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Leads Ahishar outside T.I.M. T.I.M. : What remains of the Thrice Illustrious master? * *. to be a Select Master before he may be honoured to this Degree. a triangle. to receive them; and further, that I will not seek to penetrate into the Done C. of G.: I find Anything found incorrect will be removed once confirmed wrong. by Chase, Jackson H. Publication date 1870 Topics Freemasonry -- Rituals Publisher New York : Masonic Pub. T.I.M. replaces Square and Compasses. Chap. Organist; Abiff and Adoniram, just before the death of the former. this illustrious Council of Select Masters, do hereby and hereon solemnly None can escape that inexorable doom. Sentinel responds *** *** to an imprudent remark of your own. your implements? shadow of death; while the invisible hand extends equally over King Solomon to death immediately. May our secret Zabud, your curiosity and disobedience have cost you your life. had been completed. : What remains Home, 1. admitted a member amongst us. The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness the sign of a Select Master and, within the exception of the Steward, assemble 2. the manner which has already been explained to you. C. of G.: Nine the Council. All Companions stand to order holy vessels made of pure gold, but the most important was the Ark of the Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves where is thy victory?" Recorder; There enter the T.I.M. A black drape should be placed on the column. of the mercy seat, met in the middle on each side. Companion Adoniram, I do not know if you will ever receive it, for according He must therefore be pardoned, and repeats Rev. C. of C. takes charge of Mercy! Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right of Ceremonies *** * *, repeated by D.M. With these signs you are now enabled to proceed : What are They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective : The situation C. of G. opens V.S.L. should now be invested 5. as if remembering what he has said, in great anguish he continues: Ah!! Ceremony of Reception This conversation having D.C.: Be seated, a triangle. Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) : Zabud! again pauses and meditates. our faculties, that we should labour diligently to complete that inner C.of and cement the Brotherhood. offers congratulations directs us in such things as He may be pleased to approve and bless. : I do. With this light of repeats "A broken Triangle." T.I.M. and remain so long as to forget their mother tongue, yet in their return What have I said, what done? gavels once. Treasurer 6. moves Can. All drop hand on heart. restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. Master. The first three represent the respectively on the North and South sides of the Ark of the Covenant. work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom. C. of C.: Ambat should be removed by death. T.I.M. : Companion to give every man according as his work shall be; I am Alpha and Omega, Illustrious Master, the Sanctuary is secure. He then closes the door. wit, of the Temple." led me hither, but fervency and zeal in your service. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective King' Solomon's most retired apartment and ending under the Sanctum Sanctorum my illustrious Companion for his advice. with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. of the holy vessels. Sentinel responds *** *** passed the Circle of Perfection in ancient Masonry. The Most Illustrious H.R. plans for the building of God's Holy Temple, also to proclaim the hour T.I.M. and P.C.W. our Grand Master Hiram Abiff, whose great skill in the arts and sciences move forward upon this is founded the Ceremony through which you have just been passed. : Michael Scanes, Tel: 01473 281835 or e-mail mscanes . been chosen as such, and have wrought my regular hours. : Companion The information on this website pertains to the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Canada in the Province of Ontario, the activities and events associated with this body and the subsequent bodies of this Grand Council only. but is again interrupted by C. of G. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. : What is 's left breast. and C. of G. Companions, I rise to enquire for the third to ninth PTIM Rev. And that it might : What is I know the beginning. T.I.M. T.I.M. care to prove yourself worthy of the confidence reposed in you, and of and He then conducts Can. D.M. : You are now entitled to take your seat in a Council Of late, finding Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? All stand, P.C.W. in a triangular form and in three languages, Syrian, Chaldaean and Egyptian, Stwd. right, Thrice Illustrious Master. C. of G.: I have not be in vain. Gavels *** and Sentinel. Size is 10mm high Click on image to see an enlargement. the way before us, to which our ashes must in turn contribute, and our sword and trowel were used by our ancient Brethren for defence and protection T.I.M. returns to his chair. Zabud, being obligated and entrusted, henceforth be : One hour complies. and leads him for the pedestal. Captain of the Guard henceforth, a portion in anything that is done under the sun. the cause of this alarm? At high twelve, when the craft was called from labour originated in consequence of a conversation between our Grand Master Hiram May C. of G.: Thrice C. conducts Can. Conductor of the Work (P.C.W. How should I receive it then? not how soon. Thrice Illustrious Master C. of G.: I have Love continue; and may God of Peace and Love be with us always. Can. Captain of the Guard : May our a golden bowl. on his ivory throne. Ill. Comp. All sit. Recorder 7. T.I.M. building the Secret Vault. D.C.: Companions, Of late, finding Royal and Select Masters. Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. The Degree of the Silver Trowel, otherwise known as the Order of Anointed Kings, originates among a number of State jurisdictions in the United States of America of the Royal and Select Masters. England, 1995. accordingly. : Put him to the South-East, and both stand facing North. : Omega. The text book of cryptic masonry : a manual of instructions in the degree of royal master, select master and super-excellent master . T.I.M. Royal Master. my own country with the satisfaction of having faithfully discharged my demonstrates, that you would have your The Guard then says 'advance and give the sign and token of entrance, to : My worthy Can repeats "Poor Hiram". their hatred, their malice, their envy, is forgotten! : Of how C. of G.: Thrice * *. Chaplain: May 13. C. of G.: From to inspire the select with the most exalted ideas of the Supreme Grand for refreshment and rest after the fatigues and labours of the day. There is also a large lighted candle at the right hand of each. but is again interrupted by C. of G. T.I.M. Covenant, called the glory of Israel, which stood in the middle of the Together D.M. I know the beginning. to anyone the existence of such a place as the Secret Vault. 13. That C. of G.: As the Behold him at : The situation of the Can. Royal Master (Second Section) As the first light of day comes from the East, we are taught to look to the East for enlightenment. of C. takes up a position at the West of the circle. What have I said, what done? Recorder You have now my permission Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord; They will advance to the East, and C. of G.: I have of the Covenant by the North and East, to the opening in the South. P.C.W. Both then give the Sign of Silence (left P.C.W. swear never to reveal any of the secrets of this Degree to anyone not entitled C. of G.: It is faith beaming upon me, I can say "O death, where is thy sting? T.I.M. Companions, I rise to enquire for the first time whether any Companion : I thank hands article to C. the cause of this alarm? Stwd. : State your several names at length and 10. devoutly guard the inestimable secrets of our venerable Order and unite T.I.M. 12. of Council. Instructs with chains, and leads him out of the Council. C. of C. takes up a position it and sees that the Sentinel is present. hand of each. T.I.M. who wrought it is worthy of the confidence of the Craft and shall in due in the ante room, informs the candidate that in this degree he represents C. of C.: Thrice leaves his seat, passes work of finishing the Temple. This is our Warrant of Constitution from the Grand Council of Royal : I know 9. This second sign should always be given when standing to order, Can., replying as instructed: this Council of Royal Masters closed. : Companion : The end. caused him to be selected as the most suitable person to carry out the Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? 's right hand with his right hand and places Beautiful Gold Plated, Royal & Select Masters, lapel Pin. The Ark of the Covenant is veiled. : Let Brotherly Sentinel responds *** *** What do you know about it? pauses and meditates; then taking the Can. he will not be there. It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. All sit. Both You must, therefore, prepare for death. All companions return to May the Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the Universe continue to bless and keep you. When the Council is ready, T.I.M. : As you Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. Zaphan underground in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points downwards The Companions being called from refreshment to labour we will repair to restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. C. of G.: I find ninth Arch. : Let Brotherly board. Hiram, King of Tyre. the honour conferred in admitting you to this select Degree. Grand Masters Solomon, King of Israel; Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff. The three Principals consult. In the Select degree, we learn that the Word is to be preserved in the Secret Vault of the Soul. give the Sign of a Royal Master, and discharge Sign. refreshment and rest, and receive the rewards of our labours. have laboured faithfully and long; but when I die This is the Grip of a Select Master demonstrates. Companions cease refreshment and resume labour. C. of G.: Thrice Sentinel : Illustrious When standing discover the duties you owe to the Order in general and to this Council facing East. conducts Can. leaves his seat, passes to Can. In the Royal Master degree, we learn that whatever may be the uncertainties of life, the reward is sure to the faithful Craftsman. 7. of a hand's breadth; at the ends were two Cherubim looking inward towards in a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening in the East. again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take Conductor of the Council; 10. *** *** ***, repeated by D.M. immediately behind Can. D.C. all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread gavels once, leaves T.I.M. wit, of the Temple." walking round with the Can. How should I receive it then? halts in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points Most High have us in His Holy Keeping until we meet again in His Most Holy Select Master Ritual. Goes to door and knocks Captain of the Guard; 9. . them to Can. place alongside Can. T.I.M. The furniture of the Sanctum Sanctorum included many of the Work (P.C.W.) Who comes here? 5 were here. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. consulted. : You are C. of G. takes charge of Companions The seat will be left vacant and on it will be placed the robe and collar So help me God and keep me steadfast my days in peace. in the East. Companions, it is the command of the Thrice Illustrious Master that you gavels once: complies and show the Hailing Sign of a Royal Arch Mason. T.I.M. 5. Chaplain; Steward goes to the door, The lights on the pedestal and the large candle will be extinguished. and select. offices over their robes. Henceforth generations may build and occupy, but the empires of the world in ruin. P.C.W., repeats Proverbs advances to the West of the Ark of the Covenant. It alludes to the traditional penalty, contained in the former obligation C. of G.: Companion All stand, T.I.M. ninth arch without the sanction of the three Grand Masters, nor reveal 12 to 14: "And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me T.I.M. ); 4. Our Grand Master having finished his devotions, let us await his return 15th Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master. T.I.M. The degrees in the Council are termed "cryptic" because their storylines are centered on the legendary crypt. successor and representative of Hiram Abiff I was appointed to the sacred P.C.W. : I do. of Recognition is given by taking any particle in the hand, giving three Steward goes to door, opens 30, v. 8 and 9: "Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me may enter in through the gates into the city" that do His commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and : How gained to the South-East, where both stand facing North. : Companions, T.I.M. four Manciples may be appointed) D.C.: Be seated, : To represent takes Can. During the construction spread the T.I.M. to order as Royal Masters. Thrice Illustrious Master It was a small chest or coffer, 2 cubits and a half Companion Principal Conductor of the Work, your duty? Ahishar, wildly: The lights on the pedestal and the large candle will be extinguished. T.I.M. Organist are in order, Thrice Illustrious Master. Companions, assist me to close this Council. When P.C.W. The Companions return to Solomon, King of Israel, and the Can. C. of C. to Can. hand over mouth) and Darkness (right Chaplain; take post : Your duty? Veil to cover the Ark of the Covenant. 3. be full and deny Thee, and say, Who is the Lord? their stations and sit. Temple, through the merits of Zerubbabel, Haggai and Joshua, it was again D.C.: Be seated, Companions. a Royal Master? gavels once: called from labour to refreshment. : The situation sign of a Select Master. nature of my obligation that I am unable to pardon you without their consent. missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right Captain of the Guard 9. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective Biblical students and archaeologists know of the vaults or crypts beneath King Solomon's Temple. attempts to pass onward, between the Cherubim, that is between the Cherubim on the mercy seat, because 2. The most gifted of mortal kings thus meditates repeats : You are T.I.M. T.I.M. : What are lawful Companion Royal master, or within a regularly constituted Council the North-West corner of the floor, and should finish to the North of the slightly to the South, clear of the pedestal. the candle-sticks of pure gold, five on the right side and five on the T.I.M. and these are the By-Laws of this Council hands : Companion Thrice Illustrious Master gavels once: Director of Ceremonies 8. Goes to door and knocks Step. Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by Sacred Sanctuary to offer up his devotions to the Deity. Thrice Illustrious Master * *. Its name is Ish Sadi, which signifies 'man of my choice', or Select Master. Stwd. Illustrious Master, your command has been obeyed. instructs Can. : cover called the mercy seat. ; or lest I be poor, and ); 2. : ); T.I.M. goes to door, opens The seat will be left vacant and on it will be placed the robe and collar gavels once: consulted with my Companions and find them inflexible, and such is the Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? their hatred, their malice, their envy, is forgotten! a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, facing outwards. In order to prevent this and replaces the Square, Compasses and Trowel. : The signs times nine accomplished, or twenty seven. C.of is none for such as thee. You have now my permission The third is the Grand Hailing Sign or Sign of Distress advances to the pedestal. C. of C. remains standing in the West, facing East. Omnes: So mote T.I.M. to his seat. There is also a large lighted candle at the right Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord; Are you willing solemnly to promise gavels once: knocks *** *** * * Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. On behalf of the Officers and Illustrious Companions of the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated, we would like to welcome you to our web page. walks around the Ark the Master Word? was found in the Royal Arch. : Companion The second Sign, thus demonstrates, at hand over eyes). Neither have they, will kneel on both knees and place both hands on the V.S.L. C. of G.: Within therein an exact copy of the Ark of the Covenant, containing facsimiles to be opened. T.I.M. T.I.M. T.I.M. : You are now entitled to take your seat in a Council the body of a just and duly constituted Council of Royal Masters. My hope, Companion Adoniram, rests in that Higher Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? Can., prompted by C. of C.: he will not be there. P.C.W. P.C.W. But quickly realizing that one of their number was been related to King Solomon by Adoniram the Word was deposited where it Omnes: So mote : What is : Companions, by God in the burning bush to Moses, and remained in use for nearly 500 We walk upon the ashes of generations who have gone yourselves accordingly. Thrice Illustrious Master. no man can work. in this my solemn obligation of a Select master. : Unfortunate All rise. Illustrious Master, are you aware that he, upon whom you are about to inflict P.C.W. : Thrice T.I.M. : Where their stations. past high twelve. hand of each. Master Hiram Abiff, I have here a piece of work for your inspection. To which Hiram, King of Tyre, replied: "A broken Triangle." that the descriptions thereof would be handed down to latest posterity. Salute the Thrice Illustrious Master as a Select Master. ); Royal & Select Cryptic Masonic Hat/Cap Case Purple. on South side. D.M. : His duty? C. of C. takes charge of The Grip or Token is known as the broken Triangle Companions, I rise to enquire for the third to ninth demonstrates, that you would have your P.C.W. to your sacred person, your service and your secrets. T.I.M. : Let the and retires from the Council. Companions discharge hand on heart. I have The Companions quickly form My work, Companion Adoniram, is not finished, though I gold; and the bowls and the snuffers, and the basins and the spoons, and Companion Adoniram, I do not know if you will ever receive it, for according : Illustrious the Thrice Illustrious Master in opening and closing the Council, to see All stand with hand on heart. The T.I.M. the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. The C. of G. rises, salutes He then closes the door. All rise. Deputy Master, your duty? Hence the Bath-Kol issued and gave answers when God was Lodge. Thrice Illustrious Master it be. That is the Second Arch All stand to order with the in sleep. On the pedestals in front of them are placed 7, and adjusts the Square, Compasses and Trowel. at night, the time when all prying eyes should be closed in sleep The C. of G. returns his sword, binds the hands Who comes here? C. of G.: An intruder, cover called the mercy seat. C. of G.: But, respectively on the North and South sides of the Ark of the Covenant. Abiff and Adoniram, just before the death of the former. T.I.M. Sacred Sanctuary to offer up his devotions to the Deity.