26-27. Your email address will not be published. Honoring Fallen Parents: The Fifth Commandment and Romans 3:23 The Fifth Commandment enjoins: "Honor thy father and thy mother." I recommend it highly: This! ( Special celebrations can and should be held at home within the family. What to Expect at Latter-day Saint Church Services By See also What to Expect at Church Services. Well, count me among the lucky ones who are speaking this coming Sunday. Love your mother, my young sisters. Sorry I missed that. April 24, 2015 in General Discussions. Then the clincher, it is only for women to celebrate and they need to be left alone to celebrate it as they demand and see fit. Thank you for writing this blog post. So for over a decade, Ive loved Mothers Day, just because I know it wont end with all of us crying. Gospel Q&A: Can Satan Hear Our Prayers? Id like to see the swords beaten into plow shares this mothers day And for once ( just once) the SAHM vs working mom verbal cat claws retracted. At the end of the survey there was a comments box where individuals could leave specific feedback to bishoprics that organize Mothers Day. It will easily demonstrate the weaknesses in the position: The logic is faulty. I wonder if a member of our bishopric reads this blog? "The ordinance of the sacrament," taught then Elder Dallin H. Oaks in 2008, "makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church." 21 Accordingly, in 2015, Church leaders called for a renewed emphasis on Sabbath worship centered on partaking of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Which meeting do you think would be more meaningful to the participants? Make sure you understand where that line is. From all accounts, her talk was very well received. Last year, I did an arrangement of "I Often Go Walking" for the Primary children and our ward choir to perform together. Listen to her. But I was not a mother, in spite of my tears and pleadings with the Lord. Less than nothing because the message of such a gift is that the person is not important. Because I know the real story so it is distracting from the fake one that they are giving. I dont envy you people who have been called togive talksnext week. It was my missionary farewell, back when such things were acceptable. When mothers know who they are and who God is and have made covenants with Him, they will have great power and influence for good on their children.. I havent had a bad Mothers Day since I divorced my ex and the day stopped being about making my kids miserable so that he could appear to be a good husband. Don't subscribe LDS Sacrament Meeting Talks - 34 Ideas - Nat Harward Just to be clear - I meant 'written/given' by women (aka musical number "O My Father" written by Eliza R Snow, conf talk by Reeve/Oscarson/Okazaki). Alece, its usually when the admins sense that the conversation is no longer productive, or when we dont have time or patience to keep monitoring the thread. They are there, you just have to do a little digging. We like to celebrate mothers in the Church and we like to ignore fatherhood. Mark, very good advice IMO. The responsibility mothers have today has never required more vigilance. The first one we did was a modified version of "Teacher Do You Love Me". I think she says that just because she is my mom. Yea like all of you My Mother sucked too. The fathers dont seem to feel as guilty about things as the mothers do,,,. Most seemed to realize bishoprics are trying and they appreciate any effort. On Mothers Day. He did not have any high-profile ward or stake calling at the time, not that it matters. Talk topics could be: - examples in the scriptures (Eve, Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Sarah, Mary, Sariah, etc), - early Saints (Lucy Mack, Emma, Eliza R Snow, Aurelia Rogers, etc), - influence of (teachers, nurses, aunts, grandmas, etc). Nothing, wakes people up in sacrament meeting like talking about chimpanzees dismembering each other. There are wrongs that need redressing Now, I detest it. So be kind to her. Re-reading my comment (101) it sounds very harsh even though that is not how I mean it to sound. In the same way, when we make a dramatic production of Mothers Day, I fear that we are sometimestrying to compensate for the way we devalue the real and important work they do on the other 364 days of the year. Measure your words with that assumption in mind. But her mother held a yardstick, and if her daughter played the wrong key, her mother smacked her across the back ofher hands, thus providing sufficient negative reinforcement to motivate her to do it right the next time through. Is it apeople incapable of focusing on the joy of others? I was asked to speak 3 times on MD during my infertility phase. Weve had sermons based on bumper stickers, Willy Wonka, the Grinch, and quite possibly Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc. What does that say about the role of motherhood? He chose to base his talk on To The Mothers In Zion, and used it to essentially chastise and condemn working women, and it sent half the ward fuming into the bishops office. I don't think it bodes well. We can only celebrate the nonentity because we are afraid of hurting those who are not being celebrated "today". We teach that you are basically good or even great (gods in embryo), that you are responsible for your actions and that you can actually make other people do what is right through prayer and works especially your children, that the sins you accumulate both those of commission and omission are entirely your fault, that Christ is not really in the middle of the picture until you really screw up and commit something unforgiveable like adultery and that you need to try harder to keep every one of those commandments or you are going to lose your reward of having a planet & of having eternal sex , and the celestial DFAC will snatch your children from you and destroy your perfect family sprouting from the buried nuts of polygamy where mother valently hoisted the impossible burdens. The worst talk I ever heard came from a woman who described how her mother used to sit by her during piano lessons. Your comment was excellent, especially this part: Jesus the Messiah wasnt just sinless, He was God. Scriptural women are perhaps safer :-) And in our ward, the men get cans of Dads Root Beer or Sugar Daddy candies. I personally am skeptical of ever looking to people for ideals. THE major Mothers Day talk in Sacrament Meeting in our ward this week, I have forwarded all of this discussion on to him! We've gathered five inspiring gifts for Latter-day Saint women to help them feel cherished and celebrated. Over the years, Ive heard some very good Mothers Day talks, but I have also heard some that were cringe-worthy. Flowers were also given to anyone who wanted to wear one in honour of their mothers. I mean big ol gnarly wretch. As a member of our bishopric, I assigned the topics for this weeks talks, all motherhood focused, and I have forwarded your paragraph with Elder Eyrings quote to each of them. I also have plenty of friends who are single sisters and they mourn growing older and menopause because they wont be able to have the children they want to hold and love. I would say that since Christ is supposed to be the express image of his Father that we do know quite a bit about the Father. So He can be ideal AND real. President Hinckley addressed all the women of the Church and thanked them for all the work they do in their families, congregations, and communities. We need ideals especially ones who arent ideal, so we can redefine ideal. No, an inclusive talk will be about current and eternal womanhood, one part of which may including being a biological mother in mortal life. Im asking this out of genuine curiosity/responsibility for handing stuff out. Being Both a Disciple & a Daughter: Balancing Formality in Prayer. Yes! This year in our ward we are having a missionary farewell for Mothers Daynot the old kind where the new missionary and all his/her family speak, but the new kind where the new missionary will be given a topic. It was given by one of my high school friends. It is Mother's Day and yet the day is supposed to about everything about women EXCEPT being a mother. I also choose to focus on the women in the scriptures like #30 has mentioned. Our ward always does flowers, right after Sacrament meeting, and this is a real problem for me because of my allergies. Make it different, and they will see you are trying. from Pres. Replies to my comments Ive lived in numerous family wards, and Ive never gotten as much as a crumb for Fathers Day, at least not from church. Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. to hear my little kids sing and for my older kids to pass out a flower. Watch This Touching LDS Mother's Day Medley | LDS Daily Perhaps it shouldnt be mothers day, but be Womans day and celebrate the contributions of women of faith in their families and communities. Mothers Day is celebrated, and increasingly commercialized, but my impression of the local situation is that ones obligation to honor ones mother is largely discharged at home. You might drift over to what has been considered the rebuttal of Mothers Who Know given at the next conference session by Elder Ballard. My bishop knows where its at, and we always get Dove bars, Milk for those of unrefined taste and Dark for the rest of us. This ordinance is an essential part of worship and spiritual development. Women are saved in child bearing is good as always. That feels a little thin still, so Im glad this post exists. (i.e. Honest! Isnt it reasonable to think that Abe is trying a little too hard, and might be overcompensating for something? I dont like the sappy talks about the perfect mothers. Also waiting by the library's tiny window with the Dutch door was a . Plus, I thought it was extra cool that the Bish consulted the RS pres. I dont think sacrament meeting is such an inappropriate place to do that, either. The US holiday was only adopted in 1870 and was also used to protest the sacrifices mothers had made when their sons were killed at war or killed the sons of other mothers during the Civil War. Just to be clear - I meant 'written/given' by women (aka musical number "O My Father" written by Eliza R Snow, conf talk by Reeve/Oscarson/Okazaki). You then leap to classifying it a family celebration rather than a national holiday. Although with good intentions, speakers usually put mothers and motherhood on a pedestal ("Mothers are loving and caring and naturally nurturing", "A mother's love is the closest thing to Christlike love on earth", "No mother is perfect, except my mom, who is literally an . Ann (#76), Im sorry to hear about your mothers passing. Are you looking for the best LDS talks on motherhood? Get plenty HPs and Elders. Most seemed to realize bishoprics are trying and they appreciate any effort. Not at church anyway. I only mentioned Mothers Day once, and I said how much my mom hated the hypocrisy of Mothers Day, and that we should treat women right every day of the year, not give platitudes one day of the year. If you personally need one, thats fine, but not everyone needs a model for something that is experienced differently by everyone. God still loves her, and her life still had value and meaningTHE END!! They want to give a message of comfort and support to other parents who are navigating the difficult conflicts that can arise in families around this issue. . 2) If your outfit doesnt match, no one who matters will notice. Sacrament Meetings - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Those who are not disciples of Christ or do not have faith will find it painful to see the faith of others; thus no one should celebrate Christmas openly. We know very little about HM and HF really. The hard part for me is when I hear talks about angel mothers where I actually know whom they are talking about. Ive been jinxed. I know my own mother dislikes being called a good mother because she feels so awful about how she raised us from her perspective. But these are good points. It appears that we have adopted the perverted sense of inclusion to such a degree that we cannot mention our gratitude for our mothers and motherhood without "hurting" or "marginalizing" those who are not mothers. All my daily tasks fulfilling, when she becomes a God like I know she will she will be an inspriation to all ladys, Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. After His Resurrection, He instituted the sacrament among the Nephites (see 3Nephi 18:111). Elder Ballard lists three ways mothers can do that; first, is realizing joy comes in moments, second is to not overschedule children, and third, to find time to cultivate talents and interests. That bishop that moved his ward away from elaborate gifting was doing the right thing. Best Mother's Day Topics, Scriptures, Conference Talks, Etc. It seems like every time theres a church scandaland especially one that concerns moneypeople start arguing that the scandal-ridden church (or even churches in general) should lose their tax exemptions. May 6, 2017 I didnt realize Mothers Day was so close. Dont twist the knife; let them come to you if they want it. Daughters of God They may have services on Holy Mother Mary but then again, she left her son behind in Jerusalem and didnt even notice she had forgotten him for quite some time before going back to look for him so not sure about her mothering skills ;)). Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Many said not to assignmother or female focused messages in sacrament meeting, others said to keep your effortssimple as long as it is sincere. We were utterly gobsmacked. Clap my hands and shout for joy! But guess what?! I have nine children, eight grown, am temple divorced and remarried to a nomo. Wow! In my home ward, we once had a Mothers Day Sacrament Meeting the topic of which was the priesthood. Pertaining to gifts: #53 Im against handing out plants on Mothers Day. I too have wrestled with the infertility monster and MD was always a nightmare. It very gently re-addressed several of the points that were flying in the newspapers and throughout the church in the Mothers Who Know backlash. Elder Ballard lists three ways mothers can do that; first, is realizing joy comes in moments, second is to not overschedule children, and third, to find time to cultivate talents and interests.. What Can I Do? I can only pray no one will take offense, as I certainly never mean any offense. Ugh. "I am a sociopathic perverted mess emotionally and mentally thanks to the influence of my insane codependent mother.'". I was initially surprised he went that way, but I have to say although Ive occasionally heard people say they wish something were did, I heard many complaints every previous year that something was done about what that something was. Is this really the Mothers Day message I need? Do you also not need an idea such as the Savior, your Father in Heaven or your Heavenly Mother? Honestly, considering how touchy this subject is (women w/out kids, abusive moms, separated/divorced men who don't want to be, moms who've passed, etc), I'd focus on Womanhood. Questions and Answers about the Sacrament, Remember Jesus Christ during the Sacrament, The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part1: Loss and Christian Reformations), The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part2: A New and Ancient Covenant), Sharing Time: Be Grateful for the Sacrament, Viewpoint: The Sacred Ordinance of the Sacrament, Young Men, Teach about the Sacrament, Brother Beck Says. I just spent two hours reading all the comments, viewing the video mentioned in #90, and taking notes. Steve P. wont be the only one this Mothers Day asked to speak on that controversial talk, its still in heavy circulation in wards. We are an outlandishly weird, mixed up bunch of folk. Some few are probably actively trying to avoid the gifts, trying hard to not remember the lack thats been rubbed in her face all day long. Theres got to be a way to show a little appreciation and recognize their importance and significance without it being guilt-inducing. Motherhood as a path to choose to be a better disciple of Christ by caring for those Christ lives.feed my sheep, etc. Diversity and Unity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Environmental Stewardship and Conservation, Joseph Smiths Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women, Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints, The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage, Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham. I agree! Mothers Day Sacrament Meeting: Impossible to Win A break from the primary room!) Maybe, eventually, I will heal and that will change. (Sorry to barge in madhousewife). Latter-day Saints to Attend Sacrament Meeting Only on Christmas Day When I was bishop, my bishopric would always serve pie during the third hour and Id invite my mom to attend. I think its the best way to go. Talking to other grownups while nice doesnt belong in 3rd hour. ), Miriam his sister who obeyed her mother and stayed with him and suggested her mother be his nursemaid, and the daughter of Pharoah, who raised him. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. Jana Riess: LDS Church's slow shift away from demonizing working mothers I have heard good talks and bad talks, and really dislike the sacralizing of the universal and perfectly average activity of mothering. The perfect sacrament meeting talk? Variations included a verse for when mommy comes home stoned, with descriptions of bratty violent Mormon children and a terrible version only whispered with stifled giggles including titillating, lolita overtones. He invites mothers to count the debits and credits in your role as a mother. President Hinckley then goes through a number of important gospel teachings mothers should focus on. all while X sat smugly on the stand. 18 Powerful LDS Scriptures on Mothers | Read Them All Here Some women think that you dont talk enough about mothers while other people think you talk too much about them. Im finding actual motherhood so exhausting that I just cant bear to hear about angel mothers right now. Well, you dear women, I say thanks to you. and read for the dayLOL, isnt that a nice dream?? I'd had a challenging morning, but somehow, my 3-year-old-daughter was decked out and ready for church on time. I wont be attending this Sunday either, but as always will honor my own mother by being the best mother I can be to my hurting children. Thanks for thinking of me, my youngest bishop son! Ere the sun goes down: We got a response from172 females and 51 males. But I still think the Dove bars our bishop chooses rock the holiday. Sorry for the sacrilege I think all women want massages but not sure the church is the right place for it. Their talks often included poems about the immeasurable amount of crap mothers had to deal with.