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In the 20th Century, for example, Brazilian and Afro-Caribbean rhythms helped shape the sounds of the uniquely American genre of jazz. Personally, I have fond memories of family reunions as a kid with my Mexican grandfather, his siblings, and their multitude of descendants. The concept of culture is something that defines many aspects of ones life. By 2012 the number of Spanish speakers increased to over 38 million, representing 13% of the U.S. population. If you havent spent time immersed in Latin culture, some of these differences may surprise you. This sentiment would serve as the primary catalyst to the Texas secession from Mexico. A majority of blacks (70%), but a smaller share of Hispanics (57%), say the groups get along very or fairly well. In Latin culture, early November is a sacred time to honor deceased loved ones through memories, rituals, and meditations. Copyright 2023, Hispanic Marketing Consultants. In this article, we will explore the most common cultural differences between these two groups. The same rule applies to Americans who visit Latin American countries or do business with Latinos (or Hispanics). Latino culture is based off of collectivism where the family is the most important aspect in their lives. The average Latino feels comfortable maintaining social harmony. To explore these differences as well as the similarities, we initiated an Cuisine is another cultural similarity between the USA and LATAM countries. She lives with her family on beautiful Lake Atitlan. American language, also know as English, is one of the few that's known world wide. The Hispanic individual may prefer not to address a problematic issue with another person in order to avoid social awkwardness. One very immense difference and similarity between Hispanics and Americans is food. Latinos can also be Hispanic, but not necessarily. Frequently, we do not put too much attention to our own cultural values and traditions until we are exposed to a different culture, and start comparing. They feel good when they break their own records in school, athletics or another type of academic or professional competition. An example of the Latino and Hispanic community shared culture is religion. Things like dining at a restaurant take longer because the service is slower and amigos will linger for a chat before departing. Students at most universities have institutional permission to leave the classroom if their instructor arrives 15 20 minutes late. Outside of my own experiences attending an American school, I have spent a lot of time at several Deaf people attend schools for the Deaf, and Deaf churches. They feel well connected to the group and they will strive and work hard to help the needs of the community. This means both of these groups had to become accustomed to the culture of one another. Those States are California, Texas, and Florida (InterExchange 2016), but the influence of Latin culture goes far beyond these areas. When we finish our journey, I hope you will be able to see some similarities and differences between the two cultures. Etiquette. Tortilla chips and salsa are so popular that they are now one of the highest selling snack foods in the U.S. Often, we do not examine our own cultural ideals and customs until we are exposed to another culture. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. For this reason, they spend much of their time cultivating and strengthening family ties. "Latin American Music." Spanish is the national language of Mexico, brought by the Conquistadors during Mexico's colonization, and while the United States does not have an official national language, English is spoken by 96% of the population, most business is conducted in English, and to become a U.S. citizen, applicants are required to . However, for the Latino, that is considered a lack of respect. 6 What is the difference between Latino and Hispanic culture? Popping-in can even be considered disrespectful. Although there is much overlap between the two terms, those from countries like Brazil (with its 200 million Portuguese speakers) may identify as latino, but not Hispanic. More than half of the U.S. Hispanic and Latino population resides in California, Texas, and Florida. North Americans and Western Africans, although living in vastly different areas, share many cultural similarities with each other. Hispanics have contributed to America by serving in the army, providing medicine, providing architecture styles, improving economic life, and by providing food.Hispanics have served proudly in each war and conflict entered by this nation. Sitting around a table with the family, having elaborate meals, and chatting is integral to Latin culture. What is the future of Spanish in the United States? A late afternoon snack of coffee or tea and pan dulce (sweet bread) is a daily ritual in Latin culture. Latino refers to anyone from the Caribbean, Central, or South America. Lets explore the 10 most prevalent cultural differences between these two groups. Nor will they request that medicine instead of the one they are currently being prescribed. But, there are some significant customs that give character to the way different cultures celebrate Christmas. For instance, Hispanics are not going to tell their doctor that there was an ad on TV recommending medicine for a particular ailment. But they represent very different archetypes. Hand-picked for You: Polychronic Culture in Latin America: Thoughts and Facts on Time. The American Texans of the 1800s defined Mexicans as a race alien to everything that Americans held dear (De Leon 4). In the United States, English is the dominant language with over 230 million speakers. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Hispanic is broadly used along the Eastern seaboard while Latino is broadly used along the west of the Mississippi. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. According to InterExchange, there are three States in the U.S. that are home to more than half of the Latin/Hispanic Americans in the country. HISPANIC CULTURE IS HAVING A PROFOUND EFFECT ON AMERICAN FOOD, MUSIC, SPORTS, BEAUTY PRODUCTS, FASHION, POLITICS AND MUCH MORE. The United States takes up far more land than Cuba. American families tend to have less children, while Hispanic families tend to have more than two children. For example, the difference of a person who identifies as pansexual versus someone who is asexual. Early on, the majority of immigrants were from European countries, which is why European Americans make up 75% of the American population. In Mexico, women kiss everyone on the cheek when greeting them. Mariachis in Mexico liven up the streets and restaurantes. It is not that Hispanics establish deep, long-term friendships immediately, but they tend to interact as if they did. The lack of use of a title denoting authority between people in the United States is an example of equality. To find out in detail which cookies we use on the site, read our. Even the Mayans in Guatemala play marimba in the plaza. After lunch, an early afternoon meal is usually served. But, Spanish is right behind English at number two, with well over 37 million people who speak the tongue (World Atlas 2016). While inclusive Spanish terms such as Latinx continue to be controversial, we believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for showing respect to all types of people. At night, dinner is usually small. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It provides a time to communicate and connect with loved ones. The tenets of morality are almost similar to that of the American culture. A native Texan, Michelle has Mexican roots and learned Spanish in middle and high school. Male instructors rarely wear ties and some of them may even wear jeans. Another thing she pointed out was the way that people greet each other in American fashion when compared to Latino. For example, in the early 1900s, approximately 1,000 Koreans immigrated to Mexico to . For polychronic (Latin) cultures, time is less tangible and more flexible. Latinos share many of the same experiences of exclusion, disadvantage, and barriers to opportunity. The contributions of Latino/a and Hispanic culture to that of the United States are countless, and we encourage you to learn more. Titles, such as sir and madam are rarely used. But really, its an everyday attitude. Learn More. A man, on the other hand, will kiss a woman on the cheek and shake the hand of another man. She has become more fluent thanks to living as an expat in Guatemala. It includes coffee ( tea or hot coffee with milk) and a sandwich. As we compare, the American and Indian cultures have very vast differentiation between them. Male chauvinism in Latin men separates them clearly from Americans. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Tacos, tamales, and burritos are infused into American culture. People see death as a transformation and a natural end of life. You no longer have to go to the actual location of where the performance or game is happening anymore. Hispanic usually refers to people with a background in a Spanish-speaking country, while Latino is typically used to identify people who hail from Latin America. Similarly, the Catholic religion is also predominant in Latino communities in the United States. According to the Center for Advanced Language Acquisition of the University of Minnesota, cultureis defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. From a more sociological perspective, culture is a way in which people come together in order to fulfill their needs. They follow the same laws of both the Islam and Christian religion. Hispanics tend to have respect and admiration for authority figures. Culture is essentially a group of people who come together with similar interests and points of view. These two cultures, Hispanic and American, contain two incredibly different languages that have no similarities, making each one of them not only distinct, but unique in their own form. It is a taboo subject that is not openly discussed. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. In Madrid, many schools have split session days, from 9-1 and 3-5, for example. Informality: The lifestyle of the Americans is generally casual, you can see students in class dressed in shorts and T-shirts. Music and dance are an integral part of both the USA and LATAM cultures. Data suggest similarities and differences between Hispanic . Transculturation is key in order to fit into a new society, those who do it well have a smoother time transitioning. American families also tend to have more money, and with less children it is easier to provide the kids with better opportunities such as schooling and hobbies. Those features are especially evident in recent immigrants. However, there are some cultural similarities that tend to bring these diverse backgrounds together. In social situations, for Hispanics, personal contact is extremely common. Hispanics (or Latinos) tend to be conservative/traditional in their lifestyle and culture. Most of them always have a favorite team but when it comes to a game that they dont care about it really isnt that big of a deal to them. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? In other words, Latinos have more difficulty separating a particular issue from the personal relationship they have with the person they are dealing with. The couple in front of them is having a very engaging conversation, fluently, in Spanish. This meal is usually very informal and its mostly served to the children.At night, one last meal is served. The terms Hispanic and Latino are sometimes used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Although Americans in general have gained an increasingly secular view of society in the past few decades, a study conducted by the Hispanic Churches in American Public Life (HCAPL) reports that the majority of Hispanic and Latin Americans identify as Catholic or Protestant. Of course, the very diverse list goes on and is often influenced by the makeup of an areas Latin American population. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but nearly every member of our New York City-based staff has extensive experience traveling, working, or living abroad. This includes much of Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. American-Japanese cultural differences in the recognition of universal facial expressions. The U.S. has many Spanish-language media outlets ranging from giant commercial broadcasting networks to local radio stations. This paper chooses two ethnic subculture groups (Hispanics and Chinese Americans) in the United States, both of which possess strong market potential. Such Latinos as the Mexican Americans had 2.4 children on average as of 2003 while white and other minorities had an average of 2.0 children, according to study conducted by Fuller et al 2009 (qtd. The book investigates the processual nature of one's sense of belonging formed as a result of a dialectics between people's efforts to preserve the boundaries of their culture of origin and the urge to transgress them, detectable in everyday life, religious holidays, and ethnic festivals. Religion plays an important role in Hispanic and Latin American culture. The average Latino and Latina feels that its essential to maintain social harmony. Similarly, Brazilian pop artists like Anitta and drag superstar Pabllo Vittar are making their mark on the U.S. music scene. Relatively few black Americans and Hispanic Americans believe that cultural issues such as abortion (17% and 30%) and same-sex marriage (18% and 26%) are critical issues facing the country. Additionally, both regions share a love for grilled meats, which are often served during family gatherings and celebrations. Yet, cant the same be said for the United States and many other developed nations? Conversely, in American culture, people are often more individualistic and anti-authority. Students can greet each other with a simple Hi, How are you? or Whats up?. their paper will evaluate the contrast and similarities between them and african americans. I hope this summary of cultural differences has given you some insight into the nuances of Latin culture. Latino, on the other hand, refers to those from the geographic region of Latin America. Although I am a native Spanish Speaker, I know that there is a different root of the Spanish language that is used in Spain, furthermore, making me curious to learn and be able to see the small differences between the Spanish language that I know versus the original Spanish language. This paper will be addressing the differences between American and Latino culture. The Personal Space Difference: Mexicans greet each other in very different ways than Americans. Equality: We are all created equal is an American ideal that almost all people in the United States uphold and it means that everyone in the country, both men and women of all ethnicities and all cultural groups, have the same rights. Cultural Influence Hispanic and Latin Americans come from diverse social, economic, and geographic backgrounds. Within Hispanic culture, the family is often cited as providing primary care to a member with AD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhxOrhrclYo. They need directions to get back on the road. One thing that both cultures share is the importance of a good education. As a consequence, the United States has become a place where many cultures merge together like a colossal pot soup. Texas and Florida have a Hispanic and Latino American population of about 10 million and 4 million respectively. They can be very different depending on their family heritage and national origin. Within that group, as within Hispanics, there are varieties of races. And, of course, we cant forget about the 3 million inhabitants of Puerto Rico, which is a freely associated state (FAS) of the USA. 2. Too often the assumption is made that Spanish-speakers are unamerican, lazy, receive low income, or are uneducated in any way. The church influences life, family, and community affairs, giving a spiritual cohesion to Latin culture. There are also some similarities and differences between Latinos, African-Americans and the mainstream American population with respect to time orientation, communication, physical and mental health, group relationships, and perceptions and measures of intelligence as discussed further below. In her opinion, being Latino herself, she noticed that when Americans greet each other they prefer a firm handshake, while many people of Latin heritage will normally give a more gentle handshake, and may follow it up with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Hispanics are also demonized in the media as people who are stealing American jobs. The Western Africans, for centuries, used trade to be able to connect with the . LATAM cuisine comprises dishes such as tacos, tamales, empanadas, and arepas, which are popular in various LATAM countries. Dinner is usually a small meal. Blasting News is working with the European Union in the fight against fake news. That is the belief that some Americans associate with Hispanics. It does not store any personal data. According to InterExchange, there are three States in the U.S. that are home to more than half of the Latin/Hispanic Americans in the country. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For this reason, they spend much of their time cultivating and strengthening their family ties. Closer than arm's length. Food is another main part of culture and that includes how we sit at the table and our dietary needs. The Hispanic population has experienced an incredible growth in the past decade in the United States of America. KEYWORDS: emotion, perception, touch, . Specifically, they are most often Roman Catholic. For Latinos and Latinas, family plays a central role. Food is a major part of every culture, some very different and some very similar. For example, when it comes to the personal space of Americans, she noticed that many of them dont like people within an arms length of their bodies, while Hispanic/Latino people are the direct opposite, and are more inviting towards someone being that close to them (Smith 2014). Understanding and appreciating these cultural similarities can help build stronger ties between the USA and LATAM countries, fostering greater collaboration and mutual understanding. Sometimes it goes even deeper than that. In contrast, LATAM music comprises various genres, such as salsa, tango, reggaeton, and samba. Although such living situations have become less common, the emphasis on the well-being of the family often makes Hispanic and Latin Americans very group-oriented with family gatherings being commonplace. Monochronic societies like the U.S. have a standardized and linear view of time. Latina Author Lucila Ortiz Smith pointed out a long list of them. 396 Words2 Pages. Let me know in the comments! While the island's temperatures range from warm to hot, weather conditions vary widely across America, and, in most parts of the country, change according to season. In fact, many Latinos and Latinas think its rude to be right on time to a social function because the hosts are likely still getting ready. As Hispanic people, we must keep alive. Some of the main cultural values of Americans include: Individuality: Americans are motivated from an early age to be independent and to develop their own goals in life. Enjoy exploring a few traditions and cultures throughout parts of the US and South America. This hand shake usually involves a pat on the shoulder/bicep area or another hand placed on . This small summary of cultural differences may lead to a better understanding of the differences between Hispanics and Americans. Importance of religion Haiti was colonized by Spanish and French, who brought with them Roman Catholicism. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. . The Catholic religion is religion predominant in Latino communities in the United States. Even so, Latin Americans will take their time when doing business, influenced by the idea that its best not to rush meetings. They tend to be highly oriented towards progress and success. What is thought to influence the overproduction and pruning of synapses in the brain quizlet? The reverse is also true: thanks to globalization and Americanization, many U.S. chains have opened franchises in Latin America, paving the way for American staples to enter the Latin diet. In Conclusion: My Rule Continue Learning about Movies & Television. At the same time, Hispanics are significantly more likely than blacks to say that inter-group relations are strained (30% vs. 18%). All rights reserved. The difference is that the corruption in developed countries tends to be more subtle and hidden behind closed doors. WorldOmeters puts the current US population at 325,102, 343 as of 2016 (WorldOMeters 2016). Subjects Hispanic Americans--Ethnic identity Racially mixed children--Ethnic identity Minorities--Economic conditions Latino/a American adolescents who report higher identity with European American culture report higher levels of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use than those who are more ethnically identified. How are Hispanic and American families the same? Hispanic people value close familial relationships. Upon meeting someone new this is how Latinos greet each other. In 1993, they introduced the Top Latin Albums chart, which ranks the top-selling Latin albums in the U.S. cultures. While the U.S. produces movies and television shows that are seen the world over, Mexico produces some of the most popular movies and TV shows for Latin America. Hispanics though, will choose a team no matter who is playing, I remember going to my girlfriends house who is. Many Latin Americans are great dancers and love to play loud music at every opportunity. Americans pride themselves on being punctual and efficient with their time. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Most Western p Continue Reading Lucas Nascimento As for religion, Catholicism and evangelical Christianity are ubiquitous throughout Latin America, playing a significant role in daily life. Reports done by Nabil Yafai from Inter Exchange states, majority of Hispanic and, Being Hispanic, for me, is to have an everlasting relationship with our past, but always looking toward the future. In 1980, there were roughly 11 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. Some of the main cultural values of Americans include: Individuality: Americans are motivated from an early age to be independent and to develop their own goals in life. Unfortunately, government ineptitude and blatant corruption rule in most of Latin America. Formality of Address. Whether you are marketing to Hispanics through traditional marketing or digital marketing, you need to know the Hispanic traits that determine the cultural differences that exist between Hispanics and Americans (the U.S. general market). These numbers might be a little misleading, though. There are different races within that group, just like there are among Hispanics. Latinos are more likely to make decisions based off of the best interest of their families not necessarily themselves. Although, Latin America and the United States are on the same side of the world, there are many cultural differences that sometimes may be shocking and Translation Services Spanish Translation Service Spanish Document Translation Certified Spanish Translation Get Instant Quote They are all exceptional individuals (by normal human standards) that use their powers to protect people, they have their own sense of justice and follow some sort of personal moral code. Soccer is gaining momentum as a major sport in the USA. Whats more, its common to hear people say ahorita voy, (Im going right now) when in reality theyre not going anywhere anytime soon. Hi John, thank you for your opinion. In contrast, most events in Latin America do not start on time. Hispanic refers to the Spanish language, while Latino is a geographical label. Abasto ran one article that suggests that if a person could simply remember a few specific character traits about Latino/Hispanic people, then the differences between they and the average American could be easily identified. Additionally, both regions have religious diversity, with Christianity being the predominant religion. The church influences life family and community affairs, giving a spiritual meaning to the Hispanic culture. Time: Being on time is imperative in the United States. Hispanics and Americans are the two largest ethnic groups in America. Sign up for your free trial Spanish class today. In comparison to citizens of the United States we are much more reserved than the Spanish speaking countries that I know of. In recent years, the word latinx has gained traction as a gender-neutral alternative to latino/a. Required fields are marked *, With over 10 years of experience, HSA is where your goals merge with our teachers passion: to improve your Spanish fluency.