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Still, I think it is something that, a foreigner need to get used to. Thanks to any member wishing to comment on Christmas. Even if youre not dancing, drinking or singing, you will have fun watching the Colombians doing it. And other things Colombian do that I noticed by observing the locals after being in Medelln for a while. I think you nailed the true meaning of mono. I have been trying to figure this out for three years now living in Cali. For instance, when a seat in a bus gets free, Colombians tend to first uncomfortably lean on the back of the seat before sitting down. A man in Zhengzhou was forbidden from naming his newborn son "@" because of the rule stating that all given names must be translatable into Mandarin. (Image: Shutterstock) 2 / 16. A receipt with two totals, one with a tip (27,315 pesos) and one without a tip (25,000 pesos). The law was put on the books in an effort to reduce crime. It is said the cleanup from the birds cost each citizen 275 per year, so now, the tables are turned. Strange Law 3: Vehicles cannot surpass speeds of 60 m.p.h. Medelln in particular celebrates Christmas with its world-class Medelln Christmas lights that are turned on for over a month. Of all of the 12 things listed I can add several more positives and only one serious negative. Thanks for your comment Bob. Colombians use every occasion to drink aguardiente (anise-flavoured liqueur), to sing and to dance together. Rome's strict laws against animal cruelty include the walking of pet dogs. The bottom line is that the things Colombians do that foreigners may find weird or just funny or unusual are from our point of view. They are smarter than Costa Ricans but not by much. ), optionally filled with guava jam. The 8 Weirdest and Strangest Laws in Louisana (2023) - Liner Law Despite being the most populous (and arguably most influential) country in the world, China tends to get a bum rap, possibly because of its colorful history of human rights . (Why not, there are a lot of them, right?) 2. A few of our bizarre, unexplained laws. With those different habits you get to see new things and get to understand the new culture even better. We're not sure how they enforce this, but China is known for having some strict laws. Forget about everything you thought you knew about Colombia. This requires people between the ages of 40 to 74 to have an annual waist measurement performed at the doctor. When making a payment that is more than $10, it is illegal to pay with more than a single coin under the Currency Act in Canada. It's not that you can't go to the bathroom, but you won't be able to make noise while you do it. This sexist law is due to the belief that alcohol may make a woman more immoral. *He requested an ice-skating rink should be built near Ashgabat so the people living in the desert could learn to ice skate. more efficent: Santos. Well, it was really just too American. Tsk, tsk. Therationale is supposedly that person who just left the seat youre about to sit in has left their body heat behind and that this can cause the spread of germs. It's not the only wackadoodle law that still exists in the States. For quite some time, I have enjoyed reading all the articles and comments. Read about these strange and wacky laws and more in Weird British Columbia Laws: * From 1947 to 1986, it was illegal to sell stoves on a Wednesday in Vancouver * Kelowna once permitted nude bathing in any public waters, but only between 9:00 pm and 6:00 am * In Port Coquitlam, it is against the law to own more than four pet rats or to allow your I hope the article helps other Expats and travelers in the future to avoid the same mistakes . Keep your eyes on your gas gauge and fill 'er up when you get low. After vandals used chewing gum to mess with the Mass Rapid Transit system and the Housing and Development Board spent $150,000 a year to clean gum liter, Singapore banned all gum substances in 1992. Pack a breathalyzer in France. Find out more, Copyright ESLstarter 2007-2023. Yet, I heard recently that Medellin had beautiful lights and lots to do during the Christmas holidays. Walking along the highway is unsafe, as is having your vehicle stalled on or on the side of the road. Best to leave your bear attire at home if visiting this Eastern European country, just to be safe. In Finland, however, taxi drivers are required by law to pay royalty fees for songs they play while driving passengers. In most parts of the Caribbean islands it is illegal to wear camouflage. Of course thats not the only reason because many just couldnt afford braces as a teen and are now catching up on the dental work. 1. Strange Laws in All of California. I retired to Cali three years ago from Houston, Texas with my wife and our 7-year old son. BACKGROUND: New initiative will make govt. Students of Trinity College have the right to demand a glass of wine during an exam. Although there is no jail time for the offense, you could risk . Here are 13 of those weird laws in Colorado that will leave you shaking your head. So, I am tentatively planning to buy three tickets and fly in for a week beginning December 25th. if there is no driver. And its soft in texture and pretty neutral in taste. Angela, Hi Angela, thank you for the explanation! For me, it wasnt really an issue because it is pretty similar to the culture in Switzerland. Because of this, Poland issued a ban on Winnie the Pooh around playgrounds and schools, finding the A.A. Milne character a bit too risqu for the likes of impressionable children. In my corner of America, clothing comfort consists of flip flops, cargo shorts, oversized hoodies and yoga/sweat pants to practically every event or outing. DON'T TOUCH ELECTRIC WIRES The good folks over at Olivet Nazarene University put together an infographic of some of the most outrageous, confusing and downright weird legislation instilled around our . Notorious for having dynamic speed limits that give drivers a chance to travel more than 100 miles per hour, car enthusiasts and speed demons love trips along the German Autobhan. Perhaps there were too many reported cases of intoxicated bee keepers allowing their bees to escape? The Air Fouling Legislation" of 2011 made it illegal for people in Malawi to "foul the air.". Hi Rich! I never heard about the brown time, but my friends and I call it the Colombian time. Turkmenistan Facts | Weird Laws & Bizarre Architecture Fans of the Detroit Red Wings hockey team have a tradition of throwing octopuses onto the ice for good luck. 40 Unusual Laws in History - History Collection If you're caught without this gadget in your car, you'll be expected . 21 air conditioning is everywhere. Good to know, right? Plata Limpia, Luis Guillermo Angel Restrepo, a.k.a. Their love to cheese goes so far, that they put it nearly on and in almost everything. Another country trying to combat noise pollution in weird ways is Spain. So I definitely agree its something that people should know before they go ! These publications may also contain other information including the text of international agreements, court decisions, official announcements, and government notices. Me too, I learned my lesson haha . By nature and upbringing Im courteous and social. #10: Flirting. So much so that all Canadian radio stations are required, by law, to play Canadian artists on the airwaves at least 35 percent of the time, especially during the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. See also:10 Reasons Why Colombia Should Be On Your Radar. Just about everywhere you go, there are laws against speeding or shoplifting, laws regulating the purchase and consumption of alcohol and zoning laws that dictate what kind of building you can construct where. 12 Things Colombians Do That Foreigners May Find Weird The country's Coat of Arms is on the front and its Treasury Seal is on the back with its motto, 'Paz y Justica' (Peace and Justice). The Strangest (Real) Laws in Indiana You've Never Heard Of - Enjuris Those who live 5 miles or more from the place where the invasion is occurring must announce it by beating on a drum or another method that alerts the town. I felt that it didnt need to be salty because it was just naturally delicious. Paraguay's flag is one of the world's oldest national flags. Fares across the country are usually higher on Sundays, holidays and during non-business hours. Beauty is really important in Colombia, especially women are putting a lot of effort in. Another law, also no longer enforced but which may explain the sad state and bad taste of Colombias most well established beers, governs the sale of alcohol. Enjoy your weekend. Still, there is this ancient law dating back to 1313 that prohibits it. Believe me when I say, you will never have to worry about getting bored in Medelln or other cities in Colombia, theres always something going on. Top 15 weird laws in the US that you would not believe exist Tibetan Buddist monks are not allowed to reincarnate after they die unless they have been granted permission from the government. 6639481. The list of foods in Colombia with cheese seems to be endless. Russians care about looks. Not sure this one has ever been enforced through. Article 8, law 88 of 1923: With the exception of soft drinks and beer with an alcohol content at or below 4%, in accordance with the provisions of this act, the sale of fermented beverages is prohibited between the hours of 6PM to 6AM, and on Sundays and public holidays.. A Colombian may have a cup of tinto in the morning with breakfast, with lunch, with an evening snack, as dessert with dinner. Another law, this time from the US state of Vermont, states that women must have their husbands permission to wear false teeth. My embarrassment tolerance went sky high since Im living in Colombia. Why this law exists is anyone's guess. OMG Name calling. A true travel insurance claim story Here's a tip: Never pat a monkey, even if it's on a leash: they can be vicious. Watch out: These weird laws around the world could land you behind bars. You usually see this behavior in movies. Even if the preacher asks if anyone has any objection to the wedding, if you are in South Australia, keep it to yourself. Maybe because I have many Hispanic friends. Did you think the French just really liked their Speedos? (No, I would never actually SAY this but sure am thinking it and boiling), Copyright 2020 Medellin Guru - All Rights Reserved. There seems to be a celebration for almost everything. Paraguay Facts for Kids. The artwork has to be approved as art, so hanging a picture sketched on a Post-It won't do. 1. There a many weird and strange laws in Colombia. Colombias mafia hired Spanish PR company to erase New initiative will make govt. 1. Why? While the law has been around for a while, fans continue to partake in this tradition. Ways You'll Get Arrested in Colombia - Culture Trip Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - NEW FINAL TRAILER (2022 If youve been wondering why, much to your chagrin, that Aguila (alcohol content 4%) you were nursing appeared to improve your spatial awareness and make people less interesting, look no further than to this law. All Rights Reserved. Photo of a women with braces outside of a dentist officeC. If you plant a flower in a pot without a drainage hole, you have created a public nuisance. Theres most probably gonna be some cheese on it. Children trick-or-treating on Halloween. Save for Sumo wrestlers, in an effort to prevent obesity in its citizens, Japan created the Metabo Law. The little fella will get spoiled, like a human baby. Strange Law 1: It is illegal for persons to hunt game from a moving vehicle, unless the game they are hunting is a whale. Besides that, this is so true lol. People place paper lanterns and candles, which placed on porches, balconies, streets, sidewalks, squares and parks in cities and pueblos throughout Colombia. Laws against fun are most common in centuries-old legislation. Im from Medelln and maybe I can help you with mono meanings. Its fresh cheese. In the Muslim United Arab Emirates, swearing could get you fined, jailed or deported. The law extends to goldfish as well. These things Colombians do you will need to get used to, but thats one of the nice things about foreign countries. Camouflage is only allowed to be worn by the country's military personnel. 2. So, you can wear a fake mustache to church as long as it doesn't elicit laughter. Disingenuous , petty, and very jealous. Colorado has its fair share of weird rules, some state-wide, some local to a city. In my opinion it is uncomfortable to get this question asked. For Europeans especially, air conditioning is something a little too modern for their antique architecture. Classically, it is performed by grasping a live chicken by the sholder blades and moving around one's head three times, symbolically transferring one's sins to the chicken. The list of celebrations in Colombia seems to be endless. I have met a few that are very punctual. No "Bat Signals" (or any other beacon) allowed in the sky. Colombia, a civil law country, has different inheritance laws from the US, which uses a common law system. Colombians are really friendly and welcoming people. If you are tried and convicted of horse theft, the penalty in Florida is still written as death by hanging. Every few years, articles describing "strange but true laws in each state" make the rounds on social media. does not wear pants. Colombia has the largest amount of unique wildlife in any part of the world. Adam Skowronski/flickr Raccoons are fair game, but only until 2 a.m. 3. Whereas in the U.S. or Europe, it seems almost only kids wear braces. I guess, for some things it is just not possible to have a rule for, that 100% fits. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. The 10 Weirdest and Strangest Laws in Alaska (2023) - Liner Law It's illegal to kill Bigfoot Bigfoot hunters, beware. You may not forsake or insult your parents, you must take care of their farm for them, and you must provide for them, among other laws. The future of Medellin Guru needs the help of readers to remain ad free. The islands want to look clean while you're cleaning. Be polite and cover tattoos, respect "no photograph" signs, and don't turn your back on him. Germans believe you have the power to keep your car properly gassed up, so if you run out of gas, it's your own fault. Top 10 Weirdest Australian Laws That Are Still in Effect The Brits could revoke the law, but, as armor really isn't as fashionable as it was in the Middle Ages, why should they bother? Skamania County, Washington, was the first county to draft the law in 1964 which states that "any . Aliviado? NEBRASKA. Just in case you get hungry, Idaho will imprison you up to 14 years if you eat the flesh or blood of a person. The majority of the diversity of Colombias wildlife lives in the dense Amazon rain forest, contributing to its mega diverse status. This isn't just for saying the inappropriate words aloud. We compiled a list of weird laws around the world you may not believe exist. Let me out of here!!!!!! Totally agree with you about the cheese, it really doesnt need to be salty its delicious the way it is. jajajajajaja hopefully find another that can come to enjoy and not criticize . 1. But for the many dog owners who ignore this law, science is now against you. They claim it is for health and safety. He was threatened with three weeks in jail for his choice of words. Or sometimes they bring up some random excuses like: I need to go grocery shopping with my mom, thats not even necessarily a lie. No fish is allowed to be caught barefoot in Kansas. And don't even think of walking to a gas station; you'll get another fine for that! When you have a dog you can enter most restaurants and most stores with it. adding ta(s) to(s) to the end of words is a very common way to describe people. They just dont seem to prioritize time very much. It is illegal for men and women to have a sexual relationship if they are not married, as provided by article 490 of Morocco's penal code. We're not sure exactly what level of dirt is permitted or how often the rule is actually enforced. Street sellers are everywhere in Colombia selling a wealth of weird and wonderful objects, just for less than a dollar, you can rent a pre-1999 mobile to make calls, known locally as buying minutes. In Canada, it's now legal to engage in oral sex with your pet. This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Being late. Colombia is a different country with different habits and some things Colombians do may seem to be weird by foreigners. Becoming more widely spotted, the pink river dolphin, or Amazon River dolphin, is an inhabitant in Colombia. Japan was like the country version of the movie "Footloose." Theres no age limit for partying here. The beautiful city prevents people from playing dominoes in public, allegedly because the pieces make too much noise when they clink as players put them down. In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens her mother must be in . It's illegal to give, sell, do away with, even use, use stink bombs in the state of Alabama. 14 Strange Laws From Around the World - Insider Alaska. Endemic species are species that only exist in one country. As any of my hispanic friends will assert, its a brown thing. In either case, all is good. . The colors of the Colombia flag are yellow, blue and red. Tweet this. more efficent: Santos, Think tanks propose new court to combat corruption in Colombia, Judges unfamiliar with international legal norms concerning womens rights: Colombias former minister of justice, Colombias justice minister begs judges to stop shutting prisons, promises new prisons soon, Colombias new prison code wont cause massive prison releases: govt. In an effort to keep the streets of Barcelona free of beachgoers in bikinis and men going shirtless, lawmakers in the Spanish town on the Mediterranean banned anyone from being topless or in a swimsuit in public anywhere but the beach or a pool. Whether it is through tarot cards, palm reading or any other method, fortune telling is banned across the state of Maryland. Keep in mind, that this is just the way they talk to each other no matter if youre a foreigner or a local. Here's a list of strange laws in the State of Alaska. This means that in an hour of radio during the workweek, you'll hear more than 20 minutes of artists like Nickelback, Alanis Morissette, Celine Dion, Michael Bubl and Justin Bieber all of whom are proud Canucks. 1. 20 Strange Laws In The Golden State - CoverHound